The Journey Begins.

It's been weeks since you were literally pulled into your favorite game Elden ring. You don't know how it happened, at first you fell asleep whilst playing and next thing you know, you were IN the game!

You found yourself sitting behind a medieval church building, face to face with a being disguised as Varre (makes sense to disguise as him, since he is the first person you meet in the game), he had a different voice, and a completely different color scheme, like that of static television, not to mention his mask was smiling rather than expressing a dull face. "Hello young girl...I am FACADE, a supercomputer with knowledge far beyond your understanding." He says enthusiastically with a polite bow. "As you can see, I've brought you here within the game, it required me to break SEVERAL universal laws in order to achieve such an action, but I digress! Anywhoo...I have a mission for you!" The being says as you stand up.

"Mission?" You ask, trying to understand your surroundings."Yes, I've dug into this game and I know all about the Lands between, as well as its residents. I don't like how you have to kill everyone in order to achieve your goal...I find it....saddening. I HATE sad endings you know, so WE are going to change that, and break the code! I want you to find a way to bring the Royal family of the Golden Lineage back together, so they can be happy and we won't have to kill them! See?" He says as he wraps an arm around your shoulder. "Why?" You ask confusedly. "Why can't YOU do that?"

"Because I like making other people do my work for me! Besides, I could fix this in a heartbeat, and where's the fun in that? No emotional roller coaster. BORING! NOW GET IN THERE!" FACADE says as he pushes you from behind the church. "Oh Yeah...player...don't tell anyone about this okay? Don't tell anyone about ME or where you really come from. Keep ME a secret.....Also I've given you a special ability to aid you on your journey or whatever..It's pretty useful..and it's a suprise!..okay Goodbye now!" FACADE says before disappearing.

You get up and dust the dirt off of yourself. "Wow...this is awkward...what do I do now?" You ask as you decide to walk around the Lands Between.

It's been hours ( have no clue.) since you've started wandering the Lands Between and finding out how to start this odd mission. You've tried asking for help on where to go, only to be given weird glances and stares.

Twas quite the odd phenomenon! You were in the skin of the very avatar YOU created and controlled, and you were exploring the world through your own eyes! It was all too surreal! Who was this FACADE character, and how did he possess such abilities?

You shake that thought, and continue exploring. You found yourself being chased by many enemies, numerous times, but you didn't kill any of them.


Not because you didn't want to, but simply because you CAN'T. You try to hit the enemy, and you feel a sharp electric pain in your body, causing you to not attack. You don't feel this pain when you run past the enemies, only when you try to hurt them.This made everything much harder for many reasons, 1) The enemies could group up and 2)A lot of these enemies were faster than you thought they were! WHAT FUN. This had to be the doing of FACADE, you do recall him saying how he hated that you had to kill everything, you didn't think he meant NPCs too!

Now, you were going to encounter the first game boss, Margit. The problem is: YOU CAN'T KILL HIM. How are you even gonna beat this game if you can't kill anyone?

You think about your predicament as you run through the realms, following the light of grace to Stormveil castle, all the while running away from every enemy that approached you, they couldn't follow you to the boss door, so that was good!

Before running into the foggy doorway, you once again see FACADE. He looks as if he was waiting for you.

"This is the door to the first boss! Margit...I'm sure you know who he is!" FACADE says. "You're going to need to show Margit that you mean no harm, that you're not a threat, rather that you're there for good! This'll be your first step towards achieving your goal! Don't let me down, kid!" He says before disappearing once more. "Great..He's not even gonna leave me ANY hints?" You say, annoyed as you approach the door.

You run into the foggy wall in Stormveil Castle, and you sit through the 'cutscene' (Would it still be called a cutscene?) and then Margit approaches you with his words. "Someone must extinguish thy flame, Let it be Margit the F-" Before he can finish his sentence, you interrupt: "Margit the Fell, I know your name already! Look, I don't want any trouble from you Mister, but I can't fight you, so this entire thing would just be a waste of time!" You say in a slight panic.

"What? what doest thou cullionly? art thy too weak to square? wherefore coequal cometh h're in the first lodging?" Margit says as he looks at you with an annoyed look.

"No! It's not that I'm weak...I CAN'T FIGHT YOU. Even if I wanted to, I CAN'T!" You say, trying to not sound stupid. Margit still maintained his annoyed expression, so you decided to show him that you were legit. You swing your sword at Margit, only to feel an intense shock in your body, making you drop the sword. Margit looks at you in confusion as you try again to strike with your hand, only to once again be shocked by an unknown force, causing you to fall on your rear. "Ouch!" You say as you feel the pain subside.

Margit's face then turns to concern. "Marry gracious. Art thou tis fine?"

"Oh...I'm fine! Really!" You say as you stand back up. "Well...not really...I can't fight! If I try to harm ANYTHING...that happens. So you can tell that I come in peace and mean no harm!"

Margit tilts his head, as he looks at you whilst you struggle to stand. "Yond is forsooth a strange circumstance. how didst this befall to thee?" Margit asks, now more interested than concerned. "I...Uh...I do not know! It just- happened." You say, completely lying through your teeth. "You wouldn't understand m-...Mister Margit." You said as you stood up. "Well...I suppose since thoust poses no threat to me, or...anything for that matter, I could help thee with thine...predicament." Margit says as he pokes you with his cane. "Ow!!" You say as you rub your shoulder.

"Now, cometh 'long." Margit says as he Ushers for you to follow him. "Why?" You say as you slowly trot behind him. "Thou aren't staying out h're high-lone, unless yond's what thine desires. I wouldn't recommendeth yond, as thou hast nay oth'r way of defending thyself." Margit responds. "Oh no!..I'll come along, lead the way Mister Margit!" You say as you run behind him, trying to keep up.

Whilst walking, you notice that Margit is quiet. So in an attempt to not be awkward, you decide to start small talk. However, it seems he read your mind, and ended up speaking first.

"So, wh're doust thou cometh from? thou art much diff'rent than oth'r tarnish'd i've seen." He says quietly. "What makes you say that?' You ask as you walk ahead of him.

"Well to starteth, thou art quite... fartuous." Margit says bluntly as he looks down at you with a blank expression.

"Oh..." You say shortly, your face turning slightly red.

Margit looks at you again, notices your embarrassment, and speaks once more. "Not yond t's a lacking valor thing mine own lief."

"Oh...Well I come from...VERY FAR OFF. Farther than here, that's for sure!" You say, trying to not sound extremely awkward, not realizing your slight slip-up.

"Farth'r hence than the lands between? int'resting..." Margit responds.

"So..." You say, changing the subject. "Where are we going?"

"We're going to lyndelle, where i may best able to aid thee in finding a solution to thine circumstance." Margit says.

"'re not going to be able to help me solve THIS. This was given to me to achieve a goal of sorts..." You say.

"May i asketh what goal t is thine speaks of?..." Margit responds.

"Fixing something...fixing a family..." You say, trying to not give too much information away yet.

"Ah. I seeth, thou needeth to fixeth something, which i assume is a living being. so harming aught is out of the picture, because harm is not constructive, t's destructive, and t wouldst deviate from thy goal. T's quite strange. but it makes sense altogeth'r." Margit says, seeming satisfied with your answer.

You continue onward until you reach an odd looking gadget.

"What's this?" You ask Margit.

"This is a p'rtal, t'll holp thee receiveth to lyndelle quick'r. Once thou gets to lyndelle, waiteth f'r nightfall. Thou shalt seeth a knight patrolling in the road, that gent w'rks f'r me. Bid that gent thou w're hath sent by me, and that gent shouldst beest able to aid thee on thine way." Margit says as he pushes you towards the portal.

You wave at Margit and thank him for your help. With that, you quickly hop inside and find yourself in Lyndelle.

You start walking until you see FACADE once again."Oh my gosh...what now?" you say as you try to walk past him.

"I must say Well done. You've planted the seed of trust in Margit so if you see him again, he'll be more willing to join you on your journey!"

FACADE goes on and on about how you've succeeded on the first step of your journey, but you're not listening. You interrupt "Why can't I attack anything?"

"Ohhhhhh....about that. You know how I said I don't like how everyone has to die?..Well, I don't, so I took away the ability for you to harm others. I understand that you're being chased by dangerous enemies, but a true pacifist wouldn't care about that! You're here to save everyone, NPCs included!" FACADE says as he proceeds to take your weapon out of your inventory.

"Hey!" You say in protest. "Put that back!"

"No....this decision will be easier for you. If you have no weapon, you can't draw it out of instinct and get electrocuted. I know you don't like that, so I'll take your sword. Don't worry, I'll give you something else..."


"This!" FACADE says as he places something new in your inventory. "It's a shield! These are weapons of defense, not offence. So you can't have to harm anybody with it, and you can protect yourself from enemies!"

You aren't too pleased with FACADE, and you express that in your facial expression.

"Oh don't give me that face!" FACADE says mockingly. "At least say THANK YOU."

"Thanks..." You say hesitantly.

"Good. Y'know, you never did meet that knight Morgott told you about, instead you got hopelessly lost....what a shame..."

"Shut up."

You both hear footsteps approaching.

"Oh shoot...someone's gonna see us! Toodle-loo! don't forget to use that shield!"

With that, FACADE disappears once again. Leaving you to the mercy of whoever's approaching.