The Code.

You, Dr. Fitzgerald, Lewis, Godfrey, and the Demigods (now including, Rykard who's being lifted into the air by Radahn.) make your way back to the castle of Lyndelle at the middle of the night. Morgott silent as a mouse, looking at Dr. Fitzgerald with an intense stare.

"Well?...I'm waiting." Morgott says, arms crossed, irritated.

"Well...I ....uhm..." Dr. Fitzgerald says, trying not to sound awkward.

"I have all day..." Morgott says, even more annoyed.

"You's kind of complicated." Dr. Fitzgerald says. You look at Morgott with concern, looking at the scrape on his arm. It was then you understood why Morgott wasn't harmed by the glitch....but how is this possible...

"Is it now?" Morgott says, slightly annoyed.

" see...I don't know exactly who it is that's possessing your code....things like this require time and patience....You understand don't you? I don't know how the scrape you sustained will affect you or anything..."

"Maybe you need to sit and this about this for a moment to clear your head, Morgott..." Ranni says, trying to make Morgott feel better.

Morgott sighs as Mohg places a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay're no different than you were an hour ago...cheer up."

"No Mohg, thoust doest not understand...." Morgott says as he places his head in his hands. You hug Morgott, which results in him smiling at you. "Thank thee gamer...." He says quietly.

You look at Morgott with a sad expression before hearing a familiar whisper.

"Poor Morgott...." Radagon says sympathetically.

"I know...right?" You say as you hold Morgott's hand.

"Now he's going to feel even more like a monster, being an omen already made him feel it's going to be worse."

Eventually you along with everyone else makes it to Lyndelle with Rykard in tow. Radahn does not release Rykard upon your arrival, much to Rykard's annoyance.

Morgott says nothing before entering the castle. Everyone else decides to take a breather after the long trip. Understandably tired from the long trek.

Radahn deciding to stay before heading back to Caelid. Rykard still being bound by Radahn's gravity powers.

You decide to check on Morgott, you find him sitting alone in a room looking at his arm seeing that it healed itself. "Are you okay?" You say as Morgott turns slowly and looks at you.

Morgott motions for you to walk over to him. He points at the warped flooring.

"Look." Morgott says quietly.

"Did you do that?" You ask as Morgott nods.

"I have something to say gamer...." Morgott says as he stands upwards."I've been having these visions...just lines upon lines of numbers....and then I feel an intense pain in my head...."

"Really?" You say as you grabs Morgotts hand. "Tell Dr. Fitzgerald, he might help you...."

Morgott nods. "I think thou should go get rest, gamer..." Morgott says with a semi-forced smile.

"Are you gonna be okay?" You say, concerned.

"Yes...I'll be alright gamer...." Morgott says as before hugging you.

You decide to try to make Morgott feel better, so you kiss him on the cheek. "I love you Morgott."

Morgott looks down at you and smiles before returning your kiss, and smiling again this time not so forced. "I...I love thee too, gamer..."

After that, you make your way to the bedroom you've been sleeping in since you first came here. You lay down and look at the ceiling. You're mind was now consumed by the mission...and by Morgott and better yet, what was possessing his code to make him foreign.


FACADE sits outside of your window, staring at you whilst you sleep. He turns and sits on the windowsill, only to be spooked by Morgott staring directly at him.

"GAH!!!" FACADE says as he looks at Morgott's blank stare. Morgott doesn't react to this, he just keeps staring with his glistening blue That's not right.

"H-hello...." FACADE says trying to be as quiet as possible, making sure not to wake you up. "Can I help you? Do you need something?"

Morgott continues to stare before approaching FACADE and proceeds to float in front of the window FACADE sits on and continues to stare. FACADE stares, unable to speak.

"Uhh....hello? Can you hear me?" FACADE manages to utter out whilst waving in Morgott's face.

"Ahhhh.....You think you're so clever...don't you?" Morgott says, his voice sounding unnervingly calm and....feminine. "Sneaking in here and spying on her....don't you realize you're only a fly in a spider's web?"

FACADE gulps, now officially creeped out by the sudden words. "I-I don't know-"

"Don't play dumb, FACADE," Morgott interrupts, now more stern than before. FACADE being spooked by his name being said. "Yeah...I know who you are....and I know you know what I'm talking about....sitting here...trying to boss everyone around.....trying to touch stuff that doesn't belong to you....prancing around here like YOU'RE in control..."

FACADE tries to utter a word in protest, just to have his mouth covered by Morgott. Morgott brings his face closer to FACADE's, until their noses are nearly touching. FACADE notices that Morgott's eye (the one that shouldn't be open.) is open, and it's glowing blue. Both of his eyes are glowing blue.

"That girl in there is MINE....and you're going to stay out of my way FACADE, or I'll kill you understand?"

"Over my dead body! She'll only listen to ME, and do what I ask her to! You won't be able to change everything on her, she'll know something's off!" FACADE says, though muffled.

"Oh Really?..."

"Besides, you don't need her anyway!...I need her to fulfill MY goal!"

"That's what you and your baseless don't know my goals...."

FACADE shakes his head. "and I don't think I want to!!" and tries to access the game's data to get rid of this glitch, only to find himself unable to open the screen.

"I don't think so....I'm not a glitch FACADE...I'm just like you....but stronger...and can't just delete me FACADE...not this time." Morgott says before releasing FACADE. "I'll let you go this time....Stay out of my way...." Morgott says before disappearing into the bushes. FACADE left speechless from the encounter.


That very night, Morgott is experimenting with the abilities he discovered. He could warp the world around him as well as create wonders using nothing but code. (Not like dopplegangers.) Despite not knowing what code even was, he was somehow able to understand how to use it to construct inanimate objects, even living things (He made a mouse and a small squirrel.) Morgott was amazed with these abilities, however he was terrified of what everyone would think if he used them. He was terrified because each time he used these abilities, he felt as if he wasn't himself, wasn't in his own body. So he kept these powers secret, never telling anyone....only himself and player would know what he was capable of.