Chapter 21 - Tears (“Do you know some sort of magic?”)

Chang XiaoYa, standing on the coffee table that was neither too tall nor too short, starting falling straight at Shen Yi. A few of the actresses had already covered up their eyes for fear of what might happen.

That included Xu WanZhi.

She understood the meaning behind trust fall. The game was supposed to play by an entire team together. If one person fell, ten or so others would catch. But, right now, Shen Yi was the only one behind Chang XiaoYa. If anything went wrong, the only ones that they could count on were the two men that came with Mu ZhenYu.

Question was… would they help out?

After spending some time with Mu ZhenYu, she knew that he might be a vicious person, but he usually knew how far he would go. He wouldn't really allow this belayed gathering celebrating the start of their show turn into a bloody event.

Yet, there was still a small voice calling out in her head, but he was a villain! The one who had annihilated her in the original novel!

She didn't know which side of his she should rely on. Which was also why she felt her chest tightened right at this moment.

With a loud 'BANG!', Chang XiaoYa finally fell and landed squarely into Shen Yi's arms.

Because of the force from the fall, Shen Yi wasn't able to catch her solidly. The two of them fell backward a few steps and finally fell on their backs.

Everybody rushed up to see if they were hurt. Luckily, Shen Yi helped Chang XiaoYa up in a little bit. The two of them dusted themselves and both of them were unhurt.

Everybody from the cast cheered – the scene just now, as dangerous as it was, was also very exciting. And now that those that were involved were safe, everybody could feel that adrenalin rush and that caused everyone to be in an elated mood.

Such as the cold truth about the entertainment circle.

Xu WanZhi let out a long sigh and looked back over at Mu ZhenYu.

Earlier, in the very brief second, she saw that the two men standing behind Mu ZhenYu were in an alert state the entire time. Meaning that, the two very strong fellas would never had let harms came Shen Yi or Chang XiaoYa's way.

He had only wanted to teach them a lesson and nothing else.

She walked docilely around everybody that were still cheering to where Mu ZhenYu was and said to the director, "I am going to head out. You all have fun."

Everybody knew what that meant. When Xu WanZhi left, Mu ZhenYu would leave with her. The director was only too happy about that. He nodded earnestly and said, "Okay, okay. Drive safely and get some rest when you get home. We will see you at filming tomorrow!"

Xu WanZhi nodded and walked closely behind Mu ZhenYu as they walked out of the door.

The two sturdy men walked them down to the underground garage and took off from there. Mu ZhenYu started the car quietly and took her home with him.

The spacious car flew down the street as though it could slice open the night.

Xu WanZhi cracked open the window a bit and could feel the summer wind blowing into the car. The night was stuffy and there was a hint of redness in the clouds. There was also an almost undetectable humidity in the air.

There would probably be a thunderstorm not too long after.

The thought of the impending thundering sound made Xu WanZhi felt uneasy. She initiated conversation with Mu ZhenYu in the otherwise quiet car. "Mr. Mu, how did you end up there?"

His voice was like a stick of dynamite, "What? Did I interrupt something?"

Hearing that, Xu WanZhi immediately pouted and turned to face him, pulling out a long stretch of her seat belt. "What do you mean by that? You know that Chang XiaoYa set me up on purpose and you even got her back for me… so why would you say something like this now?"

"She set you up, yes, but you didn't have to fall for it." He looked at her out of the corners of his eyes. "You are a smart girl. You know what she was trying to do. You were able to subdue Zhou LiQian with just one hand before. So how come you didn't stand up to Chang XiaoYa? Or, you were hoping that something would happen between you and that Shen guy."

"That was not true!" Feeling wronged, Xu WanZhi's brows furrowed into the shape of an eight . "I have my ways. I won't let him come into contact with me!"

The car has already arrived at the bottom of their apartment building. He put on the blinker. His eagle-sharp eyes glanced into the rear-view mirror and he quickly turned the steering wheel and drove into the underground garage. "Even if he didn't come into contact with you, there will still be punishment if the tissue was dropped. What if his request was even worse?"

Xu WanZhi balled up her fist and said to him with utmost seriousness, "I would not have let the tissue fall!"

"Is that so?" asked Mu ZhenYu as he pulled into the narrow parking spot, stopped the car, released his seatbelt before turning to look at her. "How so? Do you know some sort of magic?"

Her heart almost skipped a beat and his question made her speechless.

Of course she knew magic except that… she couldn't possibly tell him that.

Discouraged, she lowered her head and kept her mouth shut.

Returning to their apartment by the lake, she walked in front of him, removed her heels, and walked inside the house in her bare feet.

When she walked past the foyer, he called out to her from behind, "Xu WanZhi."

Even though the conversation was less than pleasant in the car, but she still stopped in her way, turned around, looked at his cautiously and asked, "What is it?"

As though she was anticipating something.

There was an indescribable irritation inside of Mu ZhenYu. His looked turned colder and he said, "If you don't want me to have any ideas, then don't go out in dresses like that in the future."

Her beautiful collar bones, pale skin, skinny waist, and her long and slender legs were exposed for all to see.

Xu WanZhi thought he would feel bad and say something to comfort her. She had expected it was such a request coming from him.

The tiny little bit of hope that had risen inside of her was drowned out immediately.

"You know that I can't stand the hot weather." Not even Xu WanZhi knew why she wasn't so afraid of him all of a sudden and even wanted to get into an argument with him. "You've touched my forehead last time. You know that my body temperature is much higher than yours."

He recalled the day when she had stood on her tiptoe, trying to touch her forehead to his. There was a little bit of stubbornness with a lot more cuteness.

Not to mention the warm little body and that scent of hers that lingered for a long time.

But, thinking about how close she was to that Shen guy earlier… his eyes were even colder.

He turned and looked away from her. "Your status is my lover for these six months. You need to behave yourself both publicly and privately during this time frame."

Having said that, he quickly walked past the living room, went inside his own room, and slammed his door shut.

At the very same moment, a lighting slashed through the night sky and, with some rumbling noises, dull thunder sound came through the clouds.

Xu WanZhi covered up her ears reflexively and dashed inside of the bathroom. She showered and brushed her teeth in the fastest speed possible and, took the opportunity between two thunderous sound, adjusted the air-conditioning to 16 degree Celsius and crawled underneath the blanket.

Though the thick blanket meant for an air-conditioned room, the thunder sound was still scary. As soon as she closed her eyes, she recalled her day of transformation and the excruciating pain of being struck by lightning.

She kept her eyes shut tightly and even put on a pair of earplugs: Mu ZhenYu was a big jerk!

Right now, inside the bathroom of the master bedroom, cold water coursed through Mu ZhenYu's defined muscle and he pushed the hair on his forehead to the back of his head.

His sight, blurred by the water, could see nothing but Xu WanZhi.

Right after they had walked inside the house, when he called out to her from behind and she had turned around, written all over her cute face was "c'mon, woo me. I am willing to make up with you."

He read it clearly; so how was it that what had finally left his mouth was such awful words?

Outside the window, the rumbling of the thunder continued and the rain has yet to come.

Mu ZhenYu shut off the tap with force, grabbed a towel and dried himself casually before he walked over, topless, to her tightly-shut door and knocked on it gently.

He waited for a while but there was not a peep coming from inside.

He turned the lights off in the living room before he gently opened up her room door and walked over to her bed.

He could see the blanket piled up into a big bundle on top of the bed but she was nowhere to be seen.

This girl… was that afraid of the thunder? And, with her being so overheated all the time, would she pass out under the blanket?

Grabbing a corner of the blanket, he pulled open the blanket as gently as possible.

What he saw was the girl, curled up, her eyelashes fluttering, seemingly asleep.

Our of the corner of her eye closer to him was a drop of tears.

Mu ZhenYu let out a soft sigh and pulled off the blanket all the way. He adjusted the air-conditioning back to 22 degree before he carefully laid down next to her and pulled her into his arms.