Chapter 14 - Shower cap to the rescue

The car behind them accelerated and caught up with them.

"Speed up," Yunfeng coldly peered out the window the guy probably had a few guns with him. It was very dangerous to let that person any closer to them. he patted Muchen's hands. "Faster!"

"I'm going as fast as I can!" the annoying man flung his hand off. "Keep your head in if you do not want to lose it," he dragged him in by the collar.

The shooter hit their side-view mirror, shattering it to pieces.

crouching down Yunfeng glared his way. "Well, if you go faster, it can definitely save my head!" he used a piece of the shattered mirror to look out. "That guy is catching up." he gripped the man's sleeve. just a few minutes later his stomach already started to act up. it was aching ever so slightly. "This can't go on…" His wandering eyes fell to the back seats searching for some weapons to use.

"That bastard hit something…It won't go faster than this!" Muchen grumbled speeding up on the highway. "fuck I can't get caught speeding ill lose my license.."

"it's better than dying. a cop catching onto us is also good. There is a high chance that guy will leave us be." Yunfeng leaned down and picked out a huge black duffel back. inside he found a few cans of hair spray and many bottles of makeup and a few energy drinks.

"What are you doing?"

Yunfeng had his mouth close tight holding back his puke. 'I can't embarrass myself anymore... not in front of this pervert.'

Muchen grabbed his collar and pulled him up "did you get shot or something? why are you doing that? did you eat a bug?"

Yunfeng tried his best to hold back but he couldn't. 'No!!! its coming!' he searched for something. just anything to catch his vomit. but to his dismay, there were no disposable bags.

with trembling hands, he took out a small shower cap.

"Seriously, what happened to you? you were fine just a minute ago…" he insistently pulled him up.,

Yunfeng shook his hands off and hurriedly tore off a small sample shower cap and emptied his stomach's contents in it.

"Fuck!" Muchen let go of him instantly. "God that's disgusting…."

Yunfeng retched loudly until his eyes teared up. "s-shut up…."

"Are you poisoned?"

With tears in his eyes, Yunfeng glared up at him. "I have motion sickness!"

"oh…there are a lot of shower caps in there. I think….. Use all you want. please don't soil my leather seats. They are hard to clean."

Pouting Yunfeng tore open another shower cap and held it close to his nose. "can't we just drive to the cops?"

"You heard my friend? My aunt has people in some powerful gang. Going to the police will only implicate innocent people."

"Then we are just going to drive crazily until our cars stop?"


"Fuck." Yunfeng tiredly closed his eyes. Ancient vehicles were not something his delicate stomach can handle. He tied the makeshift puke bag and kept it by his leg.

All of a sudden, the car jerked upfront.

"That jerk is ruining my car!" Muchen glared back at the black car following after them. "oh, I wish I could just shoot that mother fucker down."

"I have an even better idea. Slow down a bit." Yunfeng picked up his puke bag.

Soon the two cars were driving parallel together.

Yunfeng lowered his head and made sure Muchen was also down and low. "Hey bastard! do you have the guts to face us huh? shoot us. we are right here."

When that guy lowered his window to shoot at them, Yunfeng accurately threw his puke bag right at his face.

The car veered to the side, hitting the traffic lights.

Muchen grinned widely. "Darn you're good. I'll even pay you four times the cost. With you as my bodyguard I can go anywhere I want."

"Bodyguard?" Yunfeng gargled his mouth and spat it out. "Is that why you said you wanted me before?"

"Yeah, what else do you think so?" Muchen gazed at him peculiarly. Seeing his skeptical glare, he nodded understandably. "ohhhh you thought I was trying to buy you? Get your mind out of the gutter."

Yunfeng patted his heated face. "What do you expect me to think of? You just scoped me by the side of the road and tried to buy me off."

"I just wanted you to act as my witness when I sent my aunt to jail. But that plan has long sailed. I don't want her in jail." Muchen suddenly smiled dazzlingly. "I want that bitch dead."

Yunfeng turbulent heartbeat started to go out of control. He felt slightly breathless and weak on his feet. 'What is this? why am I feeling this way?' he hurriedly searched his arms and legs for any wounds.

'I'm not poisoned… why am I reacting this way? It's not normal…' he gritted his teeth loudly as that rose scent became much more intense.

'wait… it isn't that is it? no.. this world doesn't have a third gender. Right?' he worriedly looked up at Muchen. "Are you an alpha?"

"Huh? A what?"

"An alpha?"

"Mumm no, I'm a human." Muchen peered at the kid. Ever since they met he had been getting a weird vibe from him. First of all, his touch didn't make him feel disgusted and then there was that scent. "What perfume do you use?"

"I don't use perfume….." his doe-like eyes widened even so slightly. "do you smell something on me?"

"Oranges. I smell oranges."

Yunfeng hurriedly sniffed his own armpits. He could not smell a darn thing. that was the only issue about their gender. They would not be able to smell their own scent. plus, it was impossible for a new omega to control its pheromones.

so, they had developed pheromone stickers for that.

'There is no such thing here!!! how will I control my pheromones? Especially with this guy. He seems to be an alpha…' he worriedly bit his nails.

"Fuck he's back…" Muchen coldly gazed at the side mirror.

"Where?" panting Yunfeng put his head out to look.

Muchen pulled him in. "he is driving a moped. Hold tight onto your shower cap it might get rough." He swerved their car and drove into the right alleyway.

Yunfeng puked even more. "Ugh I hate this. when will flying cars be invented?"

Muchen laughed out loud. "You want to see a flying car? I'll show you/" he drove through a small alley that led down to a huge staircase.

"no… you wouldn't." eyes wide open he peered up at him.

Muchen's eyes twinkled with a naughty glint. "Oh yes I definitely would." he drove their car off the rails sliding down the staircase.

"ahhhh!!!!!! I hate you so much Muchen!!!!!"

The car forcefully hit the bottom. Poor bonnet tore off and slid to the side. The car surprisingly survived this ordeal.

Yunfeng dropped his puke-filled shower cap on his lap with all the shaking. His whole body was drenched in nasty yellow liquid.

"wow, karma is instant. You hit that guy's face with vomit now you Yourself are covered in it. tsk tsk oh how the world works." Muchen tsked loudly.

Yunfeng slowly turned his head his way. "if you don't shut up ill kill you."

"Sorry, you might have to stand in line. That guy is already up front,"

Screeching loudly, the car drove to another highway.

Another wave of puke rose up his throat. This time Yunfeng did not hold it in. he puked all over the car. With a grin, he gazed up at him. "Your dear darling car seats are ruined for life,"

"it's okay. I can claim insurance." Muchen shrugged.

Yunfeng's smile dropped. "Fuck you."

"You wish you can~"