Second Quest! (+18)

The creature was jerking and a water fountain was running down her thighs. It had closed it eyes and was fingering itself. it was biting its lower lip as hard as she could so she wouldn't make any noise to alert the futanari demon she was spying on.

Suddenly, a body appeared in front of it. It stopped its finger in its hole and looked up with a surprised expression on its face. Elina was right in front of this creature with her wings expanded and her cock in front of this creature's face.

her eyes were glowing pink yet she still had not lost her sanity. "So my first prey is a dark elf. let's see if she is as good as in earth fantasies." Elina smirked and bent down to talk with the dark elf.

Elina didn't want to rape this gorgeous dark elf. Although she would enjoy it even if it was rape, she wanted to get familiar with her and see if she could help Elina find a city.

Although Elina was a carefree person, she wanted to have fun and many adventures. She was simply too overpowered but the only things she was looking for were lust, pleasure, and new experience.

"So tell me gorgeous, why are you spying on me?" Elina had a lustful smirk on her face and slowly she averted her face and stared at the dark elf's pussy. Suddenly a pre cum shot out of Elina's cock and fell on the dark elf's face.

"Ah…" the dark elf didn't know what happened but she felt a wave of pleasure hit her nervous system and made her moan.

"Oh sorry about that, can we talk like normal people? I have many questions about this world, and I also want to know your name. Maybe after that, I would reward you hehe" Elina stood up and stretched her hand as a sign of help. The dark elf nodded and grabbed Elina's hand and stood up.

the dark elf stood up and adjusted her clothes and armor. She was wearing a thigh-high boot with a skirt, a black top, and a small crown with a jewel on it. Her arms and neck had an iron armor. Another piece of armor was on her chest and another was on her thigh. Although hey could be called armor, they didn't even protect the vital parts of the dark elf body. after she adjusted her panties and chest armor, she started explaining.

"I am really sorry. I didn't really want to do this inappropriate act but the moment I saw you, I lost all reasoning and wanted to touch myself." The Dark elf at first apologized. "My name is Dayana, I am a scout of the royal army. These lands are my scouting lands and it's my duty to report to the high council if anything suspicious happens in this area."

Elina had crossed her arms and was listening to Dayana with a smirk and lust on her face. although Dayana was talking normally, Elina could see some liquid dripping from her panties. 'Hehe, you are gonna get fucked like a dog' Elina thought.

"Nice to meet you, I am a futanari succubus and a goddess. it was normal for you to feel that way. I have just respawned in this world and know nothing about it. I hope you can help me reach a city so I can continue my adventure." Elina didn't really care if this elf believed her or not and just stated the obvious. without even knowing, Elina was radiating so much lust that Dayana couldn't stand straight and suddenly Dayana lost her balance and fell forward toward Elina's erect cock.

Elina felt so much pleasure from Dayana's sudden touch but didn't flinch. She wanted to show a more domineering side. She just looked at Dayana with the same smirk.

"Please, I beg of you. Fuck me. I have not experienced carnal pleasure in all my life. My goddess please" Dayana was shaking uncontrollably and was rubbing herself with her right hand.

"I can't control myself either. It would be my first time to fuck a dark elf but I hope you don't count this act as rape. You understand?" Elina just wanted to be sure. This dark elf could turn her next months into a living hell if she reported Elina as an ominous creature. So she just wanted to be safe.

"I beg of you, I will do anything just fuck me..ah…" Dayana was now moaning like crazily and couldn't even say a complete sentence.

"I shall grant you your wish then…" Elina grabbed Dayana's hair and pulled it down a little so her face was now in front of Elina's face. Elina slowly started kissing her while rubbing her hands over Dayana's ass. Elina didn't know how to use magic but right now she wanted Dayana to be completely naked. she impulsively raised one of her hands and snapped.


Dayana's armor and clothes suddenly disappeared. Elina didn't even care that she had done something amazing and continued kissing Dayana as hard as she could. Slowly her tail came in between Dayana's thighs. Elina started rubbing her pussy with her tail. It was so stimulating for Elina that she moaned crazily in Dayana's mouth. She was trying so hard not cum.

"Now bent down and suck my cock." Elina parted her lips and told Dayana. Dayana was so high that she didn't care about anything. She didn't even notice that she had lost her armor and clothes. Dayana seductively bent down and grabbed Elina's cock. Elina didn't just stand there, with her tail she started rubbing Dayana's pussy furiously. Dayana didn't know how a giant dick like this was going to fit in her mouth but she tried. Dayana put her mouth on Elina's cock and slowly pushed it inside her mouth. She tried so hard but she could only suck one-third of Elina's cock. the moment Dayana put the head of her cock in her mouth, Elina couldn't stop herself from cuming. Dayana's mouth was full of cum and cum was oozing from the corner of her mouth too. Elina's tail was shooting cum on Dayana's thigh.

Elina couldn't control herself so she grabbed Dayana's head and pulled her up, she wanted to fuck her first pussy in this world. Dayana was now standing and her eyes were hazy. Elina didn't stop there and bent her knees so her cock was now in front of Dayana's pussy.

"Now the fun part begins."