
You both hear footsteps approaching.

"Oh shoot...someone's gonna see us! Toodle-loo! don't forget to use that shield!"

With that, FACADE disappears once again. Leaving you to the mercy of whoever's approaching.

You see a commoner approaching and duck behind a nearby barrel. The commoner doesn't seem to notice you, and you breathe a sigh of relief. You look around the town, seeing the large golden Erdtree in the distance.

"That's where Morgott is! thank goodness I remember from watching all those lore videos on youtube..." You think to yourself. "I need to get him to join me without giving away who I truly am, but first things first...I need to reach him. Now, how am I gonna get there without drawing a bunch of attention to myself?" You think for a moment as you eye the town for a long moment, looking at all the enemies, as well as every route you could go to avoid them. Then you remember, YOU HAVE A SHIELD!

You equip the shield (just in case of projectiles.) and start running towards the most empty route. Luckily, you made it to a safe area, near the castle itself. "Okay...all I need to do is meet Morgott at the foot of the Giant Tree...and then I can start getting to the others.." You think to yourself as you run into the castle. You didn't run in the right direction and end up getting ganged up on by multiple enemies.

You die pretty quickly since you can't attack the enemies and you black out shortly after, only to be revived by FACADE, who was standing outside the castle when you rushed inside. Somehow you didn't notice...

"You moron...you're working too quickly. Trying to rush things...that's not how stories work." FACADE says as you stand up. "Try that again, and this time take things slowly...it'll be much more entertaining that way."

"Can't you help me out here?" You say, not trying to run through all those enemies again. "Like you know...TELEPORT me to where Morgott is? I mean adventures are meant to be long and stuff, but this is just dragging!"

"Hmm..." FACADE says as he strokes his chin. "You have a point there, nobody likes a story that drags...alright, you've convinced me. Here, I'll help you out...JUST THIS ONCE THOUGH.' FACADE says before clapping his hands once. With that, you find yourself standing on the stairway that leads to the foot of the Erdtree, where Morgott is. "Now, I have to convince Morgott to join me...but the question is..how?" You think to yourself, before exclaiming. "That's it!...I'll just do what I did the first time! Make myself trustworthy!"

Before you approach the door, you shudder for a moment. "What is this doesn't work? What if Morgott doesn't believe me and just kills me immediately? Then what am I going to do?" You think to yourself as you get closer and closer to the portal-like door. "I'll never know unless I try, maybe he's really reasonable....maybe he will believe me!"

You walk through the door with a newfound hope. You find Morgott walking down the stairway asking his question "What is thy business with these thrones?"and yada yada. He stops speaking after he looks at you for a good long while. "I recognizeth thee...." Morgott says in a less defensive tone."thou'rt the young mistress i assist'd earli'r! what art thou doing h're?"

You breath a sigh of relief, you don't have to fight now. "Well, I'm here to help you and your family Morgott, and I'm here to bring you all back together, that is my job. It's going to be a hard task, but I'm going to do this, I have to. It's a duty I've been given by someone....higher than me, one would say."

Morgott looks at you with a confused expression on his face."Such feat sounds v'ry sore forsooth. almost impossible. How doest thee bethink to achieveth such a goal?"

"Well...I'm going to need a lot of help, and time. I wanted to start here with you because I know you really care about your family, and would love to bring them back together! Come on...We can team up and make this happen! Pretty pleeeeasse?" You beg, thinking about how ridiculous you sound.

Morgott strokes his chin, thinking longingly. "I see...well..hmm.." He says, unsure of what to say next."thou art c'rrect, i doth wisheth to bringeth the family togeth'r. But those gents wonneth't accepteth me. I'm a blight on the family nameth. Wherefore wouldst those gents accepteth me with loving arms?"

"Don't worry, we'll leap over that hurdle when it comes! So what do you say?" You ask, putting your hand out. "Do we have an agreement Mister Morgott?"

Morgott hesitates for a moment."How doth i knoweth thoust wonneth't betray me?"

You look him in the eyes with furious intensity. "I won't turn on you, I swear on my life! You can trust me because I didn't betray you the first time we met, knowing darn I could've! Even If I wanted to hurt you or anyone you care about, you can't!"

Morgott grabs your hand, and shakes it, sealing the deal. "thou art c'rrect. I has't nay reasoneth to distrust thee h're. F'r thy hast proven thine loyalty to me once. I believeth we has't an agreement. May i asketh for thy name?"

"You can call me...uhm...'gamer'." You respond with a wink, not being able to think of anything else to be called.

"Okay then..Gamer. Pleasure to make thine acquaintance. Morgott says as he kneels to get closer to your level. It was only then you realized how short you were compared to him.

"Alright....so now that I got the hard part done....what do I do now?" You say to yourself.

"i bethink first thou shouldst findeth a lodging to rest. Thy appears to beest not restful, and t is nightfall. " Morgott says as you look up to the sky. You hadn't yet noticed how dark it was, and you were certain it would be more dangerous if you tried to explore this late in the night. The thought of dying AGAIN sent shivers down your spine.

"I uhm...I think I'll stay with you..." You say as you hug Morgott's leg. "I'm not going out there this late, who knows what dangers sit out there!"

Morgott chuckles a bit as you panic. "glad we both can concur on yond. Cometh." Margit says as he ushers you to follow him. "i may has't somewh're f'r thou to catch but a wink."

"Thank you Mister Morgott." You say as you happily follow him. You look to the left of you to see FACADE in the distance, giving you a thumbs up. You return the thumbs up back as you enter the castle with Morgott.