Chapter 11 - The final competition

The next day Lin Yunfeng waited by the school gates with a huge duffle bag on his shoulder.

The second round of their mathletes competition was in s city. He had searched up their venue, genius school in S city. it was just two hours from here. the school had informed them to assemble in front of the school gates early in the morning at seven.

Along with them were a few girls who were participating in the football match at the school in s city.

He noticed a few gazes falling on him.

Yunfeng yawned loudly. "why are we even waiting here?" he tiredly leaned against the school walls and closed his eyes.

They could have already caught a car by now but the teacher insisted they wait there for no good reason.

Jai patted his shoulders. "The bus will be here soon."

"Bus!" Yunfeng stood up straight. "Did you just say bus?"

"Yeah," Jai frowned slightly. "Did you take your motion sickness medicine?"

He grabbed Jai's shoulders and shook him. "You said we're going by bus?!"

"you crazy baboon what is wrong with you?" Jai pushed his hand off his shoulders.

Yunfeng excitedly started to shake. 'I'm going on a bus!!' he had only seen buses in the museum. They had gone obsolete when the flying cars and flying routes were set up in the sky. The buses just became a museum piece.

He had always wanted to know how it would feel to travel in such an ancient machine.

Right as he was thinking of this the bus rolled up in front of them.

Eyes wide open, Yunfeng peered up at the huge bus. It was painted in pink with a few flowers on the side. Just looking at it, his heart started to pound loudly in his chest.

Jai pulled the dazed Yunfeng into the bus.

Yunfeng excitedly ran to the back of the bus and sat on the window seat. He then gazed up at his friend, patting the set next to him. "Jai! Come here."

Jai frowned slightly as he plopped his ass down. "There are only twenty of us, we can sit in the front." He looked at him worriedly.

Yunfeng shook his head. "Why? Back seats are the best,"

"Whatever," Jai shrugged and sat there with his eyes closed.

The teacher came in to check the number of students, and then the bus started to move.

Slowly, the bus drove onto the main roads. Soon it sped up.

Yunfeng tightly grabbed the headrest in front of him. "This is so exciting!! I feel like I'm going on an adventure,"

But soon that excitement numbed down.

His tummy started to roll uncomfortably.

"Jai…." Yunfeng tugged at his sleeves. "Why does it hurt to travel by bus?"

Jai sighed. "Take your motion sickness medicine."

"What is that?"

Jai's eyes went wide ever so slightly. He hit his shoulders hard. "You forgot your medicine yet you came and sat here? get your ass up," he dragged him to the front seat.

The soccer girls had already occupied those seats.

"Um, girls, can you mind switching seats with us? This guy is not feeling that great," he dragged Yunfeng who was pale as a sheet of paper.

The girls gazed at him with a blush and started to pack their stuff.

"oh lord…" Yunfeng held his mouth tightly. The puke was rolling out forcefully. He swallowed it with difficulty. A pair of fat tears dripped down his face. "Jai…. I hate buses…"

Jai rolled his eyes. "Does anyone have motion sickness medicine?" he gazed around at the twenty students/

No one answered.

"Here," Fu Lee unexpectedly handed a small tablet. "it will only start working after half an hour. Until then, give him a puke bag," he took out a small black bag and handed it to him.

Yunfeng ran to him and plucked it out of his hand. With a trembling hand, he opened the bag and threw up his stomach's contents.

Fu Lee grimaced. "if you get this sick, why didn't you take your meds?"

"I didn't know!!" he wiped his tears off his face and swallowed the sourness in his mouth. "Water," he plucked the water bottle from Lee's bag and gulped the tablet down.

"Hey, that's mine."

"You can have mine later,"

Weirdly so, Fu Lee blushed softly with his head lowered. "I drank from it though…."

Yunfeng, who was ignorant of this, happily drank the whole bottle. Jai then pulled him to the front seat

he leaned his head on Jai's comfortable shoulders. They both were five foot five, so it was much more convenient to sleep on each other's shoulders.

Jai gently wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Do you want some candy?"

"No… I just want to sleep…" mumbling he closed his eyes.

The faint smell of strawberries filled his nostrils. 'He still likes this scent…'

Smelling that familiar fragrance brought about a small smile.

Jai loved strawberries and had been obsessed with them. But he never showed it. So, when he gave him a pheromone perfume with strawberry undertones his friend had been overwhelmed with joy. It was the first time Jai had ever hugged him on his own violation. he had loved it so much that he wore it every day to school.

Two hours passed so fast and they had reached S city.

A loud horn awakened Yunfeng.

He sat up in a daze. "Are we there yet?" he massaged his sore neck and gazed at his friend.

"In a few minutes," Jai packed up both their stuff in their bags.

after ten minutes or so the bus came to a halt right next to a school building.

"Looks like we are here," Jai nudged Yunfeng and got off the bus.

They were directly taken to the competition hall. at least fifty or so students form different schools filled the hall.

as soon as they entered, all gaze fell on them.

Yunfeng and others walked up to their marked seats in the second to the front row and took their places.

Jai whistled softly. "They have even got an international school involved. Those guys are pretty tough to beat," he gestured to the group dressed in red.

as Yunfeng gazed their way. Their team only had four people. three women and a man. The student looked about six feet tall standing above all of them.

from this angel Yunfeng only noted his familiar blond hair.

as if sensing his gaze, the man turned over.

Their eyes met across the hall.

Yunfeng pointed at him in shock. "You?!"

and so did Liang. "You…."

he walked up to him. "Senior, you're from Beijing high?"

"Yeah, didn't expect to see you here kid." Liang cast a friendly smile his way. "Guys this is my junior from work. Please do treat him harshly." he pulled Yunfeng into a half hug.

Jai walked up to them. "Yun,"

"boss man, you're here too," Liang smiled at him strangely and reached for a hug.

Jai stepped back slightly. "Yunfeng, we have to prepare for the competition," he pulled Yunfeng to their seat.

this level of competition had the tests. First the group test. they will be given sixty seconds and their team has to answer as many as they could.

Yunfeng's team was assigned to be the second team for this test.

"Nervous?" Liang came up behind them with a bright smirk.

Jai weirdly looked away. "No,"

"Well, it's a simple test. you will pass it for sure boss man,"

Yunfeng gazed at them with both his brows raised.

"oh Yunfeng, did you think about modeling? my friend's brand could really use a fresh look like yours." Liang playfully touched Yun's hair.

Jai pushed his hand away. "Talk, don't touch."

"as you say boss," with a flirty grin Liang gazed at Jai. "Yun? what do you say?"

Yunfeng shook his head. "No… don't want to."

"Well, let me know when you are interested." Liang cast a smile at Jia and left with a swagger in his step.

Jai gazed at him with an unknown look. "Don't try modeling and all. it's a messy business."

Yunfeng perceived something weird between these two. "What is up with you and him?"

Jai had a strange flush on his face. "Nothing,"

"It doesn't look like nothing to me. you're blushing…" he pinched his cheeks.

Jai glared at him deeply. "Did you finish the history papers I gave you?"

"Aww don't change the subject. do you have a crush on him?"

"Shut up,"

soon it was their turn.

thanks to Fu Lee and Yunfeng they finished the first level of competition much faster than they had expected so they had a lot of free time.

Yunfeng and Jai headed to the cafeteria

the second level of the Mathletes competition will only start at 2 am so they had ample time to have a leisurely lunch and roam around the school campus. Since it was weakened the campus was completely empty, giving off a serene feeling.

Spring flowers were starting to bloom around the campus and outside the school roads. Yunfeng and Jai took a stroll around the road.

Pink cherry blossom petals fluttered down like a beautiful pink rain. Some landed on his shoulders and his hair.

Chuckling, he removed them and delicately stored them in his pocket.

Cherry blossom plants were rare in his time. They were practically extinct. Only one tree that' survived was kept in a natural museum. Even that did not bloom as beautifully as these did.

It was such a sight to behold.

the roads were not that busy during the weekends.

only a few vehicles passed by them.

Yunfeng noticed one of the black vehicles slowing down beside them

Seeing the familiar-colored vehicle, Yunfeng felt his instinctive fear arise in his mind. He backed away, trembling.

Jai stepped up in front of him.

The car door opened, and a figure clad fully in black and wearing a mask came out.

Yunfeng hid behind Jai, tightly grabbing his hand. "No…."

The man revoked his large sunglasses to reveal a familiar pair of phoenix eyes. "I found you at last,"