Mohg, Miquella, A.I? (Part 2)

You and Ranni are still exploring the area, trying to find the portal that leads to the Mohgwyn Palace within the Consecrated Snowfield. The both of you have donned some random winter gear you found in a nearby barrel.

"So..." You ask Ranni, trying to start a conversation. "How's Radahn Doing?"

"He's woken up and is doing great...but he needs to learn some things again, like speech..." Ranni responds.

"That's good..." You say, before you lose yourself in a train of thought.

"What's the matter?" Ranni says, noticing your facial expression change.

"I'm worried..." You reply, "How do I talk to crazy people? Mohg is supposed to a lunatic right? How do I reason with a loony?"

"Talking it out doesn't always work...Sometimes you just need to use extensive force..." Ranni says, "That's why I'm here...I can fight fairly wel-oh!" Ranni says as she points to the portal, "There's the portal! C'mon." She says before grabbing your hand and running towards the portal. She ran quite fast...faster than you thought.

You both hop into the portal and find yourselves in the Siofra River.

"Now what?" Ranni says "Where's Mohg?"

"I was told by Morgott that Mohg was in a secret level under this river here..." You say as you wander the area.

"Those two keep in contact with each other?" Ranni says as she follows behind you.

"Yeah, I guess." You say as you wander, "You know what they say, you walk long enough and you'll find what you're looking for." You say as you point to an area with red lighting. "Don't get me wrong, but based on those villainous undertones I think he's over there..."

"Okay..." Ranni says, "To avoid drawing ANY attention to ourselves, we're going to go over there as stealthily and as QUIET- Hey get back here!" Ranni shouts as you're already running over to Mohgwyn Palace. You run right inside without a second thought, Ranni right behind you. "You could've waited!" Ranni says, out of breath from running behind you.

You both look ahead and you see a long arm extending out of a cocoon.

"Is that....Miquella?" Ranni says in shock, "Is he okay?"

"Yeah...He's just asleep." You say with utmost sincerity. "Don't ask me how I know that, it's a SECRET..."

"Okay, Let's just go in here and find Mohg...this place is creeping me out..." Ranni says as she walks into the Palace. Just then Miquella's hand drops and you see blood dripping from the cocoon. The blood forms a large puddle, and Mohg comes out of that puddle. He starts spouting his exposition but neither you or Ranni are listening.

"There he is!" You said with little shock in your voice, just as Mohg's cutscene closes.

"Welcome honored guests! TO THE BIRTHPLACE OF OU-" Mohg shouts before you interrupt him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...we need you to come with us!" You say, as Mohg shoots a dirty look at you for interrupting him.

"Oh really? And why pray-tell should I do THAT?" Mohg says in response, "I'm doing perfectly fine RIGHT HERE. Give ME one good reason why I should come with YOU, I don't even know you!"

"Uhm...Well." Ranni says. "If you come with us, you'll have better living conditions rather than this rotten castle..."

"It's not TOO terrible..." Mohg says in denial, in comedic timing a piece of the wall falls on the ground and breaks.

"Not to mention your brother, Morgott would love to see you and how you're doing...." You say.

"Morgott...wants to see me?" Mohg says.


"Well..." He says in hesitation, "MY ANSWER IS STILL NO-" Mohg shouts before having one of his horns grabbed by Ranni. "Hey! Let me go....unhand me!"

"Go and grab Miquella....I got his weak spot....omen don't like it when you grab their horns." Ranni says as she starts to drag Mohg out of the Castle and to the Portal, despite his protests.

"You'd better unhand me...DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?! I'll have you at the Gallows for this! You disrespectful scoundrel."

You go to the front of the chapel-like structure and pick up the cocoon containing Miquella inside. It's quite heavy, (to your surprise) but you're able to carry it outside the chapel. You trudge your way to the portal, Ranni already beat you to it and was waiting for you on the other end. You both make your way back to Lyndelle Castle, Ranni dragging Mohg and you are still carrying Miquella.

After many hours of walking back to Lyndelle (the entire trip was made even longer by Mohg's excessive complaining and struggling....) The two of you finally make it to see Morgott waiting for you at the Castle entry. Morgott's eyes widened in shock at the sight of his brother, who he had not seen in years, standing in front of him. Mohg's eyes widened to the sight of Morgott.

"'s been so long since I've seen thee, Brother..." Morgott says as he pulls Mohg close. "I can't believe thoust managed to do bring him home..."

"Morgott..." Mohg says as he embraces his brother, tears forming in his eyes. "I-i can't believe're not mad at me? F-for abandoning you all those years ago?"

"No...of course not...Thourt my family...despite thine's affection towards the formless mother, I will still love thee, now and forever."

Hearing Morgott's words must've lit something up in Mohg, he then falls to his knees in sadness. "I'm so sorry Morgott...sorry for everything..."

"It's alright." Morgott says as he points to you. "She's going to help us fix our family..."

"Really?" Mohg says as he looks at you. "You're going to do that for us?"

You nod and Ranni nods as well. Morgott notices Ranni and smiles warmly. "I see thoust brought Ranni along, just in the nick of time too! I have a guest!"

"Really?" You say confused. "Who?"

"Well, He's quite the gentleman. I'll let you meet him but first, go sit Miquella in a room so we can try to wake him up later..."

You run into the halls and find the room right across from yours and sit the cocooned miquella on a bed. You then run back down to Morgott, Mohg, and Ranni as he leads you into one of the large rooms within the Castle.

"Here he is...Everyone meet Lewis!" Ranni says as a character resembling that of FACADE except with more colors and a frowning mask comes out of a nearby shadow. Lewis stands awkwardly and waves.


Your mouth is agape. "Hello...Lewis!" You say as you shake his hand, your eyes staring right into his as he winks knowingly. "Nice to meet you." you say quietly through Gritted teeth.

"Well..." Ranni says as she shakes Lewis' hand. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!"

Mohg shakes his hand as well. "Uhm...Greetings..."

Lewis takes a bow in front of all of you before speaking. "I'm here to meet someone and I know he's around here somewhere, but I got tired and wanted to stop and admire the scenery. Kind Morgott here allowed me to rest until I restored my energy."

"He's just the most delightful lad..." Morgott says. "And he could keep me company when you guys are away..."

"Yeah, I find no qualms about that..." Ranni says as she smiles at Lewis, clearly infatuated by his appearance.

"Away on what?" Mohg says confused. "Some sort of mission?"

"Yeah..." You say, confirming Mohg's answer.

You look at Lewis with slight concern, was he going to spill the beans about FACADE?

Later on that night, you sit on your bed even more concerned than before. "I need to make sure Lewis doesn't slip...and I should probably tell FACADE in the morning..." You think to yourself as you stare at the ceiling, thinking about your next mission. "I wonder who I'm going to bring here next..."