Some rise by sin

Well, Heaven forgives him and forgives us all.

Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall.

Some run from breaks of ice, and answer none,

And some are condemned for one fault alone.

-William Shakespeare

Mishti strolled with her elder brother peacefully in their beautifully manicured gardens, as the chilly wind of Mumbai's cold morning caressed their faces. It was barely six a.m. and most of the house was enshrouded in complete silence, Mishti and Ansh bhaiya being early birds, had decided to take a walk together to spend some uninterrupted sibling bonding time. Her brother had always suffered from insomnia, and now Mishti wondered if perhaps that was the backlash of all the blood and violence he had to face daily.

"I hated him for what he did to you," her brother said suddenly after a particularly long silence, "If I had known about the deal beforehand... I would have never let him take you away."

Mishti squeezed her brother's hand gently before smiling at him. He had lots of faults; being a jerk to Ananya was one of them, but there was no doubt that as a brother he was the best Mishti could ask for. "I know you would have bhaiya," she told him before releasing his hand and running spontaneously towards the makeshift swing that hung from the biggest tree in the garden.

Ansh's lips curled in a warm smile as he watched his younger sister settle down on the swing. "Some things never change," he said, his voice full of affection and nostalgia as he went down memory lane, recalling countless mornings when he had pushed her on that same swing. Times when things had seemed simpler, with moments of true joy lighting their lives.

"I have missed this," Mishti sighed as she closed her eyes and pushed herself up, the wind hitting her face and making her feel as free as a bird, as though she could touch the very skies. She wondered briefly if there was a chance she could convince Ronobir to install one of these in their backyard, she knew Shanaya would love it.

"Are you happy Mishti?" she heard her elder brother's probing voice behind her, minutes after feeling his hands on her back, pushing her forward like he used to do when they were children.

She mused over his question for a minute, thinking back to the initial few weeks in New York when she had cried herself to sleep, wishing to be back in the safety and comfort of her home, surrounded by people who loved her. No, she hadn't been happy back then she had been lonely and downright miserable. A stranger in a strange town!

But now?

She thought of the interesting strolls through Times Square and the pretentious French movies in the quaint theater Ronobir liked so much; of Sudha ji's delectable food and Shanaya's infectious smile; she thought of Rishabh's good poker skills, Shruti's never-ending, exhaustive shopping sprees and Sikander's silly jokes. And she realized suddenly that she considered all of them as home now – she was no longer a stranger!

"I think I am," she answered as truthfully as she could.

"Good!" they remained in silence for a few seconds as she gave herself up to the feeling of flying in the air, her hair sticking to her face and she felt like a ten-year-old once again. "I'm sorry...about Veer and Pari."

Mishti's eyes opened abruptly and she stilled, fantasies of her blissful childhood forgotten. Ansh stopped the swing and walked in front of her to stare at her, "He was never worthy of you," she smiled slightly at his words, "I hate that she did this to you."

"It's okay bhaiya, it was just a silly crush," she said trying her utmost to act nonchalant. "It's very different from what you do to Ananya," Ansh rolled his eyes and slumped on the grass at her feet.

"I love her you know!"

"You do? How would I know? What with all the girls you cheat on her with..." she reprimanded him.

Ansh lay on the grass with both arms extended over his head, his eyes fixed pensively on the clouds above his head, "I don't know why I do it, I honestly don't. I guess I just can't be a good man... but I do love her Mishti, she means the world to me."

Mishti stared at her brother and for the first time, she noticed the worry lines on his forehead, the bags under his eyes, and the complete hollowness that seemed to be a permanent feature of his eyes.

"You should try showing it to her once in a while," she chided him gently. "Because you are a good man and I believe you can do better than this."

Ansh sighed heavily as he stared at his baby sister, "You've always seen the best in people Mishti; you are so different from Pari and me."

"Maybe I am not," Mishti answered thinking about Ronobir and how he made her feel, surely if she was as pure as everyone thought she was, she wouldn't be craving the darkness in him, the darkness she sometimes reveled in.

"Yes you are," he smiled sadly at her. "From the moment mom held you in her arms we knew you would be different. You were all smiles and tenderness, so innocent and pure." His expression turned stony again but she could see the remorse in his eyes clearly, "That's why we tried so greatly to protect you; you were the only thing unsoiled in this bloody family. That's why I hate so much that he gave you up to a man like Chatterjee."

"He's not that bad you know," Mishti answered a little defensively. "And I think maybe you expected too much of me bhaiya, you all put me on a pedestal. It was as if I was an ornamental doll in a glass display, waiting to be taken out and played with, then put back when bored."

"It wasn't like that..."

"But it was," she said bluntly. "After being so sheltered my entire life I was thrown headfirst into one of the most dangerous worlds there is, a sheep in a den of wolves. Don't you see? Ignorance makes you weak."

He seemed to reflect over her words for a while and then nodded as his eyes moved back to the clouds and he looked deep in thought, "You've changed." She was taken aback by his comment and was about to protest when he interrupted her, "But not in a bad way. You've grown up."

"I think I have or at least I'm trying to."

"I'm glad," he sat up and rested on his elbows, his eyes determined as they looked at her. "I meant what I said on your wedding day Mishti, if he ever harms you I will find a way to get you out of that marriage"

Mishti smiled slightly at her brother, "He won't, I promise."

She had no idea where that blind faith in Ronobir had suddenly come from, after all, he had spent the first few months of their marriage being nothing but nasty toward her. But he had turned over a new page and lately his behavior towards her had been so gentle, almost loving, and more than anything she trusted him. She recalled how he had once told her, she was now a Chatterjee and he would protect her, she believed he would, even with his own life. The only thing that he could harm was her heart and there was no way her elder brother could protect that.

"Enough with the sad thoughts," he said as his entire demeanor changed, gone was the haunted look in his eyes, and its place was excitement and anticipation as he planned on how to win back a spot in Ananya's good graces. "I need your help to make Anu forgive me."

Mishti laughed out loud, "You are unbelievable, my first advice to her was to run away as fast and far away from you as she could."

"You are such a bad sister," He pouted in fake indignation. "I was thinking Paris."


"I want to take her to Paris."

"Bhaiya, you're never going to change," she said rolling her eyes, her heart filling with love and affection for her incorrigible brother.

They continued laughing and joking as the house awoke from its slumber and everyone started to prepare for the day ahead; Ansh was soon called to his father's office and their bubble of happiness burst by the reality of the life they lived.

After Ansh's conference with Ishaan, they both disappeared for the rest of the morning, so Mauli took Mishti and Shruti to a day of pampering in an upscale spa, of course, Sikander's ever-faithful shadow trailed behind them.

Despite feeling a bit off-kilter ever since she had arrived, Mishti enjoyed spending time with her mother. Mishti tried to be as honest and upfront as she possibly could when her mother probed her about her marriage, they also reminisced about old times but the star of the discussions remained the huge party Ishaan was planning to throw, in celebration of the older woman's fiftieth birthday.

After the much-needed girls' time out, the three of them returned to the house to get ready, since they were meeting Nandani maasi and Ananya for lunch in one of Mauli's favorite restaurants.

Mishti collapsed on her bed as she pulled out the vibrating phone from her purse, Ronobir's name flashed on the screen and she made a futile attempt to contain the smile that was breaking across her face.

"Hello!" she answered breathlessly, the mere sound of his raspy voice making her heartbeat thump out of control and her entire body tingle.

"Ciao bella!" the sultry voice of her husband answered softly. "Come stai oggi? Ti sono mancato?"

Mishti couldn't suppress the giggle that burst out of her lips at his words. "You know I didn't understand a single thing you just said." There was something about foreign languages coming out of Ronobir's mouth that drove her completely insane, turning her into a wild and wanton woman. Just three days before coming to Mumbai, he had slipped his hand under her dress while he whispered French words in her ear, they had sounded so dirty and sexy that to say she lost complete control and ended up having the time of her life, would be an understatement.

"Hello beautiful!" he translated. "How are you? Have you missed me?" Mishti curbed a sigh that threatened to escape her lips, sometimes he almost made her swoon with the seductive cadence of his tone. His words had a way of spreading like a vine through her insides and taking over till she was overwhelmed by a sensory overload unlike anything she had experienced before; the way Ronobir was slowly sneaking into her heart, was becoming a real problem.

"No, I haven't!" she lied, blushing guiltily.

"Now I know that's a lie," she could almost picture him smirking on the other end.

"Oh yeah?"

"I can assure you that at this very minute, you wish I was there with you, my mouth against your neck and my hand between your legs," Mishti's breath hitched and an involuntary sigh escaped her lips, her back arched as she pictured him doing what he said. She had always known that her body's response to his physical presence was immediate and powerful but now she was discovering that the same was true for his voice over the phone.

"I would make you feel so good, princess!"

"You would?" she squeaked out breathlessly.

"Yes, I would tease your nipples with my thumbs till they were hard and aching and then I would slowly swirl my tongue around one of those beautiful pink buds and nibble gently, then I would go on to suck the other as my hands slowly trail downwards and I kiss you and lick your hot skin till I reach your panties which I would inch down your legs with my teeth. I would take my time kissing every square inch as I come back up, I would start with the arch of your foot then I would trail my tongue over your ankles, my lips kissing the soft spot behind your knees, and then I would move on to your creamy inner thighs, kissing everywhere, except the one place that is wet and wild with need, I would tease and caress until you are screaming to feel my mouth on your pussy. Finally, my tongue would slide along your folds sucking and licking till you lose your senses, then my fingers would join in to tease your sweet bundle of nerves till you shout out my name in pleasure. I would bring my fingers coated with your juices to my mouth, letting my tongue feel you, after which I would kiss you."

Her breathing got shallow, and she almost cried out from the intensity of her arousal and the need to feel him deep inside her, just listening to his words brought her to the edge of her climax and she clenched her inner muscles desperate for release, shivers of desire racking her body. "The taste of your skin drives me mad Mishti, I wish I could be touching you right now, tasting you on my tongue, my fingers..." he groaned, his voice sounding frenzied and ragged.

"Ronobir..." she breathed out heavily, her entire body tightly strung, her core hot and aching for him. She could hear his heavy breathing on the other end, his breath coming out in shorts gasps, and she knew that he was as affected as she was and that gave her a thrill knowing that he burned for her as much as she did for him.

"I would finally make you mine," his voice sounded barely recognizable or audible, his words coming out in a shuddering breath, Mishti exhaled loudly as her whole body quivered at his statement of intent. Despite the fact they had been married for months and he had done countless crazy wicked things to her body, Mishti remained a virgin but she yearned desperately for his body. Sometimes she worried that he would fulfill his promise of only making love to her after she begged.

"I've missed you," he whispered and she felt her heart soaring at his words. "Senza di te la vità è un inferno (Without you life is hell). I want you back"

"Then come," she gasped out hoarsely.

The line stayed silent for a few seconds, the only sound was the one of his labored breathing. "You want me there?" he wasn't able to hide the surprise in his voice and she felt her heart grow two sizes for him.

"I want you here, Ronobir" she moved to rest on her side as a big smile lit up her face, she felt like a schoolgirl talking to her first boyfriend, "When are you coming?"

She heard him sigh at the other end, "I was supposed to be there tomorrow morning but now I'll try my best to be there by night."

A shiver ran down her back at the thought of him, she had been away from him for only two days but she already needed him desperately. Ronobir was like a drug and she was proving to be quite the addict. "I can't wait"

"You drive me crazy, Mishti," he murmured thickly. Mishti had heard that phrase many times in the past but today for the first time in her life she understood its true meaning because that was exactly how Ronobir made her feel. Crazy. "I can't wait to see you again."

"Ronobir..." her impassioned words were superseded by murmurs in the background and a door opening. She heard him cursing and sighed sadly because she knew their phone call had been interrupted and she had managed only a few minutes with him.

"I'll call you later my treasure," he excused himself, "I'll let you know before I fly to Mumbai."

"Of course" she answered seconds before the line went dead. She dropped the phone on the bed and rolled onto her stomach, burying her face in the fluffy pillow.

She couldn't understand how Ronobir could make her feel so out of control, how a simple word from him or the sound of his voice could make her crave his presence so utterly. She wondered when was it that he had carved such a deep place in her heart, was there any specific moment that she could pinpoint? Or was it an amalgamation of many tiny moments coming together to create this feeling of being empty and incomplete without him? She didn't have the answers, all she knew was that somehow he was in her bloodstream and she could feel him burning through every one of her veins.

It was disconcerting how much power over herself she had ended up relinquishing to him.

Hours later, after their lunch had ended, the one where Ananya hadn't shown up, Mishti was sitting with Shruti, her mother, and her aunt in the lounge room upstairs discussing party preparations but her mind was still engaged in thoughts of Ronobir and how dependent she was becoming on him.

"So what do you guys think of mint green?" Shruti's voice was loud enough to bring Mishti back to the conversation.

"What?" she asked still lost in her thoughts and a little confused.

The animated girl rolled her eyes at her with a knowing smile, "The color for the bridesmaid dresses of course."

"Leave her honey she was probably daydreaming about that hunk of a husband she has" Nandani joked and Mishti couldn't help the pink that tainted her cheeks at the jab, "I would be doing the same."

"Eww, that's!" Shruti shuddered, looking horrified. "Anyway, mint green?"

"I think that is a wonderful choice Shruti," Mauli interjected, "Especially for a June wedding."

"I know right!" piped the effervescent bride-to-be.

"I thought you said violet," Mishti said with a smile.

"Well I think I'm changing my mind, it's the bride's prerogative after all."

Seconds later the door burst open and Ananya practically ran in with the biggest smile on her face. Mishti didn't even want to know what Ansh bhaiya had done to put that smile on her face but she was so glad to see it.

"Fashionably late?" Nandani asked the young girl sarcastically as she walked over to where Mauli was sitting.

"Ansh took me to lunch."

"I thought we were having lunch together," Nandani kept up with the jabs.

"What can I say? he won me over," Ananya shrugged and walked towards the couch where Mishti and Shruti were resting with a blanket on top of them.

"That means he's forgiven?" Mishti asked once she sat down next to the other girls. Nandani and Mauli were wrapped up in their conversation now, completely oblivious to the girls.

Ananya looked down with a sad expression, "I know you think I deserve better but he's been my boyfriend for six years Mishti and I've loved him even longer." The brown-skinned beauty raised her eyes tremulously as she twirled a locket in her hand. "I tried not to love him Mishti but I just can't. I know what he's doing and how awful he's been to me but I just can't stop loving him"

Shruti squeezed her hand and gave her a sympathetic smile as Mishti smiled ruefully, "I think for the first time I might understand you," she told her friend as her mind darted back to thoughts of her husband.

"Plus he's taking me to Paris!" she said with an excited laugh.

"And I bet that had nothing to do with your forgiveness," Shruti said with a smirk.

"Not" Ananya answered. "And he gave me this," she extended her hand to show them the locket she had been playing with all this time. It was a silver heart-shaped pendant with diamonds encrusted all around it, but the best part was that it opened up to show a picture of them inside it, the one was taken in Disneyland which showed a happy eighteen-year-old Ananya beaming at her older boyfriend.

"It's beautiful!" Mishti whispered.

"Yeah, it is!" Shruti agreed.

As the night progressed, they went on to talk about many other subjects animatedly but Mishti kept glancing distractedly at her phone, hoping to see a message from Ronobir telling her he was flying to Mumbai. She hadn't heard from him since their phone call earlier and she was worried that something bad might have happened.

"So are you excited Mrs. Khanna? I bet this party is going to be the event of the century," Shruti asked Mishti's mother. Since it was Mauli's fiftieth birthday, Ishaan had gone overboard with the preparations for the 'epic' celebration; he wanted an event worthy of a queen.

"You can call me Ma, Shruti, and yes of course I'm excited," she said with a wide smile. "Though I would like to think I'm not turning fifty," she joked. As the girls laughed at her declaration, the deafening blast of a gunshot reverberated in the room, filling the occupants with horror.

It was like time froze, they looked at each other in slow motion and seconds later Sikander burst in through the door with a panicked expression on his face, his eyes going from Shruti to Mishti, making sure they were all right.

"What happened?" Mishti asked, terrified.

"Don't know" he said through gritted teeth; his eyes kept wandering from the two of them to the hallway on the other side of the door.

Shruti could see the man's inner turmoil; he had been told to protect Mishti at all costs but he also knew that if something was happening downstairs he had to be there. "Go!" she told him authoritatively, "Go, I'll take care of it." He seemed hesitant for a few seconds but decided to follow his instincts.

"Lock the door and don't open until you're sure it's me on the other side," he instructed them, the girls were dumbstruck and all they could do was nod. Sikander pulled out a gun from his back and handed it to Shruti who unlocked and charged it, "You got this Shruti?" he asked her as the girl nodded at him.

Once Sikander was out of the room, Shruti locked the door and started pacing the room with the gun secured firmly in her hand, the five of them remained in silence as the minutes trickled by. "I can feel your energy from here Mishti, you're like a Chihuahua," Shruti snapped tense with worry.

"We can't just stay here doing nothing," she hissed.

"Yes we can," Shruti answered before they heard a knock on the door; all of them stared at each other with wide eyes, startled and a little afraid, the knock sounded again.

"Open the door Shruti!" they heard a familiar voice and breathed in relief.

Shruti sighed before walking towards the door, "How can I know you are alone?"

"Three years ago you and I got bloody drunk and did a Karaoke performance of 'Like a Virgin', an anecdote you will never repeat to anyone other than the women in the room who just heard it," Shruti chuckled and opened the door.

"Told you that was the best security password," she said as the Englishman walked inside the room. A troubled frown etched his face as his eyes searched Mishti's regretfully.

"What happened?" her voice was barely a whisper as a sense of dread enveloped her in its icy grasp, ripping through her insides, "Sikander...?" she gulped shakily.

He sighed before giving her a sorry look, as the words left his mouth Mishti felt the floor caving in underneath her feet, her whole body went cold and an ache started in her chest threatening to split her in bits.

"Ansh Khanna was shot dead."

These words were going to be etched indelibly on her mind for the rest of her existence, echoing on repeat; nothing would ever be the same again. Her entire life came to a standstill as she stood shell-shocked unable to process this soul-destroying news and its dreadful implications.