A secret unveiled.-Part 1

You wake up to see FACADE sitting on the foot of your bed.

"Hey there player....I see you slept well...how are you feeling? Are you still sore?" FACADE says as he grabs your arm.

"No...not too much." You say as you slowly sit up.

"You know you gave everyone a scare yesterday? Morgott thought you died in his arms! They had to check your pulse and everything!"

"Oh....really?" You say, feeling a little bad for passing out like that, you didn't mean to worry everyone.

"Don't worry, they weren't panicking THAT much!" FACADE says as he pats your shoulder.

"Right....Anyway, what's my next mission?" You ask curiously.

"Well, You're going to retrieve Rykard! Y'know...the lord of Blasphemy and stuff....no one likes the guy, but we...I mean YOU are going to try and bring him her-" FACADE's words are cut off from a shout. It sounds as if someone in overjoyed by...something.

You walk downstairs to see Morgott hugging a large hulking man with long white hair.

"Father, it's been ages!!" Morgott says as the man smiles at him. "I must go get the others at once, most of us are here, Father!"

"I didn't expect to come to see most of the family even here! I must say, I am surprised." The man then looks down at you. "And who might YOU be?"

"I uhm..." You stutter.

"This is a close friend....she's the reason why most of us are here..." Morgott says as he pushes you towards the man.

"Greetings young lady...my name is Godfrey." The man says as he holds out his hand. His lion/beast regeant Serosh greets you with a roar.

"He's my Father, Gamer...go on and shake his hand!" Morgott says as you hold your hand out to shake Godfrey's.

You watch as the other demigods walk out of the Castle to greet Godfrey. Each of them being excited to see Godfrey after such a long time.

"Oh, that reminds me...you all must meet my right hand man! Go on and introduce yourself, Fitzgerald."

A small man writing on a pad walks from behind Godfrey. He gives out a quick: "Hello." and goes silent once again.

"Fitzgerald?" You think to yourself. "There's not a character in the game with that name..."

Fitzgerald walks up to you and looks you in the face, he squints as he stares, observing you closely.

"If you must excuse us, I need to speak to this young lady..." Fitzgerald says before grabbing your arm and pulling you away from everyone else.

Fitzgerald pulls you behind a wall, out of sight from anyone, then he speaks: "Player, You're the one I've been looking for."

"What? Who are you?" You respond, confused.

"That's irrelevant...I need you to Listen to me...."


"I need to tell you something very important, one of these characters that you wish to protect is not who you think they are...they're pa-"

"There you are Fitzgerald, Lord Godfrey needs you for something!" Miquella says as he grabs Fitzgerald. "Come along now..."

"Wait-I....Shoot- Hey!" Fitzgerald stutters as he's dragged away.

You stand for a moment, lost in thought. "That was strange...what did he mean by that?"


Later that day, as the demigods are talking to Godfrey about life and stuff, you're exiting the Castle to go find where Rykard is. Morgott spots you leaving and stops you.

"Art thou leaving for another mission already?" He says as he pats your shoulder.

"Yeah....I gotta go fetch Rykard..." You say in response. Morgott freezes as you say the name.

"Rykard...no, I can't let thou go alone. I'm coming with thee!"


"I would be a horrible friend if I let you face that monster alone....thy should let me assist you!"

"You think I should bring anyone else?"

"Yes....thine will need a lot of extra hands for this mission."

"Uhm...okay....so I should bring everyone?"

"I'd say so!"

"Ugh....okay...go get everyone else."

Morgott runs into the castle to go round up everyone else. You knew this was going to be a challenge. Everyone else could be led out of their destructive ways with your actions and determination, but Rykard...you kind of considered him a lost cause. You'd really have to resort to.....violence in order to achieve your goal.

You see FACADE appear from behind a nearby bush. "Okay, so Rykard is located in the exterior of Volcano Manor. You'll need to find a secret portal to the bossfight, because Rykard is an optional boss...kind of like Malenia. It's good that Morgott suggested bringing extra hands, Rykard won't leave without a fight....but remember, YOU CAN'T KILL HIM."

"Okay...so this is going to be rough...." You say as you see Morgott come out with literally EVERYONE ELSE, even Lewis was coming. (not Radahn, you'll see him later.) behind him.

"Gracious Morgott, I said extra hands, you then bought everyone!!!" You said.

"Better safe than sorry..." Morgott says as he walks beside you. "I've even sent the soldiers to go and fetch Radahn for us....You don't know Rykard like WE do..."

"Yeah... Rykard is insanely strong!" Ranni says as she summons a horse. "You're going to need all the help you can get!"

You look at everyone, then you sigh. "Alright, let's get this party started...." You said as you make your way out of the Castle, everyone else behind you. You felt like you were leading your own small, overpowered army.

Dr. Fitzgerald approaches you once more before you depart.

"Please listen to me...I need to tell you-"

"We can talk Later, Doctor....I got to go now...see ya!" You say as you walk out of the Castle, the other demigods behind you. Fitzgerald sits in confusion as everyone leaves.

"I was trying to say.....that something isn't right with that friend of your...Morgott..." Fitzgerald says as he turns his back and walks away. "I need to follow them...I need to follow HIM....they need to know the truth!"


Later, you're all walking through the lands, trying to find the portal to Caelid, so you can get Radahn. You all stop for a small break before continuing.

"Morgott, do we even know where Volcano Manor is?"

"Yes, we do...I've been there on some occasions when I had to confront Rykard..."

"Oh...fair enough."

You stop when you notice something on the trees. It looks....glitchy...almost as if it shouldn't be here in this world. You look closely at the matter on the tree, even poking it. It doesn't seem to affect you, just causes your vision to slightly blur. "Strange.."

"Lewis...." You say quietly, catching Lewis' attention. "Any Idea what that is?"

Lewis looks closely at the branch. "No Idea.....looks like corrupted code." Lewis says as he too pokes it, only to be unaffected.

"That's not good...we shouldn't let the other-" You say, only yo be cut off by a: "What's this?" Coming from Miquella. Everyone looks at the odd matter on the trees, Miquella touches it, only to be shocked and recoil quickly, His finger now red from the shock. The other Demigods back away as to not get hurt.

"Are you okay, Miquella?' Malenia says as she pulls Miquella close to her.

"That sounded like a shock, are you hurt?" Ranni says as she looks at Miquellas' hand.

"I think it burned me!" Miquella says as he clenches his hand.

You and Lewis both look at each other, and Lewis Grabs Miquella and pulls him away. He then observes the matter closely once again. "Let's just avoid this stuff for now." Lewis says with concern and grabs Miquella. "Now, Let me see your finger."

You look around to see Morgott standing on the matter. "Morgott, move! You're standing in it...."

Morgott quickly moves out of the matter, accidentally throwing some on Mohg in the process, resulting in Mohg being shocked.

"Hey!" Mohg says angrily. "That got on me."

"Sorry, brother." says Morgott.

As the two omen brothers were speaking, You noticed something. Morgott wasn't affected by the glitchy matter, How? You and Lewis weren't affected, but that makes sense. No one else seemed to notice, so you decided to not dwell on it. You and the demigods move through the woods, and you notice more and more of the glitchy matter. You all separate and you and Lewis decide to go through a certain area of woods, hoping to catch up with the others soon. The odd phenomenon from earlier in the back of your mind.

"What is this stuff?" You say, as you notice some movement through the bushes. You and Lewis freeze as Mr. Fitzgerald emerges through the bushes.

"What are YOU doing here?" You say as Mr. Fitzgerald stands up and brushes the leaves off of his coat.

"I'm here to explain what this matter is..." Mr. Fitzgerald says as he touches the matter. "This....is ErrorMatter. It's hazardous towards games, especially the 'inner-codes' (or items and people from said game) and pixels, but it's not dangerous to deviant outer-codes like gamer and I...and supercomputers like You..." Fitzgerald says as he points to Lewis. "And the other one."

(Outer codes- Coding that is foreign to a specific game.)

"You're talking about FACADE?" You say.


"How do know any of this?" You say to Fitzgerald, trying to find answers.

"Because I've been in cyberspace for quite a while now....may I accompany you two to Caelid?"

"Sure.." Lewis says.

"I guess so..." You say.

"Okay, let's get out of these woods, and find the others." Fitzgerald says as he quickly walks away, you and Lewis following close behind.