chapter 22- Rival in Love (He walked over to her with interest in his eyes, rubbed her behind her ear and asked, “Just how did you get here?”)

chapter 22- Rival in Love (He walked over to her with interest in his eyes, rubbed her behind her ear and asked, "Just how did you get here?")

Xu WanZhi had a particularly good rest that night.

The next morning, she was woken up from her sleep by four alarm clocks. By the time she got up, Mu ZhenYu had already taken off. Seeing that her time was tight, she frantically packed up and left for the filming location.

As the event the night before was a group event, many of those who showed up today had dark circles under their eyes. They greeted her listlessly. And, as she wasn't the last to arrive, all of a sudden being a few minutes late was no longer a big deal.

When she walked into the dressing room, Chang XiaoYa just happened to walk out and the two of them came face-to-face with each other.

Mu ZhenYu had obviously done a number on Chang XiaoYa. Chang XiaoYa had been under close surveillance by her agent Zhang Xuan since she had tried to start negative publicity on Xu WanZhi a few days ago. Then she was criticized again last night. Even with thick makeup on, her two blood-shot eyes were still very obvious. Her eyes were puffed up like walnuts.

Xu WanZhi was calmed and composed as usual. She greeted Chang XiaoYa as though nothing was out of the ordinary. Chang XiaoYa, on the other hand, had a guilty conscience. She looked down, gave a barely noticeable nod and quickly walked away with a gloomy look.

"Blossom" was a three-part series. They were just now filming part one of it. If she kept up all of her stunts, the director would probably get fed up with her and decrease her scenes and possibly even switch her out altogether.

Xu WanZhi had been filming her scenes with Shen Yi for the entire week. Mu ZhenYu had been very busy lately and hadn't showed up a lot. Xu WanZhi would just go home and relax after filming everyday and her days had been peaceful as of late.

A week later, her scenes with Shen Yi had ended and the crew turned to focus on scenes with Shen Yi by himself. Xu WanZhi had gained two precious day-offs.

It's the middle of summer and the temperature shot up to 39 degree Celsius. With Mu ZhenYu away, Xu WanZhi just turned into her fox form and stayed inside the air-conditioned home and enjoyed her coconut. She refused to leave the house.

The next afternoon, as she was laying on her back all spread out for a short rest, she suddenly heard noises in the living room following by the sound of talking between Mu ZhenYu and Bai FeiChen.

She leapt up from bed and wanted to change back into her human form but it was already too late. Mu ZhenYu had already walked inside their apartment and was too close to her. She wasn't able to use her magic and could do nothing but stayed in her soft fu and hid quietly behind her room door.

"I've heard that Qin Sheng has just gotten another round of investment and most of them being from that one angel investor of his. The Qin's is not the same as before. Their market share had gone up by another 16% after they won Project Falcon." Bai FeiChen and Mu ZhenYu walked inside the house one after another and walked into the study. Both of them were in workout gear. They looked like they had just finished working out.

Mu ZhenYu had on an UA tight top, his hair loosely falling down on his forehead, fulling demonstrating the powerful attractiveness of masculinity. The blood vessels in his upper arm where pumped up from his earlier exercise. The pattern that they formed made him even more appealing than a mannequin at a sports apparent shop.

Picture: Under Armour tight top (I know y'all will want to see this, so here goes. 😊 A+ for my customer service).

Source: (I got the pic from Taobao, buy at your own risk, but I feel that it's only right to include a link to Under Armour's official website)

Xu WanZhi looked away from them and mumbled the words "Project Falcon" to herself…

She seemed to recall that being mentioned in the original novel more than one. It was only after obtaining the project that Qin Sheng had the capital to bring down Huanyu Corporation.

She hadn't expected this to happen so quickly.

Sitting at his desk, Mu ZhenYu leaned against the back of his chair in a very uninhibited way and said, "Let him has his moments. His little gain in power isn't close to being able to become a threat to me."

Xu WanZhi groomed her coat a little and continued to eavesdrop sitting next to the wall.

It was also mentioned in the book that Mu ZhenYu made a major comeback after losing "Project Falcon". Yet the book did not go into details how the boss villain was able to make this comeback possible.

Judging from the situation, he was still in a difficult place. Nonetheless, he seemed to be so full of confident, as though he couldn't be bothered by Qin Sheng and Liang ZhiQuan at all.

So, what exactly was this winning hand that he has?

Bai FeiChen laughed heartily, stood up from the couch, casually made himself a cup of instant coffee, and said, "Luckily your tech department had nothing to do with Project Falcon anymore and can look into what you need them to without any restraints. I trust that they will find out some information soon enough."

Mu ZhenYu snickered. "That old fox. I must expose him sooner or later."

Xu WanZhi was startled. If she had to guess, the one who he was referring to as the "old fox" must be his dad, Mu XueLin.

Her speculation was confirmed the very next second.

She could hear Bai FeiChen carrying on, "Speaking of him, your grandmother, aunties, and the gang should be back from their vacation soon, right? How long has the Mu's residence been vacant? They must be coming home soon."

Mu ZhenYu nodded slightly. "Yup. They will be back from New Zealand next month."

Seemingly enjoying the drama, the corners of Bai FeiChen's mouth went up further. "Haha, between the old lady, your two aunties, your batsh*t crazy dad, and your prince of a brother Mu XiYuan, there are just an unlimited stream of dramas. I can't wait."

Mu ZhenYu gave him a stare then, quickly pulling out a cigarette from a pack, threw it at Bai FeiChen.

Bai FeiChen caught the little cigarette steadily with his hand. He fished out his lighter and lit it up. "Speaking of, the old lady at your placed likes Liang ZhiQuan so much. To a point that she didn't care if she has a boyfriend, or that she is no longer good enough for your family after her family went bankrupt; she still wanted you to marry her. You had no choice but to hire Miss Xu… and the old lady isn't happy about that. Miss Xu is going to have some difficult times ahead of her after the old lady's return. Man, your family, first there's a battle going on in the business world and then there will be another one within your family. That Miss Xu is quite cute. I wonder if she will be able to handle this."

After that, Bai FeiChen had said all that he could say. Mu ZhenYu's look darkened.

Having been with him for a bit now, even though she couldn't see him from where she was, Xu WanZhi still had a pretty good idea of how he looked right about now.

After a while, she could hear the sound of a chair being dragging across the floor. Immediately after that, she could hear Mu ZhenYu's footsteps getting closer and closer toward her room.

Xu WanZhi was startled --- hide, hide, hide. She must find a spot to hide herself right away.

Wouldn't it be so odd that the little fox was here enjoying the air-conditioning like nobody's business when the owner wasn't even around?

Just when she was jumping up and down trying to figure out what to do, Mu ZhenYu had already came to the door and opened it up.

All of a sudden, both the man and the fox froze.

Mu ZhenYu squinted a little and a sense of surprise flashed through his eyes. He walked over with interest in his eyes. Stroking her behind her ears, he asked, "Just what you are doing here?"

The little fox's ears went soft all of a sudden. She chirped a few times and collapsed onto the table motionlessly.

This man's hand was poisonous.

"ZhenYu, who's there? Miss Xu?" Hearing some noises, Bai FeiChen came over as well. His mouth dropped open when he saw the King of Hell stroking behind the fox's ears with the most tender look on his face. "Mu ZhenYu, since when do you have a fox? ... Wait, isn't this the little fox that is being talked about all over the web? How did you do that?"

Bai FeiChen walked over to Xu WanZhi's desk, leaned down and studied it closely. "She is quite cute."

"This is not my fox, she's Xu WanZhi's." Mu ZhenYu carefully picked her up and held her in his arms. She was so delicate that she could fit entirely into one of his hands. His other hand stroked her from the tip of her ear all the way to the tip of her tail repeatedly.

Xu WanZhi, under his course palm, melted into a puddle of fox fluid.

…. That sensation was too incredible!

With the little fox in his hand, even his pace slowed. He casually walked into the living room and sat down on the ouch. His motions were tender but there was a shred of disgust in his eyes. "Even you know about how Jiang YueXian is looking for the fox?"

"With all the ruckus that he had caused, even someone like me who doesn't usually follow entertainment news would have caught wind of it." The little fox laid quietly in Mu ZhenYu's hand and couldn't be any more docile. She didn't look anything like the tsundere described in Jiang YueXian's Weibo who wouldn't let him touch her at all.

This was a little a totally different fox.

Even it wasn't for its small size and it's hallmark smiling lips, he wouldn't even think this was the same fox who liked to kick people in Jiang YueXian's Weibo.

Or, it really depended on who it was?

Bai FeiChen pondered about it as he sat down next to Mu ZhenYu. "I didn't think that the little fox belongs to Xu WanZhi."

"That Jiang guy is crazy," said Mu ZhenYu, his face darkened. "It is not even his fox and he had caused such a ruckus all over town. How shameless was that?"

Smiling, Bai FeiChen finally couldn't help himself but reached out his grubby paw toward it.

That very moment, his status in Mu ZhenYu's heard had went from "childhood best friend" to something along the line of a rival in love.


The little fox was too cute and Mu ZhenYu was very focused on stroking it. Bai FeiChen couldn't help but wanted to stroke it once while it was being docile and not kicking anyone. He could swear that he had no ill intention such as making the fox his like that Jiang YueXian.

But the moment that he reached out his hand, he could clearly feel killer's intent coming from Mu ZhenYu.

But it was already too late for him to pull his hand back. His large hand was almost touching the tip of the fox's nose.

At that very awkward moment, the little fox whose eyes had been closed the entire time it was being stroked suddenly looked up and chomped down on Bai FeiChen's thumb.

She didn't use a lot of force in her bite. It was more a warning bite. Bai FeiChen, who hadn't expected that the fox would bite, was startled and immediately pulled his hand back, "What's the matter? She bites!"

Xu WanZhi, curled up in Mu ZhenYu's chest, licked the tip of her own nose as though she was showing off – she only let Mu ZhenYu stroke her because she lost all her magical ability whenever he was around. She didn't have a choice in the matter. She's not that kind of a fox, nor was she a cat, who'd just let anyone stroke her.

Mu ZhenYu, on the other hand, the killer's intent in her eyes were gone completely all of a sudden. In its place was an odd sense of happiness.

He looked down and stroked the little fox on her head as though he was rewarding her. "This fox knows who her owner is."

Bai FeiChen frowned and blew at his own thumb. As though finding it unbearable, he pursed his lips and said, "Lucky that didn't draw blood. Otherwise, I am going to need shots."

The little fox was even prouder – I am a fox who has very good control.

Mu ZhenYu's lips curved upward. "This fox is very docile. The very first time it saw me it was rubbing up against my legs as though begging for me to pick her up."

He stroked her fur one inch at a time and said, "She didn't let anyone other than me pick her up."

Bai FeiChen was speechless. Okay, he got that Mu ZhenYu was possessive when it came to women, but why was he like that over a fox too?

He casted Mu ZhenYu a glance then looked back at the little fox.

He must say – it was very cute indeed.

The most ferocious beast in the cute realm and the cutest little fox in the ferocious realm.

It be poisonous.