Finding Malenia.

You wake up to see FACADE on your bed, reading a comic book (no Idea where he even got that.)

"GOOD morning, Player!" FACADE says as he stands to his feet. "You have another mission to do!"

"I do?" You say rubbing your eyes. "Who am I off to retrieve THIS time?"

"She's the swiftest sword in all the lands! One who calls herself the 'blade of Miquella'.....The severed Valkyrie herself, Malenia!" FACADE says with a bow.

"Alright...How am I going to talk her into coming with me without getting sliced to ribbons?" You ask concerned.

"Oh don't you worry...I already have a plan for that, just trust me." FACADE says with a wink.

"'re not telling me this plan?"


"Ugh.....Fine, I'll trust you."

"GOODIE! Now, you'll have to ask Miquella where she is, because he knows."

"Okay... I can't even enter the Haligtree, don't I need to complete a quest?"

"Nope! You have Miquella, just ask HIM to take you!"

"Oh, that makes sense..."

"Alright, you got this kid, don't let me down!" FACADE says quickly before vanishing once more.

The door then creaks open and Miquella pokes his head inside.

"Hello..." He says shyly.

"Hi Miquella...I have another mission....guess what, you can come with me this time!"

"YAY!" Miquella says as he rushes to your side on the bed. He stares at you for a moment before asking: "So who was that you were speaking with?"

You freeze for a moment. "Uhm...N-noone Miquella, I was talking to myself...." You say trying not to sound suspicious.

"Well, you have really good voice impressions, because that other voice sounded completely different."

"Uhm...yeah, thanks."

"Anyway, who are you off to retrieve this time?"

"Your older sister....Malenia."

Miquella jumps in excitement. "Really? Hooray! I'm definitely coming with you!"

"Alright, just give me a moment to prepare...then we'll be off.."

"I'll go inform everyone, so no one worries about us when we're gone..."

"Okay.." You say with a smile as you pat his head.

After that, Miquella leaves the room. You then equip your armour onto your body as you see FACADE reappear in the room.

"We have GOT to be quieter when speaking to each other." You whisper quickly. "You almost got caught..."

"I'm surprised Miquella believed you..." FACADE says with a chuckle.

"He has no reason to believe I'm lying..."

"Fair enough." FACADE says before disappearing again.

After you equip your armour you exit the room and run downstairs to see Miquella talking to Morgott. Morgott spots you running down the stairs and approaches you with open arms. He gives you the biggest hug you've ever gotten from anyone, to your surprise. You blush from the notion and hig M

"Be careful out there, My dear." Morgott says before rubbing Miquella's head gently. "You too..."

Miquella gives him a thumbs up and takes your hand before pulling you out of the Castle. You both make your way towards the Haligtree.

"So Miquella...where is this haligtree?"

"Don't worry, just follow me and we'll find it! I can't wait to see Malenia again!" Miquella says as he stops running and summons a horse. He hops atop of it and pats it's back. "Come on! It'll be quicker this way..."

You hop on the horse and grab onto Miquella. Miquella pats the horse's neck and it starts to gallop quickly. You both find yourselves covering a long distance and saving a lot of time.


Later, You both find yourselves at a dungeon. You dismount the horse and help Miquella down. You see a woman approach you with a weapon in hand.

"Who are you?" She says as she points her weapon at your head.

"Ahhh!" You say, quickly equipping your shield.

"Woah, Loretta calm down! This is a friend!" Miquella says, blocking her from you.

"Miquella? Y-you're awake? Bu-" Loretta stutters before Miquella shushes her.

"We need to go inside...My sister is in there and we have to get her out!" Miquella says as he rushes past her. "C'mon Gamer!"

You follow Miquella as Loretta is left shocked at the sudden news.


You spend a good amount of time exploring the dungeon. Most of that time was spent trying to avoid enemies. Miquella was quick with his weapons and fought whenever he could, but he wanted to save stamina so he could get to Malenia quicker. You finally find the Haligtree, where Malenia is sleeping in a chair.

Miquella quickly walks up to her and wakes her up. Malenia quickly awakens and smiles at her brother. The two sibling embrace each other, and all is well....until Malenia sees you. She then looks at you and quickly equips the prosthetic arm containing her blade. Miquella tries to convince her that you're no threat, but she rushes at you quicky.

"Oh Shoot!" You say, trying to jump out of the way, only to get nicked in the shoulder by the sword.

"Malenia, she's good! Stop!" Miquella shouts trying to keep up with his sister.

Malenia keeps swinging at you, and you manage to dodge each time. Miquella then blocks her from you.

"Malenia, she's good! Trust me!" Miquella says as Malenia stops and looks at you.

"You're sure?" She says as she looks at me with a look of suspicion.

"Yes!" Miquella says as he grabs your hand. "I promise..."

Malenia changes her expression to a blank one, and she speaks once more:

"I apologize..." She says as she grabs your hand and shakes it.

"It's cool..." You say, as you breath a sigh of relief. "Wow..." you think to yourself. "I wonder what FACADE was planning?-"

Just as you think that, the wall cracks and water rushes through. All three of you are swept away in the currents.

"Ahhh...What's happening?" You say as you grab onto a tree root. FACADE then reappears, levitating over the water.

"Ta-da!!!" He says in a sing-song voice. "Told you I had an Idea! What do ya think?"

"You didn't have to do THIS!" You say, your words being gargled by the water.

"Well, this is the chance for you to prove yourself, show them how dedicated you are to this mission! You may want to help your friends."

You look to see Malenia and Miquella hanging on for dear life on the tree roots. They were both screaming in panic, You manage to pull yourself out of the raging waters and stand on the tree branch.

"Help us Gamer!" Miquella says as he hangs on to Malenia.

"Hang on, I'm coming!" You say as you jump into the raging current. You swim as fast as you can to reach the siblings. You grab onto both Malenia's and Miquella's wrists and hang on tight. FACADE smiles wide behind his maks in the distance and causes the waters to rush harder, making you release Malenia. You pick up Miquella and set him on the branch, you then jump back into the waters and swim after Malenia.You grab her non-prosthetic arm with both arms and hang hook onto a loose branch with your leg, stretching your muscle to it's limit. You pull Malenia with all your might....

"I'm too heavy..." Malenia says as you feel her slipping from your grip.

"I'm....Not...Letting...You...GO!!" You say as you pull back, by some miracle, you pull her out of the water. Malenia sits atop a branch as you plop next to her, arms and leg sore.

"Whew...thank God...Are you guys okay?" You say, tired from the struggle.

"Yes, we're fine...are y-you okay?" Miquella says, looking at you with concern.

"Yeah...." You say as you see the waters subside and calm to still waters.

"Thank you..." Malenia says as she helps you to your feet. "You saved our lives."

"No problem..." You say with a smile.

"See, Malenia?" Miquella says as he hugs you close. "I told you she was trustworthy. Now come with us....we're going to go home...."

Malenia nods as she helps you out of the dungeon whilst following Miquella.


It took you much longer to reach Lyndelle, as you were limping from your sore leg. Miquella and Malenia stopped to check on your sores after a certain distance. After awhile, you, Miquella, and Malenia eventually reach Lyndelle to be greeted by a concerned Morgott at the entrance.

"Dear Marika, art thou alright?" Morgott says as he grabs your tired and sore form from Malenia's grasp.

"She saved us Morgott...." Miquella says. "I think she's hurt!"

"She just needs rest..." Malenia says as Morgott picks you up and carries you into the Castle. "Her limbs are sore..."

Morgott looks at you, but you could barely see anything...your vision was blurring. You were exhausted, guess it was adrenaline that wore off from your body. You felt yourself passing out as you heard voices of concern an panic echo in the background.

After you black out, you don't wake up in a golden bedroom. You wake up in a black void, surrounded by blue numbers flickering around you. You hear a voice, a feminine voice.

"The time for repair has just begun now that you're here....Prepare for a new world. A new world for which YOU, will be the pinnacle...."

Then you black out once more.