Chapter 85 - Bitten *

Yunfeng suddenly flipped him onto his stomach.

The soft sheets enveloping him.

Warm lips trailed down his back. a shiver ran through him, igniting every nerve ending.

Yunfeng's roaming hands sliding down his sides, exploring his curves before finally settling on the curve of his ass.

A jolt of surprise shot through him, and he froze. "Wait, you—" he gazed back at him trembling.

Yunfeng kissed his pink cheeks. "Didn't you agree to be my omega? Be mine, Ren Muchen. I want you sooo much," he moaned softly into Muchen's ear, his breath hot and heavy.

Muchen hesitated, heart pounding loudly in his ear. "C-can we stop when I want? I... I haven't done this before."

Yunfeng had no experience being the top when fucking. So he was slightly scared that he might get hurt or bleed from down there.

"I want to feel you, inside of you," Yunfeng softly whispered, and kisses trailed along his back, easing his tension.

"O-okay… take it slow.

One hand slipped down to his ass, fingers brushing over sensitive skin, igniting sparks that made him gasp.

With a gentle touch, Yunfeng began to probe at his entrance.

Muchen gasped, discomfort mixing with something thrilling.

"Wait! Wait," he grabbed Yunfeng's probing hand. "um, the lube… it's is in the bedside table."

Yunfeng's eyes lit up. He reached over, opening the drawer and pulling out the bottle of lube, the dim light glinting off the slick surface.

Muchen felt a thrill run through him as he watched Yunfeng pour some into his hand.

"its so sticky.." he whispered spread it over his fingers, his eyes focused intently on him.

it sent a shiver down his spine.

"Are you ready for more?" Yunfeng asked, his voice low and sultry. He leaned closer, their faces just inches apart.

Muchen nodded, feeling that familiar need bubbling up inside him again.

Yunfeng gently rubbed the lube around Muchen's entrance, teasingly circling before pushing a finger inside.

Muchen gasped, his body instinctively arching into the touch. "mnnn," he gasped.

"you're so tight…" Yunfeng gently kissed the side of his face.

His finger curled just right touching something inside of him.

a gasp escaped his lips, pleasure jolting through him like electricity. "w-what.. what was that…"

"Just breathe," Yunfeng soothed him with kisses. "another one… or I wont fit…"

Another finger joined, stretching him gently. The initial discomfort faded, replaced by waves of pleasure.

"God, you feel so good," he heard Yunfeng murmur

he couldn't help but moan at the words.

With each careful thrust of Yunfeng's fingers, he lost himself in the sensations, his body responding instinctively. Each flick, each curl of those fingers coaxed deeper sounds from his throat, urging him to let go.

"Are you ready?" Yunfeng asked, and he nodded, breathless with need.

He felt Yunfeng position himself, hot warm rob rubbed against his entrance.

Truth be honest he was not ready for this at all. He… he wanted to be the one who fucked not the one who was being fucked.

But still it was too late to stop. His body was craving more.

"I'm going in…"

He gasped as warmth filled him, stretching him in ways he hadn't imagined.

The intensity was overwhelming, and he focused on the soothing kisses along his back, which made it easier to breathe through the sensation. It felt like he was opening up to something incredible, something he had never experienced before.

"Just like that," he heard Yunfeng murmur, urging him on, and he felt the gentle push deeper, heat enveloping him.

It was intense.

but he craved it.

Craved the connection, the way their bodies moved together.

"Please, more," he breathed, pushing back, eager for what was to come.

With a groan, Yunfeng quickened the pace.

"You're so warm inside, Muchen. I can feel you clenching around me, so tight and perfect." With each thrust, he hit that special spot, making Muchen squirm in pleasure.

A soft moan escaping his lips.

"Every time I touch you there," Yunfeng said, his breath shaky with excitement, "you twitch, and it makes me feel... really good." His eyes were wide with wonder, and the innocence in his gaze only fueled Muchen's desire.

"Please, don't stop," Muchen gasped, arching his back as

Yunfeng brushed his thumb against Muchen's entrance, teasing him gently. "its so stretched and red…." He playfully pressed one of his fingers in.

He couldn't help but writhe beneath him, the sensations overwhelming.

"You're so beautiful when you squirm like that under me," Yunfeng whispered softly. "I can't believe how amazing this feels." He leaned in closer, planting soft kisses along Muchen's shoulder as he continued to thrust, his movements growing more urgent.

"Yunfeng," Muchen breathed, the pleasure making it hard to think. "stop… I can't—"

"Just let go, okay?" Yunfeng moaned. "I'm…I'm gonna come" He thrust deeper, hitting that spot just right.

Muchen let out a moan that echoed in the dimly lit room.

Yunfeng kissed his cheeks gently sucking them in. "can I come inside.. please…"

"o-okay… mnnn…slowly…ahhh," Muchen moaned out loud.

"is it okay?" Yunfeng whispered biting his lips. "really?."

"Just keep going," Muchen panted, lost in the waves of pleasure. "Ohhhh."

With each thrust, he brushed against Muchen's special spot.

"Does that feel nice?" Yunfeng asked, his voice soft but filled with genuine interest.

"Yes! Oh, it feels so good!" Muchen cried out, feeling the pleasure build within him.

"hmmm" Yunfeng groaned. "I love making you feel good!"

"Yunfeng… I can't hold on much longer," Muchen admitted, his breath coming in gasps as the pleasure reached a peak.

"Then let it all go for me," Yunfeng encouraged, his voice sweet and sincere. "I want to feel you fall apart around me."

"AH~~" muchen let go, cumming all over his white sheet.

Yunfeng leaned closer, pressing hot kisses along Muchen's neck. his kisses turned sharper, more possessive.

"hmmm…" he trembled from the aftereffect.

He felt Yunfeng's teeth sink into the flesh of his neck.

"Yunfeng!" he cried out in shock.

"muchen," With one final thrust, Yunfeng buried himself deep, and a shudder ran through him as he released, warmth flooding inside Muchen. "Oh God!"

Muchen felt every pulse, every throb as Yunfeng's release surged deep within him.

Warmth shot inside of him filling him to the core.

He shuddered slumping down on the bed

Heat flooding inside him. "You're my omega," Yunfeng whispered against his ear.

The next second the boy was out like a light snoring softly.

Muchen peered at his soft face dazedly. 'fuck…. I just got fucked… and.. it felt good…' he gentnly caressed his cheeks and pinched them slightly. 'he seems natural in bed… all that videos he watched must have helped.' He chuckled at that thought.

Carefully, he got up. His legs trembled weakly.

Warm cum dripped, trickling down his leg as he made his way to the bathroom. He caught his reflection in the mirror, gazing at his flushed face and the bite mark that was now just a small, red dot.

"He bites like a dog when drunk," he mumbled to himself, chuckling softly as he cleaned the wound. Thankfully, it wasn't deep, just a nip that would heal quickly. After the bleeding stopped, it was hardly noticeable at all.

He returned to the bedroom, where Yunfeng lay sprawled out on the bed, still snoring softly. He smiled at the sight, feeling a warmth spread in his chest. he carefully helped Yunfeng dress, slipping a loose shirt over his shoulders and adjusting it gently.

Finally, he crawled back into bed, snuggling up next to his lover.