Chapter 87 - It was Muchen

Yunfeng pulled in a shaky breath, trying to gather his thoughts. His heart was racing, his chest tight. "It's going to be okay… I can deal with this." He whispered to himself, though he wasn't entirely sure if he believed it.

He stood up, staring at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. His face was blotchy, eyes red and swollen from the tears he didn't even remember shedding.

He grabbed a towel, scrubbing his face roughly as if that could wipe away the mess in his head. A soft, floral scent clung to the towel—roses, delicate but calming.

It should've grounded him, but his mind was racing too much to focus on something so small.

"I have to face it now. No more running."

The thought of confronting the man he spent the night with made his stomach churn. He didn't know how it had happened.

His memory was a blur, and the only thing he was sure of was the soreness in his body. But that was enough to tell him the truth. They'd slept together.

But who was it? He clenched the towel, biting his lip. The fear of it being a stranger gnawed at him. The idea of being intimate with someone he barely knew made his skin crawl.

Yunfeng forced his legs to move, each step toward the kitchen feeling heavier than the last. The mouth-watering smell of breakfast hit him first, followed by the soft hum of a familiar voice.

He stopped dead in his tracks, standing frozen by the doorway.

Muchen. He stood by the stove, flipping an egg with casual ease, his gentle humming filling the quiet space.

Yunfeng's heart lurched. Relief washed over him so suddenly he nearly cried again. It was him. He wasn't with a stranger. He was with Muchen—his lover. The one person who made him feel safe.

"Muchen…" His voice cracked as he spoke, barely louder than a whisper.

Muchen turned, flashing him that easygoing smile. "Sleeping beauty is finally up, huh? It's almost ten." He glanced at his watch, raising an eyebrow. "Go sit, I'll bring your breakfast."

But Yunfeng didn't move. He rushed forward, wrapping his arms around Muchen's waist from behind, pressing his face into his back. "It was you, right? Last night… it was you?" His voice shook, his grip tight as if letting go might make this moment vanish.

Muchen stiffened for a second before glancing over his shoulder, eyes wide. "Huh?"

Yunfeng swallowed, feeling his heart race again. "We… we did it, right? You and me?"

Muchen's cheeks flushed slightly, and he cleared his throat, focusing back on the stove as if it could hide his embarrassment. "Yeah… yeah, we did. Honestly, I thought you might've forgotten everything." He chuckled awkwardly, his lips quirking into a small smirk. "But I'm glad you didn't."

Yunfeng's lips trembled as he forced a small laugh. "Of course, I remember everything."

He didn't. He remembered nothing at all. But he didn't care anymore. What mattered was that it had been Muchen. Thank God it was Muchen. The relief was almost dizzying, his chest finally loosening from the weight it had been carrying all morning.

He let out a soft sigh, hugging him tighter. 'If it had been someone else… I don't know how I'd even survive this.'

Muchen winced, a sharp breath escaping him as he lightly pushed Yunfeng back. "Hey, careful. There's a hot pan here. I don't want you to get burned," he muttered, gently pinching Yunfeng's cheek.

Yunfeng smiled, nodding as he pulled away and went to sit down.

Muchen let out a quiet sigh, relieved he hadn't noticed anything off. He kept his back turned, hand sneaking to his lower back to rub at the dull ache that had been nagging him all morning. God, it was annoying.

The ache wasn't horrible, but it was enough to slow him down. And then there was the stomach thing. Every now and then, a sharp, uncomfortable pang hit him, making him grit his teeth.

'Damn it… probably because I didn't clean off properly last night,' he thought with a wince. He'd been too tired, too wrapped up in everything. Now, his body was paying the price.

He straightened, trying to shake it off. It wasn't the end of the world. Just a little stomachache, a little soreness—he could handle that. Yunfeng didn't need to know. Glancing at Yunfeng sitting at the table, looking way calmer than earlier, Muchen felt a small wave of relief. The last thing he needed was to make him worry after everything that happened.

'It's fine. I'm fine,' Muchen told himself, pushing the discomfort to the back of his mind as he flipped the omelet onto his own plate. He could deal with his body later. Right now, he needed to make sure Yunfeng had a good breakfast.

He rubbed his back one last time, trying to get rid of the lingering ache before grabbing the plates. 'This'll pass,' he told himself, forcing a smile. Walking over to Yunfeng, he set the plates down. "Breakfast is served, young master," he playfully switched the two plates, the hot omelet went to Yunfeng while he ate the cold one.