The Vision

You awaken in a room unknown to you. It's a bright golden bedroom, much too large than the room you fell asleep in. There's no FACADE, and you have no idea where you are...until you spot a tall man approaching you. The man has greyish skin that's cracking, with black linen covering his lower abdomen, his head adorned with luscious red hair.

You then knew who this was Radagon. You've heard of him before (definitely not from those youtube lore videos.) He walks up to you, as silent as a mouse, and sits on the side of the bed.

Radagon stares at you intensely, before you break the silence. "H-hello?" you say as Radagon scoots closer to you on the bed.

"Hello...." Radagon says before going silent once again.

"W-where am I?"

"This is the dream realm, I was able to contact you through your subconscious, and I brought you here..."

"Okay? Why?..."

"I need to speak to you....I've been watching you for some time now through your head...your adventures with my children, your goals, everything....I've seen it all..."


"Like I said, I was able to break into your subconscious and see everything you see through your eyes...."

"Why me?"

"Well...I've tried it with others, but I received no response....your subconscious was weak enough for me to squeeze into, so I did."

" what do you want from me?"

"I want to provide assistance to you. For my overall goal, I want to get out of my prison, with your help, you can free Marika and I...Right? That is part of your mission after all..."

" do you plan on providing assistance from your prison?"

"You can't fight anyone can you? I can...."

"What are you getting at?"

"Let me control your body during battle, and I could fight for you..."

"Uhm....I don't know, I don't like the thought of having my body invaded like that..."

"Trust me, it'll be painless, and you'll sit here in your subconscious whilst I use your body momentarily, then I'll return control to you when it's, do we have a deal?"

Radagon holds out his hand, you hesitate for a moment before shaking his hand.

"Yeah, I guess so...Let me think about it...."

"Okay...when you've made up your mind, tell me...Now awaken my child..."

With those words, you jolt up in your bed to see Morgott sitting on the side of your bed with a concerned expression. "Gamer, Art thou alright? I couldn't wake thee, and I thought you were-..."

You sense Morgott's worry, so you give him a hug.

"It's fine, I was just is a....really deep sleep is all...."

Morgott seemed satisfied with your answer as he stood. "Alright....I was just so worried. Didst thou have a bad dream?"

"No....I just had a vision of sorts where I was approached by a man named Radagon? You know him right? Your Step-father?"

"Oh...yes....I know him...What did he say to thee?"

"Well....he was just asking me about my mission...that's all..."

"Oh, alright." Morgott says before walking up to the doorway. "About the thou still attending with me?..." Morgott asks quietly.

"Of course I am....what kind of friend would I be if I didn't go?"

Morgott's face lit up when you said the word 'friend' he then buries his face in his cloak, trying to hide the clear blush on his face. "Yeah...friend.....Oh...I forgot to say...I managed to get Miquella out of that cocoon, he should be awake in no time..."

"Great!" You respond.

"I'll introduce thee too him when he awakens, He may or may not be scared of thee because thou art a stranger to him." He says before leaving the room.

"Gotcha!" You say after him as the door closes.

You get up from your bed as you watch Morgott leave chuckling to yourself. "Aww...he's so sweet..."

Your attention then switches to the vision you was strange, just thinking about the fact that someone else was watching your every move through your very eyes was enough to make you shudder. You decided to keep that part to yourself and not tell Morgott, the last thing that man needs is more worry on his mind.

Later that day, as you wander the streets of Lyndelle, you find FACADE standing in a corner, thinking to himself.

"Hey FACADE," You say as you approach him. "I need to te-"

"Is this about that vision you had?" FACADE says as he looks up at you "I overheard you talkin' about it...."

"'s really freaky just thinking about someone looking through my eyes...."

"I wouldn't ponder upon it too much...He may not mean any harm to our mission...He says he already knows about secrecy to him doesn't matter...."

"So, what do I do?"

"Like I said, Don't ponder on it...think about something your little DATE with the gentleman, Morgott." FACADE says mockingly. "I love it when a good story has romance!"

"It's NOT a's just two friends hanging out he said!" You shout in denial, blushing heavily.

"Sounds like a date to me....stop denying it..." FACADE says jokingly. "Besides, you do have a crush on him anyways, wouldn't the word 'date' sound better to you? Or are you gonna deny that too?"

"How do you know I have a crush on him?!"

"I can just feel the vibe, I'm not stupid, I am a supercomputer after all. By the way, He likes you too y'know... I hear him talking about you when he's by himself..."


You groan in slight annoyance as you turn and walk away from FACADE, him snickering at you before shouting. "By the way, when the celebration-DATE and whatnot is over, you have another mission! But I'll give the details to THAT later! Go and hang out with your PRINCE CHARMING!" He says before disappearing.

You sigh as you walk around the streets, admiring the scenery. You try to take your mind off of things, but you can't help but think about Radagon's words, a part of you hopes he means no harm...but you're still unsure.

You decide to do what FACADE says and trust Radagon won't do anything detrimental to your mission, and you pull your mind back to the celebration.

"A date with odd is that?" You say whilst blushing slightly.