Chapter 86 - Drunken mistake

Yunfeng woke up with his head pounding, everything around him a blur.

Blinking a few times, he tried to focus, but the room made no sense.

It was huge, way bigger than what he was used to. The walls stretched up to high ceilings, and thick velvet curtains hung over massive windows, making the space feel almost dreamlike. Light filtered in softly, but the shadows were deep, giving the whole place an eerie, mysterious vibe. Above him, a chandelier glittered faintly, its crystals catching what little light there was.

The bed felt ridiculously soft, and the sheets were silky, way too fancy for his taste.

His own room was nothing like this—small, cozy, with a warm scent of sunlight and fresh air.

The air was thick with an overwhelming, unfamiliar citric scent.

It hit him hard, sharp and tangy, unlike anything he'd expected. It was like he'd walked into a space soaked in a burst of citrus, fresh but strangely overpowering. The scent clung to everything, making his surroundings feel even more foreign and unsettling. It was intoxicating, almost too much for him to process as it wrapped around him, pulling him deeper into this strange place.

He sat up slowly, eyes darting around in disbelief. The clothes he was wearing weren't his either—soft, elegant fabric that he'd never wear.

Panic started to rise in his chest as he stared down at them, trying to piece together what had happened.

"Oh my god... what happened last night?" he muttered, heart racing.

Yunfeng froze as a soft sound drifted in from somewhere far off—singing. It was distant, barely audible, but it sent a chill down his spine.

The smell of cooked food soon followed, rich and comforting, but his stomach twisted in knots.

He glanced around the room, feeling like a stranger in someone else's world.

Slowly, he swung his legs off the side of the bed, placing his feet on the cold floor, every movement deliberate.

But as soon as he tried to stand, a sharp pain shot up his back, forcing him to his knees.

Gasping, he grabbed at his lower back, his hand trembling as it hovered near his ass.

The pain there was unmistakable.

Oh god… His breath hitched, and panic surged through him. Something definitely happened last night.

"What did I do?" he whispered, his voice shaky. "I… I might have had sex!"

His heart raced as the pieces started falling into place. Without thinking, he bolted toward the bathroom, yanking off his clothes as quickly as he could. His hands were trembling as he glanced in the mirror, his breath catching in his throat. There, on his pale skin, was a single red hickey, glaring against the whiteness of his chest like a mark of shame.

"I had sex with someone… What have I done?" His voice broke as the reality sank in. "Muchen… I… I betrayed him…"

Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring his vision. His chest tightened, the weight of guilt pressing down on him. How could he face Muchen after this? How could he explain something he couldn't even fully remember? The room felt like it was spinning, the unfamiliar citric scent now suffocating.

With a shaky hand, he splashed cold water on his face, trying to snap himself out of it. "This isn't the time to cry. I need to find out who it was..." His voice was barely a whisper.

He forced himself to breathe, to focus.

"Okay… okay, it's not that bad," Yunfeng muttered, his voice shaking as he tried to calm down. His heart was racing, and his throat felt tight. "They must have used condoms... for sure."

Desperately clinging to that hope, he rushed to the trash bin, praying for some reassurance. But when he looked, his stomach dropped.

There was nothing—no used condoms, no sign of safety.

His legs gave out as a sob escaped him. He crumbled, burying his face in his hands. "What have I done?" he whispered, his voice breaking.

His hand trembled as it moved over his stomach, fear tightening his chest. The scent of pheromones still clung to the room, strong and unmistakable. He'd slept with an alpha, and the horrifying thought hit him all at once—he could be pregnant.

Tears spilled down his cheeks as he clutched the edge of the bathtub, his knees buckling beneath him. He slumped to the ground, shaking, unable to hold himself up anymore. Silent sobs wracked his body as the weight of everything crushed him.

This wasn't how his first time was supposed to be.

He'd wanted it to be with someone he loved.

With Muchen.

His heart twisted painfully at the thought of him.

But instead, he'd ended up in some stranger's bed, possibly pregnant with a child from someone he couldn't even remember.

He hugged himself tightly, rocking back and forth in a desperate attempt to calm down, but it did nothing to stop the panic.

"No… no…" he whimpered, his voice barely more than a whisper as he cried into his hands. His mind was spinning, overwhelmed with fear and guilt. "I can… I can get rid of it, right?" But even as the words left his mouth, more tears came. He didn't want to do that. He didn't want to kill a child, even though everything about this felt so wrong.

Yunfeng curled up on the cold floor, sobbing, completely lost.