Leaving You Behind.....

Villa in chaos, When I entered. Jyo and others rushed towards me.

"Where were you?, we has been worried and looking for you entire day", Jyo busted on me.

I can understand her, I have been missing out the entire day she must be really worried about me. I looked at harsh but he avoided me, I figured he didn't tell anyone what happened between us and why I'm not there. what more can I expect more from that man.

"I'm really sorry Jyo and Ravi for making you guys worry about me, I came behind you guys but forgot something so I went back to pick it up but I lost my way in the woods. when finally I found my way back to warehouse but got stuck in rain so I stayed the night there". I explained jyo and others.

Practically I covered up, I can't just say truth like I ended up in woods cause of harsh and then a boy saved me and everything. I'm already having a lot in my brain and I don't want to make them more worried.

" why would you go alone?, what if something bad happened to you ?, this is all my fault I shouldn't left you behind", Jyo started to blame her self it's not even her fault.

" I'm perfectly alright right now nothing happened so stop blaming yourself, can I go up I want to wash up first see I got dirt all over me", I tried to change the topic and made an excuse.

" Ok fine, come down after that you should eat something too ", Jyo said it with a feisty face. she's just letting me go for now but I felt like she's demanding more explanation from me.

I nodded and escaped to my room. I went to the window and keep stared for some time at the warehouse thinking about him. I told my self to not think of him but I can't help it .

After washing up I went downstairs. I saw Jyo and Ravi in waiting room, I greeted them.

" You should eat something, we will start going at evening so you should pack you're things", she said it placing her bags and things in living room, she looks busy.

I said ok and went to eat. the maid gave me the breakfast and asked if I need anything, come to think of it she was always the one who helped me and I want to ask her about the rain's grandfather may be she know anything .

" No it's fine , thank you but can I ask you something?" , I asked the maid.

" what is it ma'am?", she responded to me.

"it's about the warehouse, you said the guard was died there right is he alone? is there anyone with him that day ?", I enquired about the rain's grandfather.

She was surprised about my sudden questions and looked at me with a confused face.

" Don't get me wrong , I'm just curious about this place and people that's it ." I said that to not make her get confused.

" I don't know much either ma'am. I only started working her a few years ago, If you wanna know you can ask the old man who's working as a garden here. he was the only one who's working here for a long time."

" really thank you, I will ask him." she gave me information about the person who works there for a long time.

I finished my food and after packing my stuff I went to that old man. he looks old but still working in the garden .

" Hello! sir, I'm Daisy. I want to know something so I came here to ask you , are you free sir?", I asked his permission first cause he looks busy.

"Young lady, what do you want to know from this old man?, ask me", he said it pointing the chairs and we both sat there.

"It's about the man who built that warehouse and died, I want to know about him?", I asked him hoping he will complete the rain's story.

" That man died a long ago, it's been twenty years why are you asking about him?", He was confused and questioned back .

" I thought that he may be someone I know that's why I wanted to know about him", Obviously I lied, I just want to know what exactly happened to rain that's it.

" There's no chance you know him, that man has been in this town in his entire life. he died a few months after his wife's death. Poor man his son didn't came to his mother funeral nor his fathers, he always so proud of his son saying he was studying higher studies in city. Owner took a pity on him and did his funerals too, he always treat him like a friend and even gave him that warehouse. he used to live in that warehouse". he told me everything he knows but I guess he didn't know everything either.

" Does he lived there alone?", I enquired more just incase if he know anything.

" Yeah! he was, That day the owner asked us to go and call for him cause he didn't showed up in work. when we went to see him. we found him dead looks like died in his sleep but we only see after two days of his death. I was there too and felt bad". He looked sad.

" are you there too?, did you see any boy there?, did anything unusual happened there?", I poured my questions on him.

" Oh!, that's right there's a boy there. come to think of it he caused a scene there", he said .

"what exactly happened to that boy please remember and tell me?", I was flinched the moment he said he saw the boy and enquired more .

" He looks like he was five years old, when we tried to take the dead body a boy ran towards us from outside. he tried to stop us and he was holding a box and food, the other workers dragged him and pushed him. then there's a few workers came after him saying he theft something they beat him and shooed him. we thought he was a thief or something".

" So you guys just beat him and scared that little boy without even knowing who he was and why he is there?, how can you people are so cruel towards a little boy?", the moment I heard what they did I just couldn't controlled my self, I went my anger on that man.

"Young lady we didn't know who that boy. we can't let the owner found about the thief, we are in a dilemma after seeing the dead body, we just did what we can do that time", He looked confused when he was saying it.

I Just leave that place. I don't want to speak anything. my heart aching for him, this world is cruel for him. He must felt helpless and confused at that time. he experienced both his parents and his grandfathers death in front of him, how terrified he might felt and how lonely he felt when he spent his entire life in those damn woods and living like that.

I cried my way back to the villa and saw jyo and everyone are loading their luggage in car. I just went their and sat in the car. we left the place I didn't say a one word on our way back. I just kept crying thinking about rain and his past, even after knowing everything about him I couldn't do anything. I'm just leaving him behind.