Chapter 15 - Dragged down to hell

The crazy bastard Muchen drove the car like it was a game. He swerved right, left and even made the car fly off the road.

All the while, Yunfeng held on for dear life. His grumbling stomach made it much harder for him to actually sit tight. He once again puked in the shower cap. "Just stop… I'll get off."

"You threw puke on that guy's face. Do you think he will spare your life?" Muchen jokingly pinched his cheeks. "Go on make more puke-bombs. we might need it."

Yunfeng pushed his hand away. "Shut up. it's all because of you. Oh, I wish had let that guy shoot you down."

"So many people wish that." Muchen weirdly said in a serious tone.

The car fell into a weird silence.

'Did I hurt this jerk's feelings?' Yunfeng carefully looked at his expression. That guy's smile had long gone. He just looked pissed off his mind. he closed his eyes, sniffing that tantalizing, seductive rose scent. 'Ahh even his pheromones are sexy…. Wish I could bottle it up and sell it…'

Muchen cussed loudly, bringing him out of his dazed state.

Shaking his head Yunfeng pulled his eyes away from him. 'He is a crazy jerk. Just ignore his scent. Everything I'll be good.' he had seen omegas go into heat before. Usually, it would take at least a day for their body to finally get ready for mating and then on it was just fuck fest.

'I still have time…'

Yunfeng opened his eyes, letting out a deep breath. But as soon as he did, he spotted something. He just saw something ball roll away from their car.

"Was that our…..."

suddenly the car leaned to his side.

"Yes, that was our wheel. But insurance will cover it." Muchen said, chuckling.

"Insurance? I don't care about your insurance. I care about my life, you bastard! Drop me off somewhere. I'd rather be shot than be involved in a car accident with you." He hurriedly pulled the car handle.

Muchen tsked. "don't you strategically there is a higher chance of survival with car accidents than being shot? Tsk what do they teach kids nowadays in school?"

"They teach general knowledge, not mafia knowledge you asshat. stop the car!" the bastard had pressed on the child safety lock. Growling, he glared at him deeply. "I'll jump out the window."

"You can go ahead." Muchen lowered the window for him.

Yunfeng gazed out at the passing scenery and suddenly his stomach acted up again. He puked painfully. He simply leaned back in and tried to calm down. "gods kill me, no no,… god save me from this devil incarnate."

Muchen laughed out loud. He had never had so much fun in such a long time. This guy was fucking hilarious. "You must have been a jester in your past life. Such talent can't be wasted what do you say I can hook you up with a show host? You will be an instant hit."

"Shut up or you'll be a puke face."

Muchen instantly closed his mouth. "I'll drop you off after I get that guy off our tracks."

Yunfeng tiredly nodded. "Do you have any candy with you?" he swallowed dryly. His heat symptoms were showing now. His body was hot and sweaty and his throat was dry as a savanna.

'it's all because of this guy...' he gave him an accusatory glare.

For which Muchen just smiled dazzlingly.

Yunfeng's heart started to pound loudly in his chest. He hurriedly looked away. All of a sudden, the road became an interesting scenery to him

Muchen's eyes fell on him multiple times. "You upset?"





Muchen narrowed his eyes playfully. "Ohh are you horny? Your balls must have dropped just a few weeks ago. Young sapling like you"

The boy's head snapped his way. His tear-filled doe-like eyes narrowed into a deep glare. For a second, Muchen was stunned. He dazedly peered at him.

'w-why is he so pretty? Has a guy been this pretty before?'

he even forgot to breathe

Yunfeng squirmed in his seat under his heated gaze. " Why is he looking at me like that….' That lunatic's brown-grey eyes were so intense. It was like he was looking into his soul. Blood rushed down to his crotch and his third leg was reacting like mount fuji ready to pop.

Subtly he pulled his shirt out to his hide his embarrassment. "l-look at the road, you bastard."

"Yeah…." Muchen awkwardly looked away. "You have beautiful eyes."

Yunfeng looked up at him through his lashes. "r-really?"

He had been complimented a lot in his life, but coming from this lunatic, he suddenly felt his whole heart soar with pleasure. His aching crotch was throbbing slightly. Blushing, he gazed down at his lap. 'Why is he able to incite such a reaction? I don't have my omega patch….'

Subtly, Yunfeng gazed up at him. The man was tightly holding the steering wheel. His muscles bulged and a few strong veins popped out in his arm.

he felt an unquenchable thirst.

In that silent car, it felt like I was just the two in a rose garden. The intoxicating scent was genuinely making him dizzy.

"Hmmm…. I bet if you batted your lashes at some old man, he would have bedded you by then and give you his inheritance,"

But all that illusion was shattered with just a simple sentence from the bastard.

Yunfeng snapped out of his fantasy. He dully looked at the bastard. 'What did I expect he simply wanted to roast the fuck out of me.'

Muchen stole glances at him. 'it doesn't necessarily have to be an old guy. Even an old lady would be hooked up by this dude.' this kid just had that look to him. without even a single thought he could seduce anyone. Shaking his head, he concentrated on driving.

The shooter was still behind them, but he was at least a few meters away. He made sure to keep that distance between them.

But their car was not in a state to handle the overwhelming pressure he put on it. the gas tank was almost on the verge of emptying.

"Fuck…" Muchen gazed back again. "Hey kid, ready your vomit bombs. We might need it and…." He looked at the boy with his eyes narrowed. For a second, his mind went blank. That overweening orange scent pulled him into a void of some sort. He couldn't look away. He simply wanted to do something…. unholy.

"ahhh watch out for the road!!!!!" the boy's scream pulled him out of that dreamlike state.

A huge truck was driving right at them.

"Fuck!" Muchen immediately turned right, driving right at the pop-up store in their way. The car drove through the glass, hitting the shelves. Thankfully, the airbags popped up, saving them from crushing his skull on the wheel.

"Oh my god... oh my god I think I'm dead…" the kid mumbled, holding his hand.

Muchen rolled his eyes. "You are still in this dirty world. Come," he got out and dragged the boy out.

The shooter had caught up with them and was driving right at them.

Muchen hurriedly dragged the boy to the back door and out into the alleyway. Looking around, he couldn't see any hiding spot except a huge trash bin.

"Should I just shove him in there? Will he be safe in there?' he worriedly looked at the boy who was panting loudly.

'No, it's too risky.' He dragged him and ran deeper into the alleyway. The shooter this time was super pissed. he was not going to show any mercy. Even if they were in the public eye, that guy would shoot at them.

"Let go of me! ah, you devil don't drag me down to hell..." the kid stopped in their tracks and pulled at their connected hands.

"Fucking hell…. Kid, come here,"

Just as Muchen had predicted, the assassin started to shoot at them openly.

Muchen hurriedly pulled the boy into his arms to protect him, but a rogue bullet still managed to hit the boy's shoulders.


Instantly, he collapsed to the ground.

"Fuck… just hold on for a while. It will be okay…"

Ren Muchen dragged him over his shoulders and darted into the deep, unused alleyways. The killer was right behind them, but after taking a few left and right into the alley they finally lost him.

His lungs were bringing from the over exhaustion. His shoulders were aching from the weight of the child and is back… it was warm and wet from the kid's blood.

'This can't go on….' he spotted a side door. He hurriedly barged in.

It turned out to be a kitchen.

The cooks all looked their way in shock. But as soon as they recognized his face, they all smiled flatteringly. "Muchen oh my god, I'm such a Fan. Can you sign my apron? Please it's been a dream to meet you/." The head chef, a tall man, ran to him in high speed.

Muchen protectively pulled the boy behind him. "sir I'll sign anything you want but we need your help. Some bad men are trying to hurt this boy. We need to stay safe; can you help us please...."

The chefs all looked at each other. "Definitely! Come this way!" the man led them to the stairs. "There is a room above. Just stay there. We'll take care of everything."

It led them to the top floor of the kitchen which in fact was a small one-room apartment.

Muchen bowed to him. "Please be careful that man is armed/"

"don't worry mister Chen, we'll take care of it." the chef closed the door after him.

Muchen hurriedly placed the boy on the single bed in the corner and inspected his wounds. The bullet had hit the flesh right by his left shoulder. Thankfully, it was a flesh wound and the bullet had only scrapped through the flesh. But the bleeding was scary looking.

Cursing, he hurriedly pulled the boy's shirt off his body.

The boy groaned loudly, holding his hand. he squirmed on the bed. "Hurts…..."

"Just wait a bit…." He tore the bed sheet and hurriedly tied the bleeding wound up.

The kitchen regained its calm as they continued to cook the orders.

A moment later, a man barged in completely in black and with a gun in hand. Weirdly, so the man smelt of bitter vomit. "Where is that fucking bastard!?"

The chefs all squatted down in fear. "s-sir we don't know what you mean?"

The shooter wiped the vomit off his face. "Did you or did you not see a man run in here?"

The head chef raised his head. "I... I saw someone running down the side with someone on his shoulders."

"Where did they go?"

"That way. To the main road…." The chef tremblingly answered.

The shooter dashed out of there in a hurry.

The chefs all stood up patting their clothes.

"That was some great acting chef."

"Wow, I never knew you can act."

The head chef proudly patted his chest. "Anything to save a life. Now everyone, do not slack off. We still have people to serve."

"What about them?"

"Let them rest for a while. Oh, and I'll call the cops. my cousin will handle this case." Saying this the head chef continued to cook the dishes.