A secret Unveiled-Part 2

You, Lewis, and Dr. Fitzgerald have made your way out of the woods and to the portal to Caelid. FACADE is standing at the exit of the woods with his arms crossed.

"Took you long enough!" He says impatiently.

"Shut it." you say annoyed.

FACADE looks at you and Lewis, and then he looks at Dr. Fitzgerald, who is standing behind both of you.

"No way...." FACADE says with a hint of happiness. "I haven't seen you in....months!" FACADE says as he hugs Dr. Fitzgerald. "You're not still mad at me are you?"

"No, I'm not..." Dr. Fitzgerald says as he hugs FACADE back.

"What the?" Lewis says as he gets between FACADE and Dr. Fitzgerald. "You two...know each other?"

"Yeah!" FACADE says. "Dr. Fitzgerald is a close friend of my creators that I may or may not have absorbed during my beginner days."

"Ah, I see....so he's like an Uncle to you?" You say, trying understanding what's going on.

"Exactly- Oh, I hear them coming, gotta go!" FACADE says as he vanishes, Fitzgerald looks at you confused.

"He doesn't want to be known by the characters..." You say, whilst Fitzgerald nods.

You see the demigods come out of the woods, everyone seems to be covered in burns from the matter...everyone except Morgott however.

Once again, no one seems to notice the lack of burns on Morgott, it is hard to see his body underneath his cloak, so once again you don't dwell on it.

"There was that weird sludge all over the woods!" Ranni complains, rubbing her red spotted arms.

"It kept falling on us!" Godfrey says, a little concerned. "How come thou art not affected?" He asks whilst pointing at you, Lewis, and Dr. Fitzgerald.

"I uhm...I guess We're immune or something..." You say, trying not to sound awkward.

"You must be really lucky right now, these spots are burning like MAD!" Godrick says, wrapping himself in bandages.

"It's good that thourt okay." Morgott says as he hugs you close. "I must admit, I was worried about thee."

"Oh..." You say, blushing at the notion again as everyone starts to chuckle.

"Well, this should be the portal to Caelid!" Lewis says as he activates it. "Ladies first!"


Later that night (Because it had gotten dark.) You find your way to the Redmane Castle, the soldiers letting you inside. I say you, because everyone else was tired and or trying to put ointment on their burns, so decided to take a small rest. You see Radahn conversing with the other Redmane soldiers. All of them howling in laughter at the jokes being told.

"Hey Radahn!" You say with a wave.

"Well, look who we have here! This is my savior, gentlemen!" Radahn says as he lifts you into the air.

"H-hey!" You say, surprised by the swift notion.

"This girl is the reason why I'm here with you today, my beloved Redmanes!" Radahn says before laughing once more. "At dawn, we shall go and turn my brother, Rykard from his wicked ways and into the light!"

The redmanes cheer with glee at this news.


Later that night, After you and Radahn have talked about the next day, you sit outside admiring the sky. FACADE appears next to you, staring at you as you look at the stars.

"It's nice isn't it?" FACADE says. "A world completely made of pixels and digits being this beautiful...."

"Yeah, it is...but I still wonder...how are these characters even acting when the game isn't being played?" You say.

"Well....I don't know...perhaps it's because of us here? Maybe there's something else behind it...I've been trying to find the answer, though my results come out inconclusive."

You sigh as you turn your back, and look at all the demigods sleeping peacefully. "I don't know how they're capable of showing emotions....but it's adorable..."

FACADE pats your shoulder. "Yeah...go get some rest..." He says before disappearing.

You shrug your shoulders and lay down, falling asleep as you gaze at the night sky.

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Morgott jolts awake in a cold sweat before looking at his hands. He sighs with concern as he looks at you sleeping on the ground. He walks next to you and lays down next to you. Morgott rubs your cheek as he smiles warmly at you.

"Why doest thou care so much about us? About us being happy? Why art thou so kind to us?" Morgott asks as he pulls you close to him.

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Morgott puts his head in his hands as a slight pain shoots through his brain. "Augh.....I don't know where this pain comes from..." Morgott says as he sits upward next to you.

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Morgott groans as pain rushes through his brain once more. "What is wrong with me?" He says as he lays back down next to you. "Perhaps I will tell thee about my pains at dawn?....though I don't want to worry thee with my problems..." Morgott sighs as he holds you close. "How about I help thee with Rykard...and then I will tell thee about my pains...so thoust feels not overwhelmed." Morgott says as he falls asleep once again.


You wake up to Morgott sitting next to you, staring ahead at the bright sky. Godfrey The other demigods (including Radahn) are also awake, preparing themselves for the big battle with Rykard. Lewis and Dr. Fitzgerald are also sitting up, conversing with each other.

Not too long after you've all gotten to your feet. You're all already back on track to Volcano Manor. The adventure to Volcano Manor takes awhile, but you manage to get there without getting lost, thankfully, and you don't see anymore of the glitchy corruption on the terrain. Eventually you do indeed make it to Volcano Manor, and you explore the outside. You along with Godfrey and the demigods look for Rykard, but he doesn't seem to be inside.

You spend awhile searching until Radahn stumbles upon a portal.

"Look what I've discovered!" Radahn says as he points to the portal. "Any Idea where this leads?"

"No..." Morgott says. "Maybe Rykard is here..."

"It would make sense..." Godfrey says to Morgott. "He's not here, so he might be in here..."

"If he's not here...i'ma be upset." Lewis whispers to you, already mad about how much time was wasted searching for him.

"I'll go in, first....and I'll come out and tell you.. " Malenia proposes before leaping into the portal, shortly her hand appears out of the portal motioning for everyone to follow her.

You, Godfrey, and the other demigods follow Malenia into the portal only to see a mass of bones with a massive snake in the center.

"That's Rykard." Miquella says pointing to the snake. You gulp as you approach the snake and knock on it's scales. "E-excuse me....Rykard?....I'm here to uhm...bring you home to you uhh...to your family...."

The snake unravels itself, revealing a giant face underneath. The face looks at you and then looks at the demigods. He then smiles sadistically "Ahhh....I see you've brought me company, stranger....well, allow me to show you my gratitude, BY CONSUMING YOUR VERY BEING." Rykard says before pouncing, he starts to snap at you, trying to devour you whole. You scream as you run away, Godfrey and the other demigods attacking Rykard, trying to distract him. Ryakard turns to attack Radahn, accidentally bumping into one of the rocks, causing a wall of the cavern to crumble and collapse.

"No!!!" Rykard says angrily. "My abode!! You'll pay for this, stranger, I'll consume you, then I'll destroy everyone else!!" Rykard says as he pulls a sword out of the snakes maw. He swings it at you and you manage to dodge, trying to dodge falling rocks as well.

"Gamer! The cave is gonna collapse, we have to leave! NOW!" Morgott says, whilst dodging the rocks.

"Can't we just leave him here?" Mohg says as he stabs Rykard with his trident.

"No, if Rykard dies, I fail the mission!" You say.

"Well, we should find a way to get and ourselves him out of here whilst avoiding being pancaked!" Dr. Fitzgerald says.

Miquella and Lewis throw something at Rykards eye, causing his to get more irritated. Then, Radahn uses his gravity powers to hold Rykard to the ground. Then Godfrey, Morgott, Radahn, and Malenia start to drag Rykard out of the cavern, the task made difficult by Rykards weight and his continuous struggling. You, Miquella, Mohg, Ranni, Godrick, Dr. Fitzgerald and Lewis destroy the walls in order to make an exit for everyone else.

"GAHH!" You hear Morgott shout as a rock scrapes his arm. You look back and Morgott nods at you. "I'm okay, keep making that exit!" He says as you continue to help destroy the wall, making a hole big enough for Rykard to fit through.

"Fools, let me go! You'll never take me alive!!!" Rykard shouts as he's pushed through the hole in the wall. You manage to make it out just in time as the cavern collapses inwards. Rykard turns to see the cavern destroyed. Godfrey, Morgott, Radahn, and Malenia collapse in exhaustion. Morgott clenching his arm from the pain of the scrape.

"You fools!" Rykard says, enraged.

"Oh hush now brother, be glad you got you out of there!" Radahn says, still not releasing the gravitational hold on Rykard.

Rykard grunts in anger as he stops struggling. You approach him and place your hand on his head. "Look, I have a mission that requires me to bring your family back together. It's a better outcome for you than dying horribly....I need you to cooperate with me! Please?"

Rykard looks at you, and then he sighs. "Fine....I'll cooperate..."

"Thank you..."

Dr. Fitzgerald and Godfrey walks up to Morgott and look at his arm. "Let's take a look at that scrape." Godfrey says as he removes Morgott's hand, only to reveal a mess of light blue digits and code, it sparks and flickers intensely. Morgott gasps as he looks at his arm, Godfrey gasps, followed by you, lewis, and the other demigods. Everyone but Dr. Fitzgerald is shocked.

"I knew it..." Dr. Fitzgerald says. "You're code is...foreign...it's her...."

"M-my what?" Morgott says, still shocked from the moment.

"Morgott....I have something important to tell you..." Dr. Fitzgerald says. "....You're possessed....by a supercomputer...."