A Boy who reminds of RAIN....

I finished reading it. It was a miserable past of him. now I know something about him that his parents died and he is the grandson of the one who used to work here and this warehouse belongs to that person.

I remembered the maid saying, the person who built this warehouse was died from heart attack but she never mention about anyone who's with him or about a boy. how did he end up like this now? , what exactly happened after that ?, but there's nothing more in that book.

But what's more I felt sad was even that old man didn't mention his name or named him! , my heart ached for him.

"Did you read it?", I asked him .

He shook his head may be he doesn't know how.

"what happened to your Grandpa...?", I know he was died but asked him . I want to know where he was at that time and want to confirm at least his aware of that or not.

"sleep.....sleeping, people....people took him, people....people beat me , scary....people scary...", he was shivering and keep repeating and pointing his fingers to the warehouse and outside .

I hugged him, " It's fine, It's fine no one is there , It's ok calm down" I patted his back saying it.

I don't know what's in the world happen that day and why is he's so scared talking about that day. but one thing that I'm sure, he was terrified and something terrible happen to him.

We heard sky rambling noise so I took him to the warehouse, it was night already. It started raining outside. I started the fire in fireplace.

We sat near the fire place, that remained me the first day we meet it was rained that day too.

" So your in this warehouse that day" , I wanted to change this heavy mood so I talked first.

He nodded, I'm glad he looks better now.

" why are you just nodding when you know how to talk? from now on you should talk, even its hard try it. if it's a right say yes!, if it's not say No! understand".

" yeah!", he said it cutely.

" That's a good boy, oh right did you eat the food I put it here for you?", I wanted to keep the conversation and also want to hear his voice more .

"yeah!", He nodded excitedly.

" But why are you in the woods today?", I asked him.

"You..", He pointed his finger to me .

" for me, are you looking for me , why?" , I asked more.

" see...see you", he looked striate into my eye's and said it.

His gaze making me nervous without any reason, " to see me, I did looked for you too anyway thanks to you I was saved this day". I smiled at him.

" Daisy...Daisy" , He shook his head and saying my name with a husky voice of his .

I smiled and felt happy every time I hear my name, come to think of it what should I call him? , or else should I name him?

" Looks like you liked my name, can I give you a name just like how I have a name?", I asked him.

He nodded excitedly.

"What should I name you.....", I'm taking my time to give a name, I have to do my best. when I thinking about it I got a name popped in my Head.

"RAIN....Rain, how is it? do you like it? ", I looked at him with a full of sparkles in my eyes to see his reaction if he likes it or not.

He stared at me for a second and repeated, "RAIN...." and smiled a little.

That was the first time I saw him smile . Its just a moment but It felt good when he smiled . for some reason I want to make him smile more.

"Yeah!, RAIN... the day I saw you for the first time It's rained and today also I saw you and it's raining again, when I think of you I can't help but to think about the rain. that's why I named you after the RAIN". I explained him why I named him.

" RAIN.... like RAIN", After listening everything I said he said it and he looks happy about it.

" I'm glad you likes it. from now on I will call you RAIN, if any one asks your name say it's 'RAIN' ", I said it proudly.

"yeah!, I'm Rain.... ", he said it with a happy smile.

I was happy and I liked this moment but we will go back tomorrow, Will we meet again?, What if I can't see him again?, What if this was the last?, a sudden thought made me sad. he doesn't know anyone here either , If I ask him to come with me will he come?, I wanted to ask him.

" I will go back Tomorrow, Will you come with me?", I questioned him with a hesitation and I'm really nervous to hear his response.

He didn't say anything, he just kept silent.

Well I will take it as a 'No', as expected why should he come with me ?, I'm just a stranger he knows from two days that's it .

" I'm really tired, I will go sleep You should sleep too.....Rain , let's talk tomorrow ", I told him that to not make things more awkward. I was sad but I can't force him either.

I went to sleep but when I saw him in the middle of that night , He didn't went to sleep but sitting near me like he was guarding me.

His actions always makes me confuse, I don't want to think too much and just went back to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning he was not their, I looked around and called for him but he is not their. I thought this was his answer to my Question. even after everything , how can he leave without saying anything .

I'm disappointed and accepted his answer and went back....