Mirror, mirror...

Beyond the doors, lay a mirror maze.

"I think the next trial is solving the maze..." Havien said, carefully looking around.

"...Guys?" He then looked back, now finding out that he was now alone.

'...This is somehow better. I don't have any burdens anymore.'

It felt eerie seeing all those crystal clear reflections of yourself, and this maze did not just have mirrors, it also had invisble glass walls too.

'This amusement park minigame somehow became extremely realistic... I wonder what will happen if I touch this glass?'

Havien went a few steps forward and touched a mirror.

All of a sudden, his mind blacked out, and he teleported back to the starting point, which was just a few steps behind.

In front of Havien now, there were three pixelated hearts, and one of them just dulled out.

Havien horrifyingly realised that he wasted one of his life.

'Shit. I need ever life I can get. What a waste, damn...'