The Next Plan

You wake up to the feeling of someone nudging your shoulder, you nearly jump at the sight on FACADE sitting on the bed next to you.

"Dude!" You whisper angrily as you scramble to sit up. "You didn't have to wake me like that! I was having a good dream too!"

"Oh hush, player!" FACADE whispers as he scoots closer to you. "I was here to tell you good job on getting Morgott to trust you! Now, you're going to need some brute force if worst comes to worst and you find yourself in the middle of a here's my plan. You're going to need someone large, larger than Morgott! Someone with powers to control the very thing that keeps your feet on the ground-"

You interrupt FACADE. "You mean Radahn?"


"How am I supposed to convince Radahn to join me? He's lost his mind due to rot!" You say, putting your head in your hands. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Do not worry, player! I wouldn't have suggested this if I didn't have a solution to it!" FACADE says as he pulls out an odd gadget.

"What. the Flip. Is THAT?" You ask FACADE, now even more confused than before.

"It's a special tool of mine called the 'eraser'. If I set this a certain way, we can cleanse the rot within Radahn's body, the heal the parts of his brain that got destroyed by the disease. It'll take some time to clear it all, but it'll work! You just need to put it on his head." FACADE exclaims with complete confidence.

"That's not the only thing wrong with Radahn! His feet are gone and he can't walk! How do I fix THAT?" You say as FACADE puts the tool in your inventory. "You can build prosthetics." FACADE says as he looks around the room. "This world has plenty of wood and metal that you can use, I'll even give you a blueprint." He says as he puts another Item in your inventory.

"One question..." You say to FACADE. "How are the physics and laws of this world even applying to me? Can't I just break the code?"

"I most certainly CAN break the code." FACADE responds. "You however, can't. The laws, the applies to you since you're here in this reality..."

"Ay-yi-yi...You frustrate me FACADE." You say as you hear the door creak open. "Oh shoot, gotta go!" FACADE says as he disappears once more, just before the door swung open. Morgott looks inside."Gamer? art thou good now? i hath heard thee speaking to someone."

Nuts. He heard FACADE.

"I uhm....I-It's all good! I was uhh...having a conversation with m-myself! Y'know, just t-talkin' to myself!...hehe...yeah..." You say, trying to sound somewhat truthful.

"oh. Good now then. Yond's fine gam'r, i wast very much worried about thee. I talketh to myself oft too, i know how thine doth feel." Morgott says with a warm smile and a chuckle."so feeleth not odd because of it. T's completely normal. "

"Hehe..yeah." You say awkwardly as Morgott enters the room and sits on the bed. "i hadst ado sleeping last night of all." He says with a frown as he rubs his face."i wast having a nightmare, liketh i doth just about every night now."

You look at Morgott with concern. "It's okay Mister Morgott, trust'll all be okay. They aren't real." You say as you hug him warmly. You don't know why you just hugged him, he might not have even wanted one, but you felt he needed one, so you did.

Morgott looks down in shock, he's never been hugged before, he blushes slightly feeling embarrassed. "thank thee gam'r, thoust didst not has't to doth such a thing."

"Yes I did!" You say confidently. "If I see anyone sad, I hug them, and help them feel better!" You stand up off the bed as you grab Morgott's hand. "Now come on! Cheer up!"

The both of you walk throughout the castle, Morgott happily showing you artifacts, and paintings of the Royal family. He even fills you in on information about the family you didn't find in lore videos. You listen with interest, and gaze at the paintings with intrigue.

"that's enow about mine own family. " Morgott says as he turns to you. "what about thou? what is thine family liketh?"

"Oh...m-my family. Yeah...uhhm..." You had to think for a moment. You haven't talked to your family in forever. Before you were dragged here, you were a lonely nobody who had no friends honestly.

"W-well...let's just say, my family isn't really....well interested in seeing me." You say quietly.

Morgott plants a hand on your shoulder. "mighty oaks from bawbling acorns groweth, eh? looks to me like we can relate in at least one aspect. Perhaps at which hour thy mission is complete, thee can join mine own family, and stayeth with us?" Morgott asks with a chuckle.

"I mean...I guess so.." You say, trying not to sound awkward.

"Good." Morgott says. "anyway, onto a less emotional topic, about thine plan. What art thou intending to doth next?"

"Well..I had the Idea that we could find your half-brother, General Radahn! We're going to need a ton of help in order for this plan to work, and I thought the powers of Radahn would help us immensely!" You say, with complete confidence.

"Radahn is stout, coequal m're so due to the scarlet roteth. That gent's m're bestial anon. how doest thou intendeth on fixing yond problem?" Morgott asks.

"Don't worry, I was asking myself that and I have this tool here, and it's said to have the ability to erase the rot in Radahn's body, all it needs is time to activate!" You say as you show Morgott the eraser tool you received from FACADE. Morgott gazes at the tool in amazement.

"wh're doest thou receiveth such an item? t seemeth thou art w're did bless by grace itself!"

"I got it from the being I told you about when we first met." You said, trying to leave as much detail out about FACADE as possible.

"I see...impressive." Morgott says, satisfied with your answer. " there a way I can get to Caelid quickly?" You ask Morgott, whilst putting the Item back into your inventory.

"don't thoust dareth bethink thine art going to visage yond giant by thyself. Alloweth me to assisteth thee!" Morgott says in a parental tone. "Take this." He says as he hands you a summon. "Use it whenever you need my help.."

"Thanks a ton! I could use the extra hands.." You say, as you prepare yourself to leave

"The Tower of Caelid is located in Dragonbarrow, in the north of the region. Thou can access that area through the Bestial Sanctum."

"Ah, I see..Thank you!" You say as you run out of the castle.

"Be careful on the way, Gamer!" Morgott calls out behind you.

"Okay! I'll do my best, Mister Morgott!"

You run fast through the other buildings and homes to ensure that you're out of sight from Morgott.

"FACADE? Where are you?" You call out, trying not to call attention to yourself.

"Right here, darling." FACADE says as he walks into view from behind the ruins of a home. "Lemme guess, you need a way to get to the Beastial Sanctum, yes?"

"That's exactly what I need!"

"Well...I'm not going to teleport you there. I said I'd only do it once, and that would be TOO easy, but I'm not gonna make you suffer and walk all the way, so here, Take this..." He says as a carriage without a horse or a driver rises from the ground."

"It's a nice carriage, but how is that even gonna move?" You say, as you look at the carriage with slight annoyance.

"Oh quiet, it moves itself. Like a sentient carriage...but once you get to your destination, it'll disappear. So no need to worry about inventory." FACADE says as he ushers you into the carriage. "I'm a little scared....but I have Morgott to help me now, and that'll make this entire battle of the wits much easier!" You say as you hop into the carriage.

(Because I'm a nice narrator, I'm gonna skip ahead of the part with the carriage ride. You weren't doing much but eyeballing the scenery anyways. All I can say is a bunch of animals attacked the carriage, and she almost died because she couldn't defend herself, but at least she came out fine in the end!)

After a while, you finally make it to the Bestial Sanctum. Once you dismount the carriage, it disappears into the ground.

You do some more exploring, avoid more enemies, and eventually find the portal to Caelid. "Starscourge Radahn, here I come!" You say as you hop into the portal.

After you find yourself inside Caelid, you look at Redmane Castle in the distance. You look to your side, only to jump at the sight of FACADE, who has already beaten you there.

"You see Redmane castle, yes? They're holding a festival of war'll be able to find the portal that leads to Radahn's boss arena there. Remember, put that eraser tool on his head. Understand?"

You nod. "Good, You got this kid! Do it for the future!" FACADE says before disappearing once again.

You sigh in frustration, realizing you have to WALK all the way to Redmane Castle, no horse, no carriage, nothing.

"Gah...That FACADE could've lent me a hand here..." You say as you make the slow trudge to the Castle, avoiding every enemy on the way there. You've gotten quite good at dodging things, makes sense since you can't attack, so might as well dodge.

After a long while, you finally make it to the Castle. You hear the sad music, and see the other Npcs sitting along the fire. You've watched much lore on Radahn, knowing about how you were supposed to kill him in order to give him the death of a warrior. Imagine the faces of all these soldiers if you told them that you held the cure to Radahn's ailments. However, that would draw too much attention to you keep it to yourself. You find the portal to Radahn's boss arena and hop in, as soon as you hop into the arena, you find yourself being barraged by arrows. You swiftly dodge them, getting hit by a few, as you make your way to Radahn....once again on foot, because FACADE doesn't like making things easy. You get close to Radahn whilst dodging swords taller than you, you then realize you need to find a way on top of Radahn....shoot.

"That's it!" You say as you pull your summons from the inventory. "Help me Margit!!!" You quickly summon Margit, and you hand him the device. "Place this thing on the head of Radahn, as you're physically capable of getting up there!"

Margit looks at you and nods. "Keep him distracted for me, Gamer!" Margit says as he charges Radahn without hesitation. You get in front of Radahn, "Hey big boy! Chase me...over here...come me!" The distraction seems to work as Radahn starts chasing you...very quickly. You start running with Radahn quickly closing the gap between yourself and him. "Oh no, h-hey buddy, we can talk about this first!" You say as you dodge slash after slash from his sword.

Radahn then stops and roars in frustration as Margit climbs on his back, device in hand. Radahn was fast to react, trying to hit Margit off of his shoulder, but Margit was faster, dodging each attack with no issue. It was almost like watching a human try to slap a mosquito on their shoulder, it was cool...but funny. You watch in amazement as Margit scrambles on top of Radahns helmet and places the device on the top of his head. The tool starts to glow as Radahn roars once again, then stops and falls unconscious.

"Well, that was easier than I thought." Margit says as he hops off of Radahn's sleeping body. "Now what are we gonna do with him?" He asks you.

"Well...we need to find a way to drag him out of here...Could you sit here and wait for me to get some extra hands?" You say as you make your way back to the portal.

"Of course Gamer." Margit says as he sits next to Radahn.

You make your way back into the castle to inform the soldiers. "Greetings fellow Redmanes, I'm here to inform you that your general...General Radahn..has been CURED!" You say with full confidence in how ridiculous you currently sound. "The cure will take some time to complete, but I need extra hands to drag him out of the desert and stuff...if any of you guys would be interested in helping me...I would really appreciate it..."

The soldiers give you weird looks, and then they look at each other, then back at you. "I don't believe it!" One of the soldiers say, "I must see this for myself, it sounds impossible!"

"Well...It's true, I tell you!" You say as you usher them to follow you into the portal. "Come see it if you don't believe me!"

The soldiers follow you into the portal. Some of them muttering reasonably skeptical doubts. You take them throughout the desert of Caelid to a still unconscious Radahn, with Margit sitting next to him.

"Great Marika!" One of the soldiers say in amazement. "It cannot be, he has been cured!"

The soldiers all jump up and shout in excitement as they grab Radahn and start to pull his unconscious body to the portal. You and Margit stay back and watch the soldiers celebrate the healing of their beloved leader.

"What are we going to do about his feet?" Margit asks confused.

"Don't worry, I have a plan for that..." You say as you pull out the blueprints for prosthetic feet. "Thou art seems to have a plan for everything, hm?" Margit says whilst chuckling. "Yep." You say as the two of you walk back to the portal to head to Lyndelle.

Later, once you're back at Lyndelle, you walk through the roads only to get stopped by FACADE.

"Great job out there, Player!" He says with happiness. "You did great, now I have a new mission. You need to find Ranni, and convince her to join or cause!"

"How am I going to do that?" You say, as you scratch your head.

"Simple, just look for her..she's sitting around somewhere in the Lands Between."

"Can I do that another day? I'm really tired..." You say as you yawn loudly.

"Of course player, take some time to rest and we'll speak again in the morning!" FACADE says before vanishing once again.

You turn around and do a small victory dance, happy with your success, and make your way to Lyndelle Castle to sleep after the day's adventure.