
You awake once more in the dream realm. Radagon sitting at a table with an abundance of food in the center. You approach Radagon as he turns to look at you, he says nothing, and motions towards the food as if inviting you to dig in.

"Is this for me?" You ask, unsure of whether or not you should eat the food. Radgon nods. You sit down in the other chair next to him and start to plate some food and munch on it. Though you're not in the real world, you feel satisfied from eating the food.

"Is it good? Do you like it?" Radagon asks you. You nod, unable to speak from food in your mouth.

"That's good....I'll be sure to remember that..."

You swallow the last of the food on your plate and then sit on the bed. Radagon follows you and sits beside you. He says nothing as you lay down and fall back asleep, he only continues to stare as your vision fades.

You awake abruptly to FACADE shaking you out of your sleep.

"AHHH!" you say, confused. "What are you doing?"

"Player, you need to listen...something's not righ- AHH!" FACADE says before disappearing. The door swings open and Morgott walks inside and grabs you out of your bed.

"Gamer, doest thou have another mission to complete?" Morgott says, a little more jovial than usual. You don't notice his eye flashing blue due to being groggy.

"Oh...yeah, I haven't decided who I'm going to go rescue yet..." You respond.

"I think thoust should fetch Lady Rannala...." Morgott says in a convincing tone. "And allow me and Mohg to assist thee..."

"Uhm....okay? You sound more excited than usual, a stark contrast of how you were feeling yesterday. So I assume you feel better?"

"Better than ever, gamer....better than ever..." Morgott says.

"Even after....everything?"

"But of course! I feel as if I'm in a whole new body!...I feel great...." as he pulls you out of the room. Mohg right behind him, trying not to fall asleep. He looked angry, as if he was also dragged out of the bed.

You quickly equip your armor and look at your map. You already knew where Rannala is, the Library within the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Since you already knew the location, all you had to do was leave.

You run out of the castle, with Mohg and Morgott in tow. A little concerned by how quickly you were just thrust into another mission, and not even by FACADE this time.

You keep running, the twin Omen following behind you until you nearly crash into Lewis. You stop just before colliding into him.

"Lewis!" You say, as Lewis dusts the dirt off of his legs. "What's cracking?"

"Nothing much...I was just exploring the town with Miquella, and then he ran off and hid from me....again. Now I have to find him...he's a pretty good hider, I'll tell you that."

"That's cool...I'm doing another mission, Me, Morgott, and Mohg are off to go find Lady Rannala!.."

" three have fun with that..." Lewis says before looking inside of a nearby pot. Only to sigh in frustration before muttering: "There aren't many hiding spots around here....where could he be?..."

Morgott smiles at Lewis as he walks away before looking at you. You shrug..."The show must go on..." You say before moving onward.


Later that day, you're still walking..having covered a large distance.

The three of you are walking in silence, you decide to start small talk....because silence is awkward.

"Well....beautiful day we're having hm?" You say as you sit in a patch of grass.

"Indeed it is..." Morgott says as he sits next to you.

"What? We're taking a break...good. Lemme catch up on some sleep." Mohg says before laying next to a tree and clocking out quickly.

Morgott stares at you as you play with a blade of grass, but you're too oblivious to notice the expression on his face. Both eyes open and glow blue. He places a hand on your back and rubs your back. A chip emerges from his hand and is inserted into your skin. However, you don't seem to feel it. Morgott smiles wide as the chip is fully submerged into your body. You look up at Morgott, his face now back to normal as he smiles warmly at you.

"I think I see Raya Lucaria from here, I'm going to get a closer look." You say as you stand up and walk away.

Morgott nods after you. When you disappear from view, his eyes become blue once more and he opens a screen, it shows a forest with a castle in the distance. "Now I can see everything you can see, player..." He whispers before clicking something on the screen.


In another place, FACADE's screen blacks out, leaving him completely oblivious to the goings on of you and your surroundings. He gasps at the sudden action and goes to check the coding. Among the sea of ed digits is his name. His name is in a glowing red hue, meaning he's been blocked from that action, that screen then blacks out to an image of the words: "Mine".

"How can this be?" FACADE says as he closes the screen and flies overhead, trying to find you, Morgott, and Mohg. "What is he doing to me?" FACADE thinks to himself. He then spots Dr. Fitzgerald helping Godfrey clean his boots and zooms down to meet him. FACADE hides behind a bush and throws a rock at Fitzgeralds head, causing both Dr. Fitzgerald and Godfrey to look in concern.

"What was that?" Godfrey says angrily.

"I'll go see..." Fitzgerald says before standing and approaching the bush, he looks to see FACADE.

"Hey..." FACADE says. "I need your help....that computer that's inside Morgott's code, it's messing with...everything!"

"I can't help you there..." Fitzgerald says. "The format of that computer is completely foreign to me...tell you what....wait a bit more and see what it does next, okay?"

"Alright..." FACADE says before disappearing.

"Who was that?" Godfrey asks, confused.

"Nobody..." Fitzgerald says.


Later that day, you, Morgott, and Mohg are inside the Castle, dodging attacks from the tiny midgets other players call The Glinstone and Lazuli Sorcerers. (You just call them tiny midgets because you don't like then nor do you take them seriously...)

You make it to the debate parlour and see a large red wolf. You don't know what to do as it pounces onto you and tries to bite you. Morgott quickly hits it off of you and Mohg tries to kill it, you let it out through a large window before Mohg has a chance. Mohg was annoyed with that, but he understood why you had to do it.

You wander the academy, seeing a room full of book shelves and a woman floating in the middle whilst holding a large amber egg. That's Rannala...just as you see her you hear Radagon's whisper in your head.

"She looks just as beautiful as she did when I left her here...." Radagon says. "I've been talking to her through her subconscious...but she doesn't know it's me..."

"Uh-huh...." You think in response.

"Any Idea how to get her down from there?" Mohg says, confused.

"No....we could distract her with something to get her down..." Morgott says as he places a hand on his chin in thought. "But what?"

You snap your fingers. "Eureaka! I got an Idea...Hey Miss Rannala!!" You shout, causing her to look down at you. "I know your...well Ex-husband, and I can get you to him...all you have to do is trust me..." You say as you walk up to her. Morgott and Mohg sit and watch quietly.

"How do I know thine art being genuine?" Rannala asks quietly.

"Because he speaks to me in my head...." You say. "and he speaks to you just don't know it...." You had doubts that telling her this would convince her to join you, she loves Radagon.

"Really? What is he saying to you now?"

"Tell her I'm sorry....and that I love her..." Radagon whispers.

"He's sorry....and he loves you....he loves you very much." You repeat.

Rannala floats down and approaches you, she was much taller than you initially thought she was.

"Child.....what is thy name?" Rannala says as she grabs your hand.

" me gamer...."

"And thou art sure that I'll see him again?"

"Absolutely positive!"

Rannala smiles as she follows behind you, still holding the amber egg, Morgott and Mohg impressed by how quickly you settled the matter. No fighting required.

You, Morgott, Mohg, and Rannala exit the academy together. Morgott and Mohg walk onward, and Rannala stops. She stops and looks around in awe, surprised to see the outside after being stuck in the library for so long.

"So much has changed over the years..." She says quietly. "I wonder how my children are doing...."

"I assure you, they're the best they've ever been!" You say as you grab Rannala's hand and catch up to Morgott and Mohg. "They're going to be so happy to see you! I promise!"

"I'm glad." Rannala says happily. "I bet they'll be excited to meet their new sister too..."

"Who?" You ask. Rannala shows you the amber egg in her arms. "Ah, I see..."

You and Rannala smile as she walks ahead. You walk behind her, and hear Radagon's voice once more.

"I'm so glad you're bringing her home....." He says.

"Me too....she seems like she needs company, y'know?" You say.


Later that night, you sit inside of your bedroom, satisfied with the day's work. Godrick enters your room with a book in his hand.

"Hey!" You say happily. "What is it?"

Godrick looks away, and hands you his book. "Well....I've been doing some writing and I uhm....wanted thee to read what I have so far...."

"Oh..." you say as you grab his book. "Okay...."

You open the book and see that only 5 pages have been completed, you read them happily. Before long, you find yourself getting invested with his story. The story of a princess lost in a forest, trying to find her one true love.

"This is great, Godrick!" You say, handing back his book.

"Thou really think so?" Godrick says, happily.


"I Thank thee...I really do!" Godrick says as he walks out of your room and closes the door, a smidge happier than when he first entered.

You chuckle before laying down, only to have your door swung open once again by a tired Lewis, who's carrying a laughing Miquella on his shoulders.

"I've never done that before! That was fun! We should do it again!" Miquella says happily.

"But you asked me to bring you here..." Lewis says as he sits Miquella down.

"Right...I did....can we do it again later?"

"Uhm...sure I guess.." Lewis says before leaving.

"What were you two doing?" You ask.

"Lewis showed me how to play this game called 'monopoly'!" Miquella says happily. "It was a very fun and easy stress reliever, and I took all of his money!"

"Oh did you..." You say, whilst laughing, disagreeing with the part where he said 'stress reliever'. You knew plenty about didn't like that game.

"Yes, you should play with us sometime!"

"I'll consider it..."

"Hooray!" Miquella says before leaving your room, closing the door behind him. You sigh, finally able to get a good night rest. Until the door opens YET AGAIN. Revealing Morgott.

"Hello..." He says.

"Hey." You respond.

"I just wanted to check on thou alright?"

"Yeah...just getting ready to get some's Rannala doing?"

"She's good. She was so joyful when she saw her children again..."

"Oh..that's good..." You say.

"Goodnight..." Morgott says as he leaves the room and blows out the candle, finally giving you a chance to go to sleep for the night. You fall asleep fairly quickly, not noticing Morgott watching you from a crack in the door, his amber eyes now as blue as sapphire. He smiles happily as he peeks inside.

"She's going to bring my plan to reality." Morgott whispers before leaving. "She's going to help me change the world....I just need to get that FACADE out of the way for good....but how do I do that without killing him?....If I killed him, she would be devastated....I need a new plan."