First Quest

Although it frightened Elina at first that she was also going to get fucked, it was what she wished for. after organizing her thoughts, Elina decided to come down from the mountain. She took some steps when suddenly a pop-up appeared in front of her.

[Eat the remains of the egg of life]

[Reward: level up!]

[Punishment of failure: stats getting halved for 24 hours]

"What the hell, system? You should have my back not to try to destroy my existence" Elina was mad about the new quest but she didn't object or refused to do it. It was a free level up and Elina would let it go to vain.

She turned around and stood in front of the egg. It was enormous and Elina was wondering if something like this would fit into her stomach or not. "Hey system, can I really it something like this? It is super big."

[Yes, the egg and the liquid will turn into energy when they enter your mouth.]

"Oh, that's fantastic." Elina was happy now because her first quest was relatively easy. At first, she started drinking the liquid. The moment it entered her mouth, her body absorbed it hungrily. her body didn't even let the liquid go down her throat. After fifteen minutes, she drank all of the liquid inside the egg then she grabbed the edge of the hole she made in the egg and broke it with ease. Although it was hard from the inside, it felt fragile from the outside.

"Maybe it's just that it has lost energy after giving birth to a godly creature like me hehe" Elina wasn't wrong completely but she wasn't right either.

Elina put the piece that she had just broken in her mouth and like the liquid, it didn't even reach her throat for her body to absorb it. Every time Elina ate a piece of egg, she felt energized and she could feel strange energy inside herself. She didn't know what it was and didn't know how to access it, yet.

After around an hour, Elina finished the egg and a pop-up appeared in front of her.

[you have completed your first quest]

[you have leveled up]

[you are now level 2]

[6 quests away from reaching level 3]

[quest panel is available]

"Oh, that sound so easy. I don't need to kill or fuck to gain XP. Hey system why is that?" Elina asked the system to see if it knew anything or not.

[you are a God. Your achievements can't get calculated like a normal creature]

"That sounds like a fact I had forgotten. Well, let's get down off this Hellish mountain." Elina started defending the mountain slowly. She decided to check the quest tab later. Right now she was curious about the world she had reincarnated to.

The mountain didn't have a clean path to its bottom so sometimes Elina would need to flap her wings to get down some meters. other times she had to jump run or slide. Strangely the mountain didn't have any dangerous creatures or else Elina would have gotten in danger very seriously.

After 2-3 hours, she saw the flat lands of the jungle, she looked up and saw the tip of the mountain in the clouds. "Oh, It seems the mountain was so high." Slowly she walked through the jungle and went on and on. Some hour later, she found a river that was coming down from the other side of the mountain and it had drifted in front of her to go somewhere else.

"Although the egg wasn't dirty, I got literally blasted to the side of the mountain. It wouldn't hurt if I cleaned myself in this river" Elina thought and slowly walked to the river.

Its current wasn't strong and its water had a normal temperature. Elina didn't have any clothes and didn't want to wear one because she enjoyed watching her cock sway left and right.

"I do look like the succubus I imagined. A perfect being. Haha," Elina chuckled after she saw her not-so-well reflection in the water. Slowly she started cleaning herself first and then started swimming and enjoying the sensation of water passing on her skin. Although there was literally fire on her skin, it didn't get affected by the water. It still burned and glowed like a royal signature. Minutes turned to hours and Elina stood in the lake like the most carefree person in this universe. She had the right to feel like that. She couldn't die and she didn't have any reason to be sad about not being all too powerful.

"Well, let's see how my stat changed after I leveled up and check the quest panel also." Elina stood in the river with her hand on her chin while her dick was dangling from left to right with the slightest of her movement. Her tail wriggled around to show that she was thinking right now.

[Name: Elina lustbringer]

[title: God]

[Class: Futanari Succubus]

[level: 2]

[HP: 2000/2000]

[MP: 2020/2020]

[Strength: 44]

[Agility: 64]

[Intelligence: 100]

[Lust: 55/100 +5/hour]

[God Power: locked]

"Wow I should be super intelligent right now, why don't I feel like it?" Elina was wondering. Suddenly a pop-up appeared in front of her.

[as it has been mentioned before, every level up will release only a fraction of your power]

"Now I understand. I forgot that I am literally a God now. tell me system is there any human on this planet?"


"Oh, and what are the normal stats of a normal human?" Elina was curious and suddenly a pop-up appeared in front of her.

[Class: Human]

[Strength: 15]

[Agility: 20]

[Intelligence: 35}

"Oh they are weak I think. Whatever, I'm not here to shoulder their problems or be a hero. I'm just here to have fun after my retirement from 60 years of Hell. hey system, show me the quest panel." Elina wanted to know what he should expect in the next part of her adventure. a panel appeared in front of her showing two quests while others were blank and empty.

[Fuck a creature of this world. (0/1)]

[Reward: Magic technique]

[Punishment for failure: removing 10 points from each stat]

[Get to a city. 15 hours remaining]

[Reward: God's eyes]

[Punishment for failure: title removal]

"what the hell? why are being so ruthless? how should I find a city in fifteen hours in this vast jungle?" Elina asked the system but before she could say another word, she felt like fire was burning through her veins.

"Oh…augh…shit…system what is happening?" Elina didn't feel pain yet she feeling very weird. She was moaning uncontrollably and she didn't even know what was the cause. This feeling was like when she touched her tail for the first time.

She looked back to see if something was messing with her tail but her tail was completely fine and free. She turned around to check her body again but she saw her enormous cock slowly getting up. It was like a dragon waking from its sleep.

[your lust has exceeded 50 percent. You will start getting hornier and more sensitive to arousal until you satisfy your lust]

"Oh hmmm, so the side effects of this class have come huh? I will enjoy myself as much as I like hehe" Elina's eyes were shifting colors between glowing blue and glowing pink and her hands were robbing her cock. Now that her cock was up for action, she saw what a huge rod it was. She needed two hands to be able to grab it. her cock was so erect that it was only some centimeters away from her tits.

Elina was robbing her cock forth and back continuously when suddenly an idea popped in her mind. Her tail came and wrapped itself at the back of the head of its cock. The moment the two parts connected, a jolt of electricity with pleasure hit Elina. She couldn't stop herself and moaned louder while robbing her cock with her hand and tail. It didn't take long and a cum mountain erupted from her cock and tail. It was so thick and so much that splashed on her face and on her tits. Elina was far from finished because right now her eyes were completely glowing pink while her mouth was open and her tongue was sticking out. She was feeling a great ecstasy that she had never felt in all of her life.

[lust: -5]

[lust: -5]

[lust: +20]

[WARNING: your lust has exceeded 60 percent.]

Elina couldn't even think straight let alone think about the notifications that the system showed. Without even taking her hand and tail from her cock, Elina ejaculated again and another cum volcano erupted on her face and perfect body.

suddenly…she stopped. Slowly turned her head toward a tree behind herself and a wide grin appeared on her beautiful face. Her eyes were glowing strongly even in the light of day and her cock was twitching as if it had sensed something. It had felt its first prey.

Unbeknownst to Elina, a creature had been stalking her from the moment she reached the river. The creature didn't harbor any hostile intention and only wanted to see what Elina was before interacting with her. The creature was scared because of Elina's wings and tail but after seeing the fiery crown on her head, all of its scary thoughts vanished.

the creature was confused because It had seen Elina had a pair of heavenly tits but between her thighs was a massive always half-hard cock. so instead of going out and talking to Elina it hid behind a tree and watched.

At first, it was curious but as time passed, the creature started feeling hot in between its thighs. It spread them and started jerking.

At this moment, Elina had sensed the creature.

"A female dark Elf." Elina hissed while still grinning from ear to ear. She had only one goal in mind, to fuck that dark elf until her balls were empty.

The next second her wings moved and she vanished instantly.