The Big Celebration

You awaken to no one laying next to you, guess Morgott had things to do early in the morning. You look up to see FACADE standing over you.

"Good morning!" FACADE says in a sing-song voice. "How did you sleep last night?"

"I slept okay." You say tiredly.

"Good, now get up, you need to prepare for that big celebration!" FACADE says as he drags you out of the makeshift bed.

"Oh...yeah I forgot about that.." You say as you jump to your feet, now more awake than ever. "Any details on this celebration?"

"It's to celebrate the city of Lyndelle surviving many wars..." FACADE says as you equip your armour onto your body. "Oh NO ma'am!" He says before removing your armour. "You're not wearing THAT."

"Why not?" You say with slight annoyance. "Morgott's going to be wearing his bloody torn cloak, he clearly doesn't care about the outside, rather their character!"

"That doesn't mean you walk around looking like the Tin-Man from the wizard of OZ. Here, take this." FACADE says as he puts two outfits in your inventory. "the less fancy outfit is for exploring the town and walking around with your DATE, the other is for the actual celebration. Aren't they pretty?"

"They're alright.." You say as you equip the purple, more casual looking outfit onto you.

"C'mon, you're not doing missions at the moment, unwind...enjoy this break!" FACADE says as he pushes you out of the room. "Most importantly, go enjoy some time with your crush~" FACADE says before laughing and disappearing.

"Jerkwad..." You say as you usher out of the Castle to see Morgott, Ranni, and Miquella conversing. You listen in to their conversation, and they all seem to be excited about the celebration for different reasons. Morgott is happy to celebrate the victory of Lyndelle, whereas Ranni's happy just to have fun, and Miquella....well he's just happy to be outside after so long. You approach them with a smile.

"Hey guys...You all seem happy this morning!" You say as Morgott eyes your new outfit. You notice Miquella run behind Morgott once more, however this time you don't react.

"Indeed we are excited, because of the celebration...doest thou remembereth?" Morgott responds.

"Of course I do!" You say.

"I love your garments...The color suits you. Wouldn't you say so, MORGOTT?" Ranni says as she elbows Morgott, who's blushes slightly.

"Of course! Purple suits thee wonderfully!" Morgott stammers out before hiding his face in the hood of his cloak, Miquella laughs at Morgott's stuttering. It seems to you that Morgott only likes showing his romantic to YOU privately, nothing wrong with're sort of the same way.

"Are Mohg and Radahn coming too?" You ask Ranni.

"Yeah...Mohg went to go get him, not by choice...I may have peacefully persuaded him to go get Radahn."

You laugh at Ranni's quip, then turn your attention to the stuttering Morgott.

"I can't wait to join you in the celebration! I'm sure we'll have lots of fun together..." You say as you feel your face turn slightly red. Morgott smiles at you before pulling his hood down.

"Glad we can agree there..." Morgott says quietly.

"Now..." Ranni says. "If you two lovebirds are finished, we have a big day ahead, we need to decorate and prepare!"

"Agreed, this place needs to look fabulous, I mean gold EVERYWHERE!" You say, feeling the girly "we gotta decorate" vibe from that sentence alone. "How about I go grab some things from the Market, and you guys stay here and decorate?"

"I think MORGOTT would like to come with you." Ranni says, bumping Morgott with her waist. "Wouldn't you?"

"O-of course...." Morgott says as he follows you out of the Castle.


Later that Morning, You and Morgott were wandering the crowded cobblestone streets looking for a gold linen for the table. You've already gotten halfway through the list in your head for party items. Morgott's been following you the entire time, not speaking all that much, and mostly responding to you with head nods or head shakes.

As you continue onward and the streets get less crowded, Morgott gets more talkative...even giving out small compliments to you at random moments. He was starting to flirt again...

"Thoust has so much energy in thine step..." Morgott says with a smile.

"What can I say? I like celebrations, and I'm even more excited that I'm not gonna celebrate know?"

"I can understand that..." Morgott says as he grabs your hand. "I'm excited too...I've been a lonely soul for so long now. just spending time with thou has made me happier than I've ever been. I feel as if I have a real friend...for the first time."


Later that night, After the celebration first began, Mohg, Ranni, and Miquella, and Lewis sit along the balcony of the Castle and Watch the fireworks.

You and Morgott however, had other plans. You both sat in the garden looking at the beautiful flowers. Morgott then lays down in the garden and eyes the fireworks with a warm smile along his face. You lay next to him, as he rubs your hand gently.

"I'm so glad thou art here with us....with me....."

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Morgott holds his head in one hand as a sliver of pain shoots through his brain. He then grabs you with his free hand and places you on his chest and stares at the sky. Morgott's chest was so warm and soft, you snuggled into him deeply. Both of your faces red with embarrassment as you realize how awkward the situation is.

"I hope thou stays here after thine mission is complete...." Morgott whispers in your ear before falling asleep. You stare at Morgott's peaceful face as he falls deep into slumber. You then fall asleep on Morgott's chest soon after.