Continuing on the path.

You wake up to once again see FACADE staring at you whilst sitting on your bed. You jump in surprise as FACADE chuckles softly.

"Good morning player!" FACADE whispers as you scramble to sit up. "Did you have a good night's sleep?"

"I did until you showed up like that! Must you wake me up this way EVERY morning?" You ask angrily.

"But of course! It's effective, is it not?"

"Yes, but this is getting kind of irritating!"

"So sorry, player. Now get up and out of that bed, you have a mission to complete!" FACADE says as he pulls you to your feet.

"Just five more minutes..." You say as you try to climb back onto the bed.

"The Early bird gets the worm! Now up and at 'em!"

FACADE drags you out of the bed and stands you up. "Heroes are ready, no matter what time of the day it is!" He says as you tiredly put back on your armor. "Now get ready, Morgotts coming in to check on you!" FACADE says before vanishing once again.

You shake your fist in frustration as you hear the door creak open. "Gamer, art thou awake?"

"Yeah, I'm up Mister Morgott." You say as you sit on the side of your bed.

"That's good to hear. How was thine slumber?"

"It was all good, I feel refreshed."

"That's great. So...any more missions for thee?"

"Yeah, I was told to go and search for Ranni? Any Idea where she could be?"

"Sorry Gamer, Unfortunately I do not..."

"That's fine, I should be able to find her if I search long and hard!" You say as you prepare to leave once again.

"Be safe out there gamer, goodbye..." Morgott says as you leave the Castle once again.

You make your way out of the Castle, and leave Lyndelle. As you're exploring, you spot FACADE looking at a tree.

"Hello player!" He says with a wink. "So, looking for Ranni are you?"

"Yeah.." You say to him. "Any Idea where she is?"

"Mm-hm. You'll need to head to Liurnia. She'll be sitting somewhere around there."

"Oh yeah... " FACADE says with slight worry in his voice. "I'll need to warn you. She's somewhat aware of my presence..."


"Ranni is partially aware of my existence, and she already knows about you as well....I guess I got sloppy. I'm going to go ahead and warn you that she will interrogate you when you arrive. Play dumb with her, do not tell her about me...tell her she's hallucinating or something."

"Uhm...Okay? How did she find out about you?"

"She didn't find out everything about me....she just knows about my presence slightly, but that's still worrying."


"Never mind me, Just do what I said and play dumb if she asks you anything!" FACADE says before disappearing.

"That was strange...never seen him so frustrated before." You say as you make your way towards Stormveil. "Maybe Liurnia is somewhere around there..."

After a long while, you find yourself in Stormveil, and you see Ranni sitting on the ruins of a well, looks like was expecting you.

"You..." She says in a low tone. "I've been waiting for you...PLAYER."

"Oh...h-how do you know my name?" You say, sweating slightly in fear.

"How do you know who I am?" Ranni says as she approaches you, "In fact, how do you know ANY of my family members? How did you know how to cure scarlet rot, and how did you know where to find me?"

"I uhm...I" You stutter slightly as you try to come up with some explanation.

"That's not all I know either, I know you have a friend helping you too. Tell me who they are."

"F-friend? I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Really, so you just so happen to HAVE access to tools and relics unknown to the very demigods themselves? You just so happen to hold tools that can cure what wer supposed to be incurable ailments? You didn't get these relics from ANYONE?"

" just so happen to have these yeah..."

"You're a liar...tell me the truth. Why are you really here, and who's helping you?"

"Okay, okay you caught me! I'll only tell YOU everything, if you tell ME how you found out..."

"Well, I was in Stormveil, just walking around, when I spotted you and someone else speaking to each other, I admit I was a bit nosy so I eavesdropped and overheard your entire conversation about your mission and everything."

You look at Ranni with a surprised expression, she continues.

I was curious and so I followed you two throughout your adventure to understand what you two were doing here. I didn't want to look suspicious but I guess your friend found me and told you. I knew I was caught so I waited here for you so I can confirm this myself."

"Okay..." You say. "You clearly know more than I thought...Okay, I confess...I'm not from here, and that man you saw me talking to, he's not either. We're here to bring your family back together, and bring peace to all of you. We meant no harm, really!"

FACADE then appears from thin air. "Player-augh whatever, the jig is up. Yeah, we're not your everyday commoners, we're...different." FACADE says as Ranni looks at the both of you.

"Listen, please don't tell anyone about him! He doesn't want to be known!" You beg.

"Well....okay, your secret is safe with long as you allow me to assist you on this journey!" Ranni says.

"What?" FACADE says confused.

"Yes, I admit it...I want our family to be how it once was. When I overheard the two of you talking about fixing our family instead of killing all of us, I was overjoyed. I care deeply about my family...and would love for us to be together again. Please, let me help you both!" Ranni says as she grabs your hand. "Please!"

FACADE looks for a moment. "Think we can take this risk, player?"

"Well...she did promise to keep our secret...I think we can let her help..." You say as you shake Ranni's hand. "Welcome to the team, Ranni!"

Ranni smiles, and gives you a tight hug. "Oh bless your soul!"

FACADE looks at Ranni. "You better not break your promise..." He says before disappearing again.

"I would like to see my brother!" Ranni says. "Can you take me to him?"

"Of course." You say as you grab Ranni's hand and lead her to the bestial sanctum. You led her to the portal.

"Hey, you know where Redmane Castle is right?" You asked.

"Yes, I don't have to assist me there. We will meet again, player." Ranni says as she enters the portal.

You smile as you see her off, happy with today's success.