
"H-havien, are you okay?" Stella asked with concern, seeing Havien losing it.

Havien took a few deep breaths before replying,

"I'm fine, just... Pissed off. I already knew that the trials I was facing were harder, but the difference is way too much.

Now, there is a chance that due to me facing harder trials, the ones which require teamwork would be significantly harder for you guys."

"You are correct." A strange voice was heard in the minds of everybody. Havien and Stella recognised that voice, but the rest heard it for the first time.

Then, a wisp appeared out of nowhere in front of the party.

"Who are you?!" Raven exclaimed as he took a defensive position.

"Relax, trial takers. I am the one overlooking these trials. According to the will of the puzzle monarch, everyone who clears the trials will get rewards. Just that, the rewards depend on the difficulty assigned to each person at the start.