Radahn's Prosthetics.

You wake up to see FACADE sitting on the side of your bed, you don't jump this time because you were expecting that to happen.

"RISE AND SHINE!" says FACADE as he hastily removes your covers. "You're gonna be happy today, I have no far-out mission for you this time!"

You breathe a sigh of relief. "Thank God....so why are you here?"

"I'm glad you asked." FACADE says as he removes the blueprints you definitely forgot about from your inventory. "I need you to assemble these so Ranni can deliver them to Radahn. Sound good?"

"Yeah, I guess..." You say as you pick up the blueprints and look at them.

"What's up? You don't look too happy..." FACADE says as he gazes into your eyes.

"Well, that A.I I mentioned earlier, Lewis? He's shown himself to everyone...but where my concern lies is will he spill the secret about YOU and ME...or what?" You respond

"Oh, no worries my dear!" FACADE says as he grabs your hand and squeezes it. "he won't tell anyone, I know he won't! If you don't believe me I'll go and speak to him myself, okay?"


"Goodie! Now get up and get started on those prosthetics! Radahn needs to walk if you want him to help us, and he can't walk on those grey sausages we call stubs!"

You chuckle at FACADE's quip before he disappears, you see the door creak open and Morgott's head pop inside. "Good Morning!" He says as he walks inside.

"Good Morning Morgott! I've been given a new mission, but this time it doesn't require me to leave!" You say as you hop out of bed.

"Oh, that's great! What is this mission thoust speaks of?"

"I have to assemble prosthetic feet for Radahn, so he can be able to walk again." You say as you show him the blueprints.

"Ahh, I see...thoust has told me about these blueprints before. I would love to help thee assemble these prosthetics, if it poses no issues of course.

"No issues with me, in fact more hands could help these get done faster. We could also get Mohg to help out too...if he wants to! He doesn't have to."

"I'll ask him...what materials doest thou require to assemble these prosthetics?"

"Just some wood, iron, stone, and rope (VERY strong rope)."

Morgott nods before leaving your room, you grab the blueprints and go outside, you realize that you're going to need a large amount of space to build these large prosthetic feet.

"Why couldn't someone smaller have lost their feet? His feet are the size of a large doghouse!" You say to yourself as you lay out the blueprints. "Smaller feet are easier and less time-consuming to assemble!"

Lewis walks outside and sits next to you. "Whoa...this seems like quite the project! What are you building?"

"Just some prosthetic feet for Radahn...would you like to help?" You say as you scan the instructions of the blueprints for assembling the base of the foot. "I could use some extra hands...."

"Sure...I would like to help."

"Good...could you bring me some stone slabs and wood?"

"Your wish is my command!" Lewis says as he hastily runs into the nearby woods. "I'll be back shortly!"

You sit and start to assemble a prototype out of sticks, you then stand on top said prototype and find yourself able to balance perfectly.

"Okay," You say whilst in the middle of thought "...so the real prosthetics should be able to bear Radahn's weight (then again, he can manipulate gravity so...it doesn't really matter)....that's not a concern. We just need to make sure these are stable, so I'll need more than rope to hold these sticks together..but what will I use? Hmm..."

"Try cement..." Morgott says as he walks outside, holding a thick rope. He must've heard you mumbling to yourself. "It's pretty strong. And it should be strong enough to hold Radahn's weight, as cement can and does indeed hold much heavier items."

"That's a good idea..." You say as Morgott walks back inside the Castle, probably to get you more supplies. "Thanks....anyway, where's Mohg?"

"He didn't want to help, said he was too tired..."

"Fair enough.."

As Morgott disappears into the Castle, FACADE comes from behind a nearby door.

"Ahh...I heard someone needed some of this." He says as he hands you a bucket of cement. "One order of cement, on the house."

"Thanks FACADE, say how'd you get this so fast? Did you conjure it up from pixels?"

"Oh no, I borrowed it from a nearby construction area..."

"Y-...You did what?"

(Somewhere random, a bunch of soldiers are confusedly looking for their bucket of cement to finish repairing a massive hole in the church wall from a tree falling inside.)

"You know what?" You say, "It isn't a big deal, you'll probably give them some more..."

"Yeah...so anyway, you're using cement for the base of the foot?" FACADE says as he examines the blueprints.

"Well my Idea was to make it resemble his foot." You say as you see Lewis return with some Items. "He wore black-ish boots, right? So i'll make his prosthetics resemble that of his shoes. You'll barely know the difference!"

"Ahh...such a creative genius you have. Speak of the devil, looks like you got more supplies too..." FACADE says before disappearing once more.

Lewis approaches you and sits down the items and salutes you.

"I have returned with stone and wood! Hopefully the wood will be quite useful to you!"

"Thanks!" You say as you grab the wood. "I can get started with the frame, and move on from there." Just as you say that, Morgott returns with more rope and sits it next to you, he stands behind you quietly, so you don't notice his presence. You see the rope and grab it, tie a piece of it to the stick, and then join it together with another stick. Morgott looks at Lewis and pats his shoulder. "Shh...let's leave her be so she can work in peace." He says as they both leave you there working.


Many hours later, as nightfall approaches, you sit there satisfied with the completion of one frame.

"This is gonna take ages to complete." You say in frustration, "If only there was a way to make this very long task take less time an-"

You see FACADE approach from behind a pillar. "You called?"

"Ah, yes! FACADE, I need help with this, it's taking a long time....could you like....fast forward this just by a bit?"

"Of course....what's the Magic word?"

You shoot a look of annoyance to FACADE "...Please?"

"Okay!" FACADE says as he snaps his fingers, the single frame turns to two frames and part of the base finished.

"Thanks, that'll save me a lot of hours!" You say as FACADE sits beside you. "Radahn will have his new feet in no time!" You say as you continue to work hard, FACADE handing you tools, almost like one of those surgery scenes. By the time the sun rose high and many hours passed by, you worked hard until finally you were finished. FACADE looks at the prosthetics with a blank expression. "Finally done?..."

"Yeah." You say as you wipe sweat from your brow. "It would've taken longer if you guys didn't help me get supplies and whatnot..."

The both of you step back to admire the work. "Perfect, I'll go gather everyone FACADE, you stay here and keep watch!" You say as you run into the castle to get everyone outside.

FACADE disappears as soon as everyone else comes outside. They all gaze in amazement at the completed prosthetics.

"Wow....they look just like his feet.." Ranni says with a warm smile. "I'm sure he'll love them..."

"Will the big lug be able to even walk in those?" Mohg says confused.

"Yeah, Radahn's more than strong enough." Morgott says as he examines the prosthetics. "He'll have no issues."

"C'mon, let's grab these and bring them to Caelid." You say as you try to lift one on your own.

"That's much too heavy for thee, here allow me to assist thee." Morgott says as he helps you grab one foot.

Ranni, Mohg, and Lewis have already grabbed the other foot and carried it out of the castle, leaving you and Morgott alone.

"So....gamer, I've been wanting to ask this when thine were free...and uhm this may sound a bit funny...." Morgott asks as whilst stuttering a little. "and....see, there's a big celebration coming up, and everyone is going to be there...and I was wondering if thoust wanted to come with me, and it could be just the two of us..."

"What...you mean like a....date?" You ask, as Morgott's face turns bit red in the center as he around frantically, making sure nobody heard the two of you.

"No! No...I-It'll just be two friends enjoying each other's company of course..."

"Well...sounds a lot like a date to me, but sure. I could do that..."

"Wait...Really? Thee'd come with me?"

"Yeah...I mean, I'm not busy with missions or anything right now, plus I think you're a nice person to be around and stuff. I'd love to..."

Morgott smiles at that statement and continues walking.

You and Morgott walk outside of the Castle, Morgott taking most of the weight from the heavy prosthetic due to your frail form. He really is a gentleman. The both of you shortly catch up to Ranni, Mohg, and Lewis.

Many hours are spent carrying those heavy prosthetics to Caelid, you and the others had to stop just to catch your breath. Most of your breaks were spent conversing with Morgott, and learning more about his personality. He's quite a nice guy if you get to know him. You find yourself developing a bond with him and not wanting to leave his side....basically a crush.

You eventually make it to Redmane Castle, to see a hazy, but awake Radahn sitting on the ground, looking at a nearby campfire, the device still on his head.

You present the large prosthetics to the Redmane soldiers, who assist Radahn to the prosthetics. You see Radahn's horse, Leonard laying in a sheet of hay, probably tired after spending so long in the wilds.

Radahn needed a bit of explaining but he understood how the prosthetics worked, and quickly tried them on, growling happily as he stood and walked on his own for the first in years. Radahn did his best to thank You, Morgott, Mohg, Ranni, and Lewis for your hard work, but his still growing vocabulary proved this to be challenging.

As all four of you head back to Lyndelle, Morgott walks beside you and puts an arm over your shoulder.

"I thank thou...for this..." He says with a warm smile. "For wanting to help our family. thoust dose not have to, but thoust has chosen to stick to thy mission and help us....for that...I thank thee."

"No problem..." You say as you smile back at Morgott. "I want your family to have a happy ending....you all deserve one, I know your lives haven't been the best..."

Morgott grabs your hand, wrapping it in his and pulls you close to him. You both smile at each other as you continue onward.

You're not quite sure what your next mission is, but you're ready for it...

You have to be, after Morgott looked at you with so much hope in his eyes, it encouraged you to continue forward and complete the mission. Not for yourself, not to return back to reality, not even to please FACADE....but to give this family a happy ending.