Mirror, Mirror... (2)

Meanwhile, Stella was facing the same trial as Havien, but not exactly the same. She had now just finished her maze.


"Finally, I'm out of that fucking maze. The trial maker must be a fucking sadist to create that shit." She exclaimed as she finally relaxed her mind.

'That maze just teleported you to the start every time you touched a wall or a mirror. Moreover, the maze changed every time you got teleported... I had to try for about a thousand times before I made it.'

Yes, Stella did not have a heart penalty. She had gotten infinite chances, otherwise, she would not be standing here.

That extra restriction of the hearts was only on Havien, as he was facing the trials for a completely different reward. So, the discrimination was justified.

"Now what..." Stella muttered as she walked into the room with black walls and a single mirror.