A rebirth with magic

"Naramane! Ki la gata!" Those were the first 'words' Havien heard after being reborn.

When that god said rebirth, he literally meant coming out of the womb.

When Havien regained consciousness, he felt like he was inside a sticky, warm fluid that disgusted him to no end.

He also found out that he can't control his body at all. He can't open his eyes, nor he can do any movements. It was like sleep paralysis.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his butt, which led him to cry out instinctively.

"Naramane, si maya, ki la gata!" Havien once again heard these words, and he guessed that the meanings should be similar to "Congratulations, 'si maya', it's a boy."

Now that Havien had gotten his bearings, he opened his eyes for the first time in this world.

At first it was blurry, but soon he found himself staring at a high-quality stone ceiling, with chandeliers above him that were not lighted with either electricity or fire.

The midwife who assisted in giving birth soon gave Havien to the mother, who looked very unique and beautiful with white hair and crimson-red eyes, and she looked at Havien with a warm and loving look, with tears in her eyes due to the pain of delivery.

"Si kiri gata." She said lovingly, while Havien still had no clue about the language.

"Ame si hira lora?" A man's voice was heard as he walked in on the room where the midwife and the mother was present. He had black hair and white eyes, and he was really handsome too, giving off a mature vibe.

"Si parera, ki la gata. Naime la kera?" The midwife responded, to which he has deduced the meaning by now, "My lord, it's a boy, What will be its name?"

Havien was thankful that the language structure was similar to English, otherwise, he would have had a lot of problems.

"Hmm... Havien. Havien Crimsonwhite." the father responded.

'Holy shit. What a coincidence. I'm pretty sure that god arranged it this way so I have the same name.' Havien thought in his mind, 'cause this coincidence was too much of a coincidence.

As he was quietly watching, the man approached his wife and held out his hand in front of her. Closing his eyes, he concentrated, and suddenly a green glow shot out from his hand.

The mother now looked extremely comfortable basking in that green light, as she slowly fell asleep.

'HOLY SHIT! HE WAS NOT KIDDING! IT WAS MAGIC! PROBABLY SOME KIND OF MAGIC TO BRING RELIEF! MAGIC REALLY DOES EXIST HERE!' Havien thought excitedly in his mind at his first contact with magic. Even just seeing it was enough to incite his curiosity to the max. The man then approached Havien and shot out the same green light.

'Wow... it really was some kind of comfort magic... I'm feeling sleepy...' Havien thought as he slipped into dreamland, dreaming about magic.




Like this, a month has passed by. Havien has figured out a lot of things about his current situation.

First of all, he learned the language. In just a month, due to Havien's mother talking to him a lot and his own learning abilities, he has grasped the language of this region. Now, he can understand all day-to-day conversations, but having a little trouble with complex words.

He learned that he was a noble, and his family was the Crimsonwhites. He was in an empire called the Adrunate empire. It seemed that his family was pretty important and high-ranking among the nobles, so he could at least not worry about dying of starvation or disease.

His father's name was Harmond Crimsonwhite, while his mother's name was Alesia Crimsonwhite. They were the patriarch and the lady of the Crimsonwhite family. It also seemed he had 2 older brothers and 1 older sister, but they were out of station doing their jobs.

They were honestly pretty good folks, and Havien had decided that he would act like their child, to not cause these good folks undeserved trouble.

Alesia was a loving mother who spent a lot of time with Havien. Although he didn't need it, he still appreciated it and was able to learn the language a lot faster than he thought.

His father though, was a busy man. He would see Havien only once every few days, but he would make the most out of their time as he would play with Havien. But most importantly,

He would show Havien lots of magic.

Harmond had figured out that Havien liked seeing magic, so he tried to show as much magic to Havien as possible. He would also give out lectures about magic even though he knew that Havien is too small to understand it, he still did it.

However, he didn't know that Havien understood most of the things he talked about.

And now, he was about to attempt the biggest things he had ever done in life.

Forming a mana core.

'Forming a mana core is the beginning and the fundamental of the mage's life. It is an extremely important process that those who want to become a mage go through.

The natural affinity of a person towards mana depends on how early the mana core of a person is formed. While affinity towards mana is not all that contributes towards the talent of a mage, it is a big part of it.

Potential mages usually start sensing mana at the age of 12 and consciously gather mana which is scattered naturally throughout their body. A magic genius forms his mana core in one or 1 and a half years. Talented people take 2-3 years while the average is 4 years.

There have been cases of prodigies of magic naturally forming a mana core under the age of 10, as they had so high affinity towards magic that they just needed to grow up and mana naturally reacted towards them. There were even stories in legends about a child of mana forming his mana core at the age of 7.

Now, forget about years. I'm eager to learn about magic as much as I can. For that, I need as much affinity as I could get. I have already learned how to do it, and it's pretty simple. All I need to do is meditate and gather the mana scattered naturally in my body.'

While lying on a crib, Havien closed his eyes and meditated about himself. He tried to feel his body as much as he could, just like he did when awakening his Gaias.

For some reason, the Gaias had fallen silent after his rebirth, but he retained his looks of post-Gaia awakening.

As he looked into himself, he was utterly shocked.


Indeed, he had a ridiculous amount of mana. He did not know how much a newborn is supposed to have, but surely, it must not have been this much.

'With this much mana, I would have been able to form my mana core in 4 years naturally without any effort. This is utterly beyond the so-called child of mana.'

While it was a good thing that Havien had this much mana, there were downsides too. Havien is naturally supposed to form a mana core out of this mana at the age of 4, but since he decided to do it earlier on, it will be an extremely difficult task manually gathering all of the mana and forming a core.

'Well... gotta do it. For the magic!' Havien exclaimed in his mind as he started the process.




'FUCK! MY HEAD HURTS!' Havien exclaimed in his mind as he started to cry out in his baby's body. While the maids rushed and tended to him. Havien analyzed the project which he has undertaken.

'This is the first time in my life, that I felt that I pushed my mind too hard. It was like counting 50 different numbers at the same time. I could only do it for a few hours. After that, my head starts to hurt and I'm done for the day.

At this rate, it's gonna take me a month!' Havien thought while lamenting his 'slow' speed.

One must know that for normal humans, counting three different numbers at the same time is extremely taxing already (try it). Havien was able to do 50 at a time for a whole hour.




A month has passed by. Havien has continued his daily routine of being a baby and forming a mana core. Today, he was doing the last step. He had already gathered all the mana scattered throughout his body into one place. All he needed to do now was compress it.

'Okay... here goes nothing.' Havien said as he used all his brainpower to compress all that mana into a singular spot in his heart.


The whole Crimsonwhite mansion shook as they heard a serious blast coming from the baby's room. All the servants in the house rushed towards the room, with the father being the fastest, as he broke down walls and doors to reach the room.

As they went inside, they saw a floating child with a blue glow surrounding him giving off intense mana fluctuations.

Havien had successfully formed a mana core, a resplendent white ball which was shining like a midday sun.