Chapter 10 - Nostralgia

His first day of part-time work ended up being a booming success. the restaurant was fully booked till 11 pm. He had been working for just three hours but his whole back and arms were starting to ache.

Massaging his arms, he walked into the changing room.

Jai who was busy taking notes for him, gazed up at him. "how did it go? Did that customers find trouble with you?"

"No, I just passed the message to them and left." He started to strip.

Jai instantly turned his back to him.

Yunfeng peculiarly gazed at him. "we are all men. Why do you have to be so shy…." but he understood omegas were not meant to parade their body. It was considered offensive... bla bla… his mum had talked about this to him.

'I've seen this guy's dick what's wrong with showing a bit of my back.' rolling his eyes he removed his shirt. but as he gazed at the worn-out iron locker, he suddenly remembered something. In this world, there was no such thing as alpha betas and omega.

His eyes widened. "I love this place ~" humming, he wore his school uniform.

Jai subtly grinned and closed the book. "I made sure to take notes according to the time frame. If you study all this you will be able to get at least 70 percent."

"Is that enough to get a scholarship in major colleges?"

Jai froze. "You need to get at least ninety percent to get a scholarship,"

"Fuck, I'll read through this tonight. Can you suggest me any reference books to read," he sat down next to him.

"You just need to read the school books," Jai blinked at him. "You are being serious about this…. it's very hard to get a scholarship Yun."

"I can only try," he shrugged. "oh, can we go to our mum's restaurant for dinner? She invited you,"

Jai nodded and packed up all the books. "About time. I was craving her Takayuki,"

They both ran out playing and tugging at each other, but at a crossroads, Yunfeng hurriedly crossed it. Looking back, he saw Jai standing there with a peculiar look on his face.

He waved at him. "Why aren't you following me?"

"That is the wrong way…" Jai's eyes scrutinized him.

Lin Yunfeng's smile froze for a second. 'oh fuck, I completely forgot! I don't even know where my mum's place is…. Shit, what if Jai notices I don't know… what should I do..'

He ran up to him with an awkward smile. "I'm just testing to see If you remember."

Jai scoffed. "of course, I remember. I literally grew up there" he turned around, taking the right.

Yunfeng walked a step behind, following him subtly.

Jai didn't seem to notice this. He was giving him pointers on which subjects to focus on and he even shared some of the past years question papers with him.

In no time, they were in a small, busy alleyway. There were so many small stalls selling fresh vegetables and produce.

Yunfeng frowned slightly. 'Is this the way?'

Walking further in they reached a dead end.

"Jai, Yunfeng, come in," his mum's cheerful voice woke him up.

Yunfeng walked into the small store. The chars were cramped into the small space. It could only fit about ten people at most.

The crowd was sparse, only two old men chatting cheerfully.

As soon as they noticed them, the old men smiled at them. "Ah Yun, Jai how was your mock exam kids? Did you pass his time?"

His mum stomped over to them and slammed a jug of water. "he is working hard, that is all that matters. I know my son will achieve greatness. Just you watch you, old cronies."

"yeah, yeah," the old men laughed. One of them gave Yunfeng a look. "you look good kid, you can be an… what do you call, star? no idol. They earn a shit ton.,"

"don't teach my son crooked way old man," his mum fiercely glared at them both and walked over to him. "why are you both standing by the door? Come in. Jai, why didn't you visit aunty ah?" she looped her arms around his and led him in.

The shop was old, like very old and small. But the delicious smell coming from the kitchen was overwhelming every bit of his senses.

he never had a chance to eat his mum's home-cooked food. In fact, his mum did not even know how to cook. Without the robot cook, they would have starved for sure.

But in this life he got to taste all the delicious meals made by his mum.

It brought him immense happiness

but at the same time, his heart clenched at the sight of his aging mother.

'I have to earn money fast.'

They sat down and his mum brought in a huge plate full of rice cakes, roasted beef, and other dishes.

Yunfeng shook out of that disappointed state and ate the delicious food with a loud sigh. it was so fucking delicious. It was so much better than his robot cook.

"Mum I'll build you a five-star restaurant. You can't waste your talents," he mumbled, chewing on the beef.

She smiled and wiped the oil off his mouth. "We all have to start from somewhere. I'm pretty sure in the future we will all live very comfortably"

Yunfeng nodded. "Yes!! I'll make sure that we will live well. Lest all work hard."

She seemed proud to hear him declare that. but after a while she looked at him doubtfully. "Why are you being so sweet? What did you do?"

"Why, can't I be sweet without a reason?"

Her head snapped Jai's way. "Did he flunk his math mock exam? Tell me the truth, Jai. You can't lie to aunty,"

Jai chuckled. "actually, it's the opposite. He got a perfect score."

"Really?" she doubtfully looked him up and down. "is this really my son?"

Yunfeng's heart stopped for a second. eyes wide open he gazed up at her. "I.. I'm your son!"

she sighed and hit his head with her index finger. "Lucky boy, someone must have added their roll number by mistake"

he let out a breath of relief. 'Wait did she just diss me?' he looked at her in complete shock. "My own mother doesn't even believe me. Jai, you are the only person in the whole world who would believe me,"

"Actually, I doubted you too. But then I remember that you have no talent in copying what so ever and then I started to believe you,"

Yunfeng gaped at him. "Betrayer,"

They all laughed out loud and enjoyed the dinner.


In the other part of the city Ren Muchen was sitting on the hospital bed shaking his leg. The steel bed frame shook lightly giving off an eerie creek now and then.

"Can you just stop doing that," Shao hit his leg.

Muchen glared up at him. "don't touch me…." he once again gazed at his reports. He had just gotten tested for poison but his blood stream came out clean. It was fucking clean. He couldn't believe it. "are you sure no one's messing with us?"

"this is the report they gave ah! just trust me. you are completely fine,"

"Agh!" Muchen bit into the file in frustration.

"Dog," Shao softly dissed him under his breath.

giving him a glare ren Muchen spat the report out. "Then how on earth is it clean? I was so sure my aunt had poisoned my soup!"

Shao stood by his side shaking his head. "You should be thankful it was not poisoned. Or else you could have died! You are so reckless lately," sighing he sat down on the side chair. "so, what is your plan now?"

"I don't have to ditch my plan. All I have to do is pretend to be poisoned." He looked at him with that same fanatic look.

Shao sat back and massaged his brows. "You crazy bastard."

Muchen laughed softly. "They made my life a living hell, why can't I retaliate? Bring out my previous test report. Let's edit it out and change the dates,"

"And?" by now Shao was already numb to all his crazy plans.

"I'll just post a sad post on Weibo. This also gives me a reason to reject that movie. Isn't that a good plan?"

"Yeah, good luck with that. He is adamant in signing you. Wait I'll prove it" Shao sat flipped through his contacts and called the director immediately.

The call went through instantly and a cold voice spoke through the speaker. "Did he agree?"

"He is poisoned,"

"Did he die?"

"No," Shao gave Muchen a look. "He was poisoned but it did not affect him much. The doctor has suggested he should rest,"

"How long?"

Muchen crazily shook his head.

Shao smiled at him. "He only needs a month,"

"it's settled. I'll start my movie in a month. Everyone, he agreed!! we need to find the second lead immediately!!" The busy town was heard after that.

Shao gave him a knowing smile. "He only wants you."

Muchen coldly gazed out the window. this crazy director was his one and only friend from his college days. the man had been completely bonkers since the day they had met. he would occasionally pester him to pose as his model or something and by the end of it the man always achieved what he wanted. the only way to dissuade him from hiring him as his next actor is to use his pitiful aura.

"Where is he at?"

"In S city, at his ancestral home. Why do you ask?" Shao confusedly frowned.

"Well, I'm going to kill that fucker."