Godrick's Retrieval and a visitor.

You wake up in the Castle, FACADE sitting on the foot of the bed.

"Lemme guess..." You say. "You want me to get started on that Godrick mission?"

"Correct!" FACADE says jokingly. "It seem that you can read my mind, hm?"

"Whatever floats your boat..."

"Say, how was that party?"

"It was..." You paused, your face turning red. "It was...okay.."

"Oh...no you don't....you fell asleep on Morgott, don't think I didn't see that!"

"Shut up."

"Heheh....Anyway, about that mission. I have a tool you're going to need to remove the grafted limbs from his body." FACADE says as he equips an odd sharp object into your inventory.

"Wait...I have to like....PULL the limbs off? Ew!" You say as you recoil in disgust. "Wouldn't that HURT Godrick? I thought I couldn't hurt anyone!"

"Believe it or not, it wouldn't." FACADE says "because Godrick has a real body under all those severed limbs and skin."

"That's disgusting...Besides, why didn't I just get him earlier?"

"Because that's not how I wanted the story to go..."

"Ugh! This is gross!"

"Can't argue with that...Now chop, chop! You have work to do!" FACADE says before vanishing.

You groan in annoyance as you pull yourself from the comfort of the bed. You then hear a small whisper which sounds as if it's coming from behind you.

"I'm getting sick of his disappearing act, some friend he is leaving you to do all the hard work by yourself."

You recognized the small voice, it was Radagon, he was talking to you outside of the dream realm. Strange.

"R-radagon...is that you?" You say, trying to confirm your guess.

"Yes...that's my name." Radagon says happily. Didn't know I could speak to you from outside your dream realm hm?"

"No..I didn't know that at all...What is it?"

"Well..I want to help you with Godrick...on one condition: You have to go alone, you can't bring anyone else."

"Oh...Uhm alright?"

Radagon goes quiet once you hear the door opening. This time, It's Miquella who pokes his head inside.

"Good Morning." Miquella say with a childish smile.

"Hey, w-where's Morgott?"

"Oh...He's sitting at the foot of the Erdtree, he's meditating...and needs quiet."

"Oh..Okay, well I'm leaving for another mission...be sure to tell him that when he finishes."

"Ohh...A mission? Can I come?"

"Well..." You then remember Radagon's orders. "Sorry Miquella, this is a solo mission." You say as you pat his head. Miquella's eyes light up as you pat his head.

"Aww, That's a shame...perhaps I can join you on your next mission."

"We'll see." you say as you leave the castle and go on your way to Stormveil. As your walking onward, you hear Radagon speaking to you.

"It's nice seeing nature after all this time." He says warmly.

"I bet." You say, more focused on your surroundings than the conversation.

"So....have you thought about the request?" Radagon asks.

"Well....sure...I mean..." You say, nervously.

"Have you made up your mind?"

"I mean...Well you see Radagon...I have a crush on your stepson, Morgott, and if this works out...we could be a thing, and if I were YOUR daughter, and HIS girlfriend....you see why that sounds off?"

"..I see...Well I could adopt you secretly?...No one has to know but you, me, and Rannala."

"Well, we could, but tha-"

"So it's settled! We'll adopt you secretly!"

"Well I uhm-"

"Thank you so much, my dear."

With that Radagon runs silent once more. After some time, you finally make your way into Stormveil, with no interceptions from anyone. You dodge the enemies ahead of you and make your way to where Godrick is dwelling. Godrick looks at you with anger in his eyes.

"Ah-Hah! Another lowly Tarnished, and with great limbs too!"

"Oh shoot!" You think to yourself.

"Do not worry, my child, I got this."

He then picks up his massive axe, ready to swing. You hold your tool, shaking in your boots. You don't know what to do as Godrick closes in and shoulder-tackles you, you hold up the tool, but you're still shaking. Godrick raises his axe over you.

"Ahhh!" You scream as you close your eyes.

Then, your find yourself in the dream realm, with Radagon nowhere to be found. He's taken over your body to fight on your behalf. You can still see what's going on, and you see yourself doing flips and slashing at the skin suit that Godrick finds himself inside. Slash after slash, skin flies off and Godrick is reduced to a average size, kind of wimpy looking man, who cowers in fear before you.

"Great Marika!" Godrick says, as he backs into a corner. "Have mercy!"

"I'm not going to kill you..." Radagon says, talking through you with your voice. "But I need you to come with me."

"Uhm...I can have that arranged, just need to ensure that the Cast-"

"No...you're coming with me...and you're coming NOW." Radagon says as he uses your body to point the tool at Godrick. You gasp in shock, not knowing what Radagon will do next.

"Okay...o-okay...I'll come with thee! Just don't hurt me!" Godrick says as he cowers further into the wall.

"Good....GET UP."

Godrick scurries up behind you and follows you out of the Castle. You then find yourself back in your own shoes once again. You feel as if all the bones in your body are shaking at once.

"That was fun...we should do that again, my child." Radagon says warmly.

"Yeah..." You say, still a little uncomfortable from having your body taken over and given back so quickly. "That was a little weird though..."

"I know it was, It's always weird the first time...you'll get used to it."

You head back Lyndelle, with a blubbering Godrick in tow. Whilst you're walking, you try to make small talk with Godrick.

"So uhm...Godrick...why start grafting?" You say calmly, much to the surprise of Godrick.

"Well I-uhm...I wanted to be strong like the rest of the family."

You look at Godrick with an intense stare. "Y'know, there's more to a person than how strong they are...I'm sure you can find something better to do in order to define yourself rather then...grafting."

"But....where will I get my strength?"

"Hard work....not-grafting. Because think about it this way, that wasn't your strength...that was someone else's strength, right?"


"If you work hard, you can find that special strength. Also, you don't have to be strong to show how good you are. What are you good at?"

"I like to....well I like to write tall tales..."

"Ah! You could do that instead!"

"That won't make me stronger...."

"So?...It's still something!"

"I...guess you're right."

You both smile at each other as you make your way to lyndelle. Godrick smiles at the sight of the city.

"Wow...this place is just as beautiful as I remember...you think they'll forgive me for everything I've done?" Godrick says.

"Who? You're family?.....Yeah, I'm sure of it! A familial bond is stronger than any sin you commit, remember that."

Godrick smiles at you then runs into the Castle with newfound hope. Ranni and Miquella approach him and look at his body.

"You look....normal Godrick." Ranni says with a smile, Miquella nods in agreement before the both of them hug him.

"Well a certain someone told me that you don't have to have grafted limbs to be strong.." Godrick says whilst looking at you. Morgott then walks into proximity, along with Mohg as they're currently debating something about Lavender.

"You're WRONG Morgott, Lavender is a flower not a plant!!"

"Thoust see brother, Lavender is not NOT a flower becau- Oh Godrick!" Morgott says, just noticing you and Godrick. "...thou looketh different."

"You mean he looks NORMAL?" Mohg says with a sassy tone. "He finally got rid of that ugly skin suit...."

"Oh, shut it Mohg, He looks good!" Morgott says in an optimistic tone as he places a hand on your shoulder. "I'm glad this mission ended well, gamer. Truly is a miracle thou weren't cut in pieces and used for grafting..."

"Well...it wasn't all me..." You say, hands behind your back in thought. "I had some 'help', one would say."

"I'd say this calls for a makeover." Mohg says as he grabs Godrick and picks him up.

"Hey! Put me down!" Godrick says in protest.

"Not until I change your garments...green is a hideous color...Allow to give you something more...crimson." Mohg says as he carries Godrick into the Castle. You and Morgott look at each other as Morgott shrugs whilst chuckling. Ranni and Miquella look inside the castle, wanting to see what garments Mohg is throwing on Godrick. Godrick walks out in an outfit similar to Mohg's. Mohg walks out with a smile plastered across his face.

"I'd say he looks great!" Mohg says happily as Godrick struggles to walk in the heavy material. Ranni and Miquella nod in approval. Morgott shakes his head and chuckles as he observes the antics of his siblings.

You sigh in relief at the easy mission happy to be one step closer to bringing the family together. You see FACADE in the distance, giving you a thumbs up. You think about your next mission as nightfall approaches.

"Who next?" You ask yourself. "I have Rykard, Rannala, Godwyn, Malenia, Maliketh, Marika, Godfrey and Radagon left...hmm.." You think to yourself as you walk inside the Castle ready for the next plan.


Later that night, you sit on your bed, playing with a random doohickey you saw in your inventory until you hear a banging so loud, it nearly broke the floor.

"What was THAT?"

"Hello? Anyone here?" You hear a loud deep voice shout from the front of the Castle, you scramble to the window to see who it is. You see a gigantic man with red hair standing at the entrance. It's Radahn with his small horse, Leonard. You dash down to the front of the Castle only to see everyone else has already beaten you there.

"Hello..." Radahn greets with a wave.

"Goodness Radahn, you nearly destroyed the place with that banging!" Mohg says grumpily.

"Oh...Sorry...I just came here to meet someone." Radahn says with a cheeful smile, Leonard neighing in agreement. "I heard from my solders that a young girl cured my ailments, and gave me these." Radahn says, showing off his prosthetic feet. " And, I wanted to give her my gratitude..."

"Oh! Doest thou mean Gamer?" Morgott says as he spots you and yanks you by the arm in front of everyone else. "She's right here..."

"H-hi...." You say, trying not to appear unsettled by the giant's height.

"AHHH! So you're the one!" Radahn says as he holds out his hand for a handshake. "Pleasure to meet you! They call me General Radahn, but YOU can call me Radahn!"

"Nice to meet you as well, Radahn." You say with a smile. "Call me Gamer..."

"Well Gamer, I'm here to say, THANK YOU! You've saved my life, and I owe you everything...anytime you want to stop by, you have my permission! Anything you need from me, you're covered. That goes for all of you too... " Radahn says as he looks at Morgott, Ranni, Mohg, and Miquella. You didn't see Godrick, he was probably too tired.

"Oh..I um, Don't know what to say..." You say.

"You need not say anything you've done more for me than I've done for myself...and I really appreciate your help. Consider us friends!" Radahn says before turning around. "If you need help with anything, Let me know!" Radahn says before He and Leonard walk away.

"Wow....what a nice man...you have a great brother." You say to Ranni.

"I know right? He's so kind...." Ranni says in agreement. "Remember, we can visit him anytime...so if you feel like having a conversation with him, just walk up there."

"Alright you all..." Mohg says with a sigh. "I'm tired....I'm going back to sleep!.." Mohg says before walking back into the Castle.

"Me too.." Morgott says as he follows behind Mohg, with Miquella in tow.

"I guess I'l go to sleep as well...I mean I could just stay up.....Nah. Goodnight, gamer!" Ranni says as she makes her way back into the castle.

"Guess I'll hit the hay as well.." You say as you follow behind Ranni, ready for a goodnight's sleep. You find yourself oblivious to the being in the background, staring at you with piercing blue eyes.