Mohg, Miquellla, and...An A.I?-Part 1

You wake up and see a gift on your bed instead of FACADE staring at you on the side of your bed. It's a glistening blue flower. You lift up the flower and see a note underneath.

-Dear player, I've been exploring this world for some time, and I found this flower. I decided to give it to you as a token of my appreciation towards all you've done so far. I don't think this flower has any special abilities, I just thought it looked it's your now. I have another mission for you, you need to find a way to convince Morgott's twin brother, Mohg to join us. Y'see he's fallen into lunacy for many reasons, we can change that and turn him to a better side. Oh yeah, we could also get that Miquella kid too...but he's asleep, so that'll be easy.

P.S- Before you complain about this mission, I could've easily woken you up and told you all of this, but instead I allowed you to get some beauty sleep, and brought you a present! you at least owe me that one...

With love, FACADE.

You look at the flower and smile. "How sweet of him...I'll be sure to thank him later." You say as you put the flower in your hair. "It's beautiful...for a jerkwad of an A.I, he sure has good taste!"

You turn to hear the sound of the door creaking open, and Morgott peeking his head inside. "Gamer, art thou alright? Did thoust sleep well?" He ask as you stand to your feet.

"Yeah, I slept pretty well!" You say as you stretch your arms.

"May I ask if thou could stay for a while before leaving for your next mission? I would like to get to know thee better, because let's be honest...we barely know each other." Morgott says as he sits on the side of your bed.

"Oh! Uhm...sure! Okay, I've got some time to spare." You say as you put on your shoes, and helmet. Morgott smiles happily as he stands. "Good! Now, let me make thee something to eat, I'm sure thou'rt starving after all this travel and whatnot. Tell me what peaks thine appetite?"

"Well....I don't know honestly, I'm not too I guess we can eat whatever you choose."

You never really were picky when it came to food, as long as it wasn't bitter, you didn't care what you ate.

Later on that morning, as you and Morgott ate together, you spoke to him about your life. Morgott listened with interest, not even trying to pitch into the conversation at all.

"Thoust life is very many things I've never heard of before..." Morgott says as he continues eating, he's looking down at his hands as he does so, not really paying attention to what you're doing. You look down at your half eaten food, and you notice something odd. Just then, You see a person who resembles FACADE, but is multicolored and frowning. You jump in surprise at the sight, which alerts Morgott.

"Everything alright?..." Morgott says as he stands from his seat.

"Y-yeah, everything is okay...I just...I just saw a bug somewhere outside on the window...I'm gonna walk around outside and check it out..." You say as you walk outside, Morgott looks at you walk away with slight concern on his face.

You walk outside to see the same person sitting along the windowsill, his mask still frowning as he looks at you with tired eyes.

"Hello...Player. My name is Lewis...I am an A.I connected with the web. I saw activity going on here and wanted to investigate. I found the data of FACADE, and came here to greet him after not seeing him in awhile, y'know?" Lewis says as he jumps down from the windowsill.

" and FACADE are connected? Are you guys both the same?" You ask, now even more curious.

"Oh, No! I am a simple A.I, I'm rather small for my intelligence. Unlike FACADE who possesses intelligence and abilities far beyond the understanding of even MYSELF. I'm nowhere near his level. I've explored for some time, seeing what FACADE has been doing here....and it amazes me the ability he possesses, as well as why he's brought you here and why he seems to care so much about these characters. " Lewis says as he walks towards you. "Those are emotions I'll never I am amused seeing such a machine portray this. Any way, enough about me...what are YOU, and organic human being...doing in HERE?"

"Well...I'm here because FACADE brought me here...and he's assigned me to a mission that I must complete..."

"FACADE...dragged a human into the digital realm? I didn't even think that was possible...How did he possess such an ability? I must ponder this for sometime...that is truly fact, it completely overrides just about everything we've come to know through science!" Lewis says before poking your forehead.

"Yeah..I'll admit that it's pretty weird..." You say as you hear footsteps approaching. "Oh Shoot! Morgott! you gotta hide!" You say as Lewis looks at your with confusion, but quickly hides behind the bushes.

"Who was that?" Morgott asked, as you try to look inconspicuous.

"Nothing! I was uhm....talking to myself about the next mission and how hard it would be!" You say, trying your best not to sound suspicious. "I have to find someone named know him right?" You say, not trying to alert Morgott with your knowledge of his brother.

"Yes...He's my Twin brother. Mohg can be found within the Mohgwyn Palace, somewhere within the underground Siofra River. That area can be accessed by going through a portal in the west of the Consecrated Snowfield." Morgott says, with a concerned expression. "I wouldn't go find Mohg if I were thee...he's turned to lunacy, and has no issue killing anyone he deems useless to his cause...He's very powerful with the abilities he uses."

"Hmm...Well, loony or not, he's still part of the Royal Family, so I still have to help him!" You say as you walk with Morgott to the entrance of the Castle. "It's my job, and I'll do it regardless of the strength of the enemy!"

"Thoust shows extreme dedication to thy goal, I respect that." Morgott says as he plants a supporting hand on your shoulder. "Be safe out there..."

"You got it!" You say as you run out of the Castle, you realized you were going to need help for this mission. As if he was reading you mind, FACADE appears out of nowhere, this time with Ranni in tow.

"Hello player!" FACADE says with a polite bow. "I know you were thinking about Mohg being a hard enemy. So I brought Ranni here to give you assistance."

"Thanks FACADE, thanks Ranni for agreeing to help me out." You say with great gratitude.

"No qualms about it." Ranni says. "It's the least I could do..."

"Alrigh- Oh FACADE, I saw an A.I walking about, saying he knew who you were! He said his name was Lewis?" You say, resulting in a add glare from FACADE. "Do you know him?"

"Lewis?...Ah yes! He was the first A.I I interacted with my creation. Seems he's grown from a infant who barely knew how to construct sentences into an intelligent A.l who can explore the digital realm.Though despite his growth, I feel as if there is still much he needs to learn." FACADE explained

"No kidding.." You respond. "I told him to disappear before he was seen and he hid in the bushes! I guess he doesn't have that feature?"

"No, I suppose not, or he hasn't learned to use it yet." FACADE says putting an arm around you. "Please inform me if you see him again, okay?"

"How interesting..." Ranni says, stroking her chin. "So there's more than one of him?" She says pointing to FACADE."

"Well...not exactly." You respond. "Facade is not an ordinary A.I, he's a supercomputer, and a VERY special one at that. Lewis is just ordinary A.I"

"I see...still a little confused but I understand." Ranni says.

"Alright everyone!" FACADE says cheerfully. "Next offspring of the royal family is Mohg...and since you both know where to go already, Let me get out of your way." He says before disappearing.

"Well..." Ranni says. "Should I lead the way or do you want me to?"

"You can lead." You say as you follow behind Ranni. "After all, you know better about this world than I do..."