Chapter 23 - Reorders

Taking a deep breath, Yunfeng knocked on the private room.

"Come in," a soft husky voice called for him.

It sounded weirdly familiar, but Yunfeng could not pinpoint where he had heard this voice before.

'What does it matter? I'll just serve and leave.' he put on a smile and walked in with the servant trolley of food.

Without looking up, he started to place the dishes on the table.

"You are doing good."

Yunfeng gazed up to meet a pair of obsidian eyes peering right into his soul

He froze.


"Why? surprised to see me alive?" he raised a brow. "I'm actually surprised to see you moving around. aren't you supposed to be in bed right now?" He mentioned to his arm.

Yunfeng nodded. "Oh… the doctors said it was okay for me to be discharged." Seeing his handsome face reminded him of the video spreading around on the web. this guy actually charged at the gunned assailant with a rolling pin! A rolling pin for god's sake. he doesn't have to be so careless.

he desperately wanted to chide this guy, but he held it all back.

Silently he placed all the dishes on the table.

"Please enjoy your meal." He bowed at him.

Muchen smiled his way. "oh, I'm going to enjoy this very much~"

Yunfeng nodded and was about to exit the room.

"Where do you think you are going? I've yet to taste the food. What if this is poisoned?' he took a spoonful of onion soup; and sipped on it.

"it's not poisoned." Yunfeng frowned deeply. 'What is wrong with this crazy guy? Why does he keep pestering me? Did I do some bad karma in my past life to deserve this?'

The whole room was actually filled with that delicate rose scent. Even now Yunfeng was feeling that residual heat spreading onto his body.

'Shit his pheromones are so strong. fuck…'

He had to leave fast.

"If you don't have a problem, I'll wait out the room for you sir." He tried his best to smile but it came out a forced, fake smile.

Muchen gazed up with a smile. "Come here, I ordered too much." He gestured for him to sit down.

Yunfeng firmly stood his spot. "Sorry sir I'm currently working so I can't accompany you for this lovely dinner..." He was definitely not going to join this alpha for dinner. who knows when he could pounce on him?

with the fake smile, he gazed at his face. Muchen's smile faded away into a frown. 'Ohh I pissed off the crazy man. what to do... what can I do...'

"Even though I can't join you for this lovely dinner, I can most definitely help you out with whatever you need. more crotons, perhaps?"

Muchen gazed at him, slightly nodding. "I see how it is," with a dazzling smirk he peered into his dodging eyes. "Hand me the salt. This thing is bland as fuck."

Yunfeng hurriedly took out a salt shaker and held it out to him.

"Thank you," as he took the shaker their fingers graced each other.

For a second, Yunfeng felt his whole-body tremble at the sensation of his touch. the weird heat came back with fury.

Gulping he fanned himself slightly. 'can't lose it right now!'

He watched Muchen cleanly shake it over the soup. He then mixed it up and tasted it. "Ah now it tastes too salty. What can I do? Yunfeng, didn't you propose to help me with this? Can you be a peach and get me a new soup, please? This time well-seasoned."

"Definitely sir."

given a reason, Yunfeng hurried out of the private room with the soup in hand.

It was normal for them to remake the dishes of the guest to find it unappetizing. So, he was fine with having the soup remade.

he waited by the kitchen, taking deep breaths of the smoky scent coming from inside. it managed to calm his heated body down. 'Phew that was bad…... he really can't control his pheromones… but does he even know he has them?'

Currently, he was in a time when alphas and omegas did not exist. but weirdly so Muchen seems to have the overwhelming pheromone of an alpha. it was highly likely that this guy does not even know that he is letting off such a tantalizing scent.

Soon, Yunfeng returned with a new bowl of soup.

Muchen gazed at him with that craft smile.

For second, Yunfeng felt his whole body heat up. he had just momentarily left for the kitchen, but in that few minutes, the room was already filled with an intense smell of roses. that tantalizing scent was overwhelming him.

'Gods I hope he can realize how good he smells.... its making me react…' he gazed at the ground and slightly shuffled his feet in order to hide his newly awakened third leg.


Their eyes met.

Muchen's smoldering black eyes peered at him intensely for a second and then he cleared his throat. "This soup is….lacking something. Can you have this remade?"

"y-yes sir." he took the bowl and left the room.

Muchen hurriedly took a sip of water. His throat went dry just now when he met that man's eyes. 'Why am I reacting that way? I bet it's all blessed of that night! Ah!!! My body remembers all that! I can't let that happen. I have to fight my demons...'

On his phone, he gazed at a certain photo with a glare. 'Demon named Lin Yunfeng; I will overcome you.'

But looking at the photo for a second, he let out a small chuckle.

In the picture, the young brat was sitting on the hospital bed in a simple white gown. his whole face was scowling, gazing at the green porridge in front of him.

the nurse he had bribed had securely sent in a few photos of Yunfeng's meals in the hospital. It was the most accomplished he had felt in a long time.

'I bet his tongue is coated by that bitterness… yes you must suffer too.'

Soon the door and Yunfeng came back with another freshly made bowl of soup.

'Ah Look at his face. he looks radiant. I bet he is sleeping every day. How can he sleep when I am sleepless because of him? hmph'

Muchen sat up straight as he placed it in front of him. For name's sake he took a sip. "This is too cold. If I wanted to cool my throat, I could have drunk cold water." He said with a smile.

He could already see the boy's eyebrows twitch at his statement.

"I'll have the kitchen redo it, sir." He went to pick up the bowl.

Muchen intentionally touched his hand. but feeling the cold skin he paused.

This was a young man who was working for his day-to-day pay. He did not want to torture him even more.

He simply gave him the bowl. "I don't want any onion soup. Just charge me for the other bowls."