Chapter 24 - Docked pay

Yunfeng almost spat on his face. he slammed the onion soup on the table. "SIR. YOUR. ORDER." He said gritting his teeth. His face had almost gone stiff from all the fake smiling.

Muchen just weirdly gazed up at him. "I said I don't want it ah,"

Yunfeng picked up the bowl again and placed it on the tray. "Suit yourself, sir," he rushed to the kitchen and poured the soup down the drain.

The other waiters all gazed at him crazily. The manager who was rarely around came up to him with a frown. "What is this? why did you pour it out?"

"Our patron did not want it, sir," Yunfeng said with a forced smile. "He said it's not to his taste,"

The whole kitchen started to murmur. "There is no way," the cook came up to him and scooped up the soup remaining in the bowl with a finger and tasted it. "This tastes good."

"But our star client seems to hate it," Yunfeng massaged his brow.

The manager frowned deeply. "It must be your service that he found lacking. Go apologize to him,"

Yunfeng sharply gazed at him. "I can assure you I didn't do anything... I just served him the soup. He wanted it to be remade so many times even so I…"

"it's our fault for not satisfying our customer, so god apology." With a simple sentence, he left the kitchen.

Yunfeng tightly clutched the tray in his hand. his hand that was still in his cast was clenching so tightly that his muscles we popping out.

"Yun, hey…" Liang patted had back. "ill come with you. Just apologize for namesake. These rich people always pick up a fuzz like that. it will all be good if we just smile and apologize."

Yunfeng was already in the brink of breaking out in a string of cusses. He had already been enduring that annoying guy's pheromones now he had to go back and apologize to him. 'Fuck...'

The plastic tray in his hand cracked into two pieces.

Everyone in the kitchen gazed their way in shock.

"It's nothing... haha... old plastic." Lain took the broken try from his hand and tossed it in the dustbin. "Come in," he dragged Yunfeng out of the kitchen to the restaurant.

Just stepping close to the private room Yunfeng was overwhelmed by the tantalizing scent of roses. He held his breath.

'just this once... I'll just apologize and leave… it's okay…' he closed his eyes.

Lian gently knocked on the door. "Sir, shall we enter?"

"Yes," Muchen gazed at them with a frown. 'Did that guy send another waiter? Hmph, I knew he was a wimp,'

He watched a blond-haired guy enter the room and behind him was Yunfeng with his head lowered.

The blond guy was holding Yunfeng's hand subtly behind his back.

His grip on the spoon tightened. 'They are even holding hands?! Who is this guy? Didn't he say he has a boyfriend? Who is this? Another one of his guys? Fuck I feel like shit,' he felt a weird tingling sensation inside his body. He could not explain it.

That just made him enraged.

He placed the spoon down and raised a brow at them. "What is it?"

"Sir we are very apologetic about our service please allow us to apologize." Laing tugged Yunfeng to the front.

The young boy bowed slightly. "I'm sorry sir for the lacking service. I'll make sure to get trained gain with my hospitality services,"

"You better," Muchen scoffed. 'Holding hands in front of a guest. Rude and audacious... how do they even train the servers.'

Yunfeng bowed again and left the room leaving that blonde server behind.

"I'll call you when I need you," Muchen waved him away. He couldn't even bare to see this guy's face.

As soon as the door to the private room closed, he laid down on the table hugging his stomach. That tingling sensation was too weird. It was like a worm was inside of him digging and twitching.

Added to that his member was also all swollen and standing up like a pole.

"Fucking hell… there really must be drug in that soup." He gritted his teeth loudly.

Outside Yunfeng let out a deep breath.

Liang patted his back. "It happens. Don't take it personally. People are shitty like that,"

"I know." With a thankful nod his way he left to the kitchen. But the manager was waiting for him.

"The three wasted soups will be docked in your paycheck," he said so and left the room again.

The other chefs did not speak up for him. A few of the waiters even sneered at him.

The owner's son had personally introduced this guy to work here which itself had been a cause of envy for a lot of people working there. Plus, the paycheck Yunfeng receives was much high compared to the other waiters and chefs leaving the others bitter.

Taking this chance, they simply docked his pay.

Yunfeng silently stood in the kitchen gazing at the rogue ketchup stain on the ground. 'I hate this…... I hate being poor.'

In his last life had everything given to him without even asking.

He had lived in a lavish villa and had a lot of toys and games. Everything he wanted he got.

He never had to work hard to get the things he needed.

This experience only made him realize how lucky he was in his past life.

'Tears started to pool in his eyes. He hurriedly wiped it away. 'it's okay… It's okay…'

The world he knew was going to end anyways.

All he had to do was secure a certain amount of wealth to buy the necessities to survive the initial wave. He did not need to be rich.

He had a loving family.

That is all he needed.


Muchen walked out of the restaurant feeling completely pissed off. He initially came here to see that guy's condition but seeing him lovingly hold hands with another man pissed him off beyond anything.

He just wanted to punch someone.

"Sir? Do you need any help?" the blond waiter who served him before was behind him with a wide smile.

"no... just waiting for my car,"

"Oh," the man did not leave he stood by him.

Just looking at his smiling face he wanted to punch the shit out of him.

"You look awfully ugly with that glare sir." Smiling the blond guy gazed at him.

"What did you just say?" Muchen growled at him.

"I said you look ugly." Liang chuckled. "Even with those fancy watches and cars you still can't hide your ugly heart."

Muchen had it. he rushed to him and punched his annoying face.

The guy surprisingly did not even more. He took the punch with a smile.

"You crazy psycho." Muchen glared down at him.

Wiping the blood stains off his mouth Liang peered up at him. "cut~"


The guy pointed to the corner where a lone phone was stood up on the window sill.

"The great star Muchen again caught bullying a server. Ohh how lovely that title will be," he stood up patting his clothes.

Muchen finally realized he had been pulled into a trap. With a mocking smile, he gazed at him. "Another one of those money grubs. How much do you want? thousand? five thousand?"

"No, I was just having a bit of fun." The man picked up his phone with a grin. "I have your video with me. I can post it anytime I want~ so you better not step foot in here."

So, this was what this was all about!

"Oh, I see how it is…" Muchen chuckled dryly. "His knight in shining armor."

"hmm, you can say that." Liang gave him a dangerous smile. "don't you dare mess with him again and I swear I will make your life living hell,"

Saying so the man entered the restaurant whistling.