The second Vision and a blooming love

You awaken in the gold room once more. This time, Radagon looming over you, staring into your eyes intensely. You were having another one of those weird vision-dreams.

"Hello again..." He says as you sit upwards on the bed. "I have something for you..."

"What is it?" You say with concern.

"Here...." He says before pulling out a bouquet of flowers, they were violets, your favorite.

"Oh my gosh, they're did you know?" You ask in amazement.

"Wandering around in your thoughts, it's easy to find certain things you like, like your favorite flower."


"It's a token of appreciation, for what you've done now...and what you're going to do later..."


"No're so adventurous for someone so's amazing, truly."

"Well...I kind of have to be adventurous if I want to complete my quest."

"Fair enough..."

The two of you sit for a moment in blissful silence, before Radagon puts his arm around you.

"You know...It would be nice, having you as a child of my own..." Radagon says with a warm smile. "You'd be part of such a large family..."

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"If by chance you do end up staying here with us....we could add you to our family...doesn't that sound good?"

"Well...I don't know..."

"Think about it....instead of being alone all the time with a family who couldn't care less about you, you could stay with us....with ME, and I'd shower you in all the affection I calling me 'Father'...."

You were taken aback by Radagon's words, he sounded so....sincere in his statements, despite how bizarre they sounded. You were a bit uncomfortable with those words, especially at the part where Radagon emphasized staying with HIM specifically.

"Why do you want me to stay with you?" You say, trying to understand his words.

"Because...." Radagon says as he looks down at his lap. "It would be a chance to change myself. I'd care for you, and Rannala, and my children...I'd be able to change my ways...and be a better husband and a better father...but I want to do that with you too...I'm much more knowledgeable of who you are than your true family....I even know your real name #########."

You look up in shock at Radagon in shock. "I-i don't understand...."

"When I was looking at your thoughts...I felt like I bonded with you, your life and your actions, from then to now. I found myself loving you like a child that was mine and I would like to build that bond with you....I want you to be my daughter and join my family....Imagine, you'd be a sibling to Ranni, Rykard, and Radahn...and you'd be a half brother to you're new friend, Morgott..."

"I uhm....I-" You say, now even more confused and creeped out than ever.

"Please...just think about it..."

"Uhm...okay...I will think about it...."

"Oh thank you...that really makes me happy to hear..." He says as you black out, waking up in the real world once more. FACADE was sitting beside you on the bed, and noticed your concern in your facial expression.

"What a strange request eh?" FACADE asks, as you look up at him. "He sounded really serious too...and you thought I was the crazy one. What will you do now?"

"I-I don't know....but I will think about it....I always keep my word..." You say in a cold sweat. "Are you sure I should trust Radagon FACADE?"

"I mean come on, he's probably just talking out of lunacy, he's been locked inside of a large tree for WHO knows how long, he's probably just lonely. Now for your next mission! I need you to find Godrick the grafted....all he needs is a good talking to and some convincing to get out of that UGLY skin suit of his....I have stuff for that...but we'll get to it late-HEY, are you even listening?"

"Oh, uhh...yeah..." You say, lying through your teeth.

"I know you're lying, Listen, ignore his words. He's just a lonely'd be too if you were trapped in a tree with no way of escape for number of years!" FACADE says, annoyed with your fixation on the event.

"No, no I was listening...promise..."

"Okay, sure....well until you get your head out of the clouds...I'll be sitting around staring at pedestrians and throwing dirt at them!..." FACADE says before disappearing once more, you hear the door open, but instead of Morgott, you see a short blond boy standing in the doorway.

"Who are you?!" He says with alarm.

"I could be asking you the same thing!" You say, with even more alarm.

Morgott walks inside and grabs the boy. "Miquella, this is that girl I was telling thee about..."

"OHHH!" You say as you stand up from the bed. "You're Miquella! Hello there!"

"H-H-Hello." Miquella says as he hides behind Morgott's leg.

"Forgive me, Gamer." Morgott says, with a slight chuckle. "Miquella is just scared, he's been asleep for....many years, so seeing these sudden changes is...odd to him."

"I understand..." You say as Mohg also walks into the room, more tired than a single mom after a 9 to 5 shift.

"Will you three shut your mouths?" He says with a yawn. "I'm trying to SLEEP!!" He says before stomping back outside the room.

"Who spit in his soup?" Miquella says as he cowers further behind Morgott. Morgott laughs as he leaves the room, never noticing your worried expression.

You couldn't even move, just thinking back on what Radagon asked of you, was enough to make you shudder. "Why is he so....infatuated with ME being a part of his family...?" You think to yourself. "What does he want with me? Why does he want ME of all people in HIS family? I need to dig deeper here....I may be missing some factors."

You then remember the celebration that was coming shortly (as in...tomorrow.) You almost forgot about your little 'date' with Morgott. You felt excited, but still a bit creeped out by Radagon's words.


Later that day after you had forgotten about that morning, you were walking around with Morgott in a garden, whilst he gazed at the flowers. You didn't even know he liked flowers.

"Ahh...aren't these daisies beautiful?" Morgott asks as he picked one and places it in your hair. "It was just missing a lovely lady to wear it upon her head..." He says with a chuckle. You blushed, was Morgott flirting with you?

"Aww....don't flatter me...." You say hiding your face, you've never had a man compliment you in such a manner before. "It's embarassing."

"But it's true...thou art very lovely..." Morgott says as he pats your head. "Art thou not excited for the celebration? I want thee to look thine best."

"Oh!" You say as you cover your red face even more, yep. He was definitely flirting with you. "I me..."

Morgott takes a deep breathe, and exhales. "Art thou nervous....thine face is redder than a rose my dear..."

You look up with a slightly annoyed expression, face still red as a beet. "'s not everyday a guy asks me to accompany him to a party...this is....actually the first time..."

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Morgott holds his head a shot of pain rushes through his brain.

"Aww....thourt so adorable..." Morgott says as he pats your head again. You knew he was flirting, he was so open about it too, and that made you blush even more. You don't know where these feelings of his came from, at first he was talkative, but he gave off a 'acquaintance' and 'don't speak to me too much.' kind of vibe. It wasn't until he mentioned that celebration he started to talk in such a manner. So that confirmed it....he was asking you out.

"Really Gamer...I do enjoy thine presence...I do. It's strange, I thought I would hate thee at first." Morgott says with a warm smile. For someone who's spent most of their life in a sewer, he was really charming. It's like he knew just what to say to you to turn your face red. He's really warmed up to you over the weeks.

"I-I uh...I-i like you're very nice...." You say quickly, trying to flirt back whilst trying not to sound awkward. Morgott chuckles again, his face turning slightly red from the compliment.

The both of you stare at each other longingly until a rock is thrown in between you and Morgott. You look to find the source of the thrown object and find a commoner standing looking very angry.

"Hey!" You say in annoyance. "What was THAT for?"

"Get out of here Omen scum!" The commoner shouts in anger. Morgott knows who he's talking to, and remains silent.

"I'll show you scum in a minute!" You say as you grab a nearby brick, ready to throw right at the commoner, until you feel a shock through your body, forcing you to drop the brick. "Dang it!" You think to yourself. "I forgot I can't bring harm to others....even jerkwads."

"It's okay, gamer." Morgott says as he grabs your hand. "Just ignore him.."

"No! That's not okay!..." You say as you look Morgott deep in the eyes. "No one should be treated like that!"

"Well...that's just reality for those like me..." Morgott says, with a sad expression on his face.

"It won't be once this mission is over, we'll change this me!" You say as you hug Morgott. Morgott returns the hug, and he was quite a good hugger. You don't know how, perhaps it was his large stature. Who knows?


Later on that night, you're sitting in the bedroom. Unable to sleep out of anger, you were still thinking of that moment from earlier, and how cruel it was.

You get out of your bed and walk around the halls of the Castle, you find Morgott laying down, reading.

"Hey, mind if I join you?" You say, getting his attention.

"Not at all..." Morgott says as you sit alongside him on his makeshift bed. He was too large for a normal bed, so he made one for himself, it was quite comfy. Morgott places his arm around you, and starts to talk about what he was reading. You listen with intrigue, finding lots of personality in Morgott as he shared his thoughts. You snuggled into his side, surprised by how warm he was. Morgott notices and looks down.

"Doest thou not feel like sleeping in thine own bed tonight?" Morgott says with a smile.

"Uhh....yeah." You say.

"Well...I suppose thoust could stay with me for one night..." Morgott says as he puts out the candle. "Goodnight, Gamer." He says, laying down beside you.

"Goodnight Morgott..." You say as you fall asleep. You felt so peaceful at Morgotts side, and he smiled warmly as he watched you fall into slumber.

You awaken in a black void. You see a golden ballroom forming in front of you, you watch in awe as the ballroom completes itself, and a door at the other end opens. You see Morgott walk into the Ballroom, except his eyes were as blue as sapphire, he approaches you and grabs your face with both of his hands. He lifts you up and smiles warmly at you before kissing your forehead.

You black out again as you enter slumber once more.