Godwyn's sprout.

You awaken to Morgott staring down at you. You scramble to sit up before Morgott puts his hands out to show you something.

In Morgott's cupped hands, is a small sprout.

"What's that?" You ask.

"It's a sprouted plant, from the corpse of Godwyn. Apparently it's alive." Morgott responds.

"Oh my....h-how did you get that- WHEN did you get that?" You ask confused.

"Don't ask me.....ask Lewis... He found it whilst he and Miquella were wandering the lands. Miquella swears up and down that it's Godwyn, but I'm not too sure....That's why I'm intending to keep my eye on it."

"Oh....well...that brings my mission closer to being complete. I'll be sure to show my gratitude to Lewis when I can." You say as you stand up from the bed. Morgott nods as he watches you leave the room.

"I'm going to plant this somewhere..." Morgott says as he leaves your room as well. You wander outside and find Miquella playing monopoly with Ranni, Malenia, and Lewis. You wave at them and they all wave back, smiling warmly at you.

"Did you hear about what I found?" Miquella says happily.

"Yeah....when did you find that sprout?" You respond.

"Whilst Lewis and I were playing hide and seek....I think it's Godwyn! Or a least a part of Godwyn....we'll have to wait for it to grow to see!"


"Until then....would you like to play monopoly with Lewis, Malenia, Ranni, and I? We have room for one more player..."

"Uhm...no thanks, I'm actually looking for someone..."

"Oh...okay then...see you around!"

You walk away from the group and explore the Castle, you find Mohg sleep on a rock (don't know how he found that comfortable....but whatever.) and you see Godrick on a ledge writing more in his book. (What's with these people and relaxing in dangerous places?) You look some more, and you see Rannala singing lullabies to her egg, and after some more time has passed, you find Morgott tending to the sprout. You walk outside, now officially bored, you accidentally run into FACADE, causing you to jump.

"Hey..." you say.

"Player, I need to speak to you...I've been looking for you for hours!" FACADE says in a panic.

"You've been....looking for me? Why....can't you just see where I am?..."

"I-I can't...I-Look...you-" Just before FACADE could utter another word, Morgott walks outside, causing FACADE to panic even more. He disappears quickly without saying another word. You turn to look at Morgott as he shows you the sprout, which has grown tremendously in size. It's now as long as you arm!

"H-Hey Morgott." You say as you look at the plant. "I see the plant has grown...."

"Yes, indeed....you wouldn't believe how quickly it grew...." Morgott says in excitement. "I believe brother Miquella was right after all...this may be Godwyn...maybe he's trying to tell us something...." He says as he rushes back inside.

You wave, and stop for a moment. "Did he just say.....'you'?...Morgott doesn't say...'you'...." You think, then shrug it off to some glitch. You see FACADE reappear and look behind you cautiously.

"You caught that...didn't you?" He says.

"What?" You ask confused.

"He said 'you'."


"Morgott doesn't use that word...."


"Do you-do you see what I mean?"

"No, I don't."

"That's not Morgott...."

"Yes it is...he hasn't been acting any different...."

"Do you not see it? You know how everything didn't start to 'bug out' until Morgott hurt himself? You see-"

FACADE tries to speak, but his speech is cut off abruptly, he finds himself unable to talk.

"Yeah...this is all too weird....I'ma go over there and you just sit there and struggle to talk...." You say as you walk away from FACADE whilst he motions for you to listen.

You walk over to your bedroom. Thinking about what FACADE has said earlier.

"He's not wrong....everything did start to act weird ever since Morgott got hurt...and then we were told something was possessing him....but he hasn't acted any differently...odd.."

You want to ponder on it, but your thoughts are quickly changed to something else.

"No matter! It's probably nothing....the mission! I have to check on Godwyn!" You say as you run back to the room where Morgott was. Morgott wasn't there, but the sprout was now bigger than before. You saw it formed the shape of a person. You saw eyes, a nose, a mouth, the entire anatomy of a human face. Then the sprout moved, as if it was turning to look at you. Then...it spoke.

"And who art thou?" the plant says.

"I-I'm gamer...." You respond.

"Gamer? Well hello gamer...I'm Godwyn....I wasn't here before....tell me, how did I get here?"

"Uhm...you were brought here by your little brother....Miquella..."

"Ah....I thank thee...I haven't seen another face for quite a long while. Tell me....is my father okay? You know...Godfrey?.."


"My brothers?"


"Ahh...what a relief...and how didst thou get here?"

"Uhm....long story....I'll save that for later."

"Okay then...I recognize these walls....is this...Lyndelle? Am I in the Castle?"


"Oh...what a wonderful thing!"

"You see, Godwyn....you're here...because I have a mission to complete...I need to bring your family together...and I'm almost done with my mission. I was going to do you last, but Miquella made my job easier!...so...."

"Ah, I see...well I thank thee for trying so hard....truly I do...but what shall be done with me? I'm but a plant now....."

"Well...I could get you a vase...and have someone carry you around....if that's okay with you..."

"Sounds like a great plan....thank you gamer...." With that Godwyn turned his head and fell silent.

You leave the room and go look for Morgott to tell him (as well as the others) the good news. You walk outside the castle and tell the others the good news. they all shout in celebration, and go up the stairs to see Godwyn. Malenia grabs a nearby bucket to put him in before going up the stairs.

You wander further outside the castle, out of boredom and you find someone standing outside the Castle. He looked like a mix between a wolf and a lion, and he was wearing a shaggy outfit.

"Hello young girl...." the beast said.

"Hi..." you say as you back away, cautiously.

"You look afraid....don't be...I'm only here to see the Royal Family..."

"Are you related to them?..."

"Actually...yes, I am. My name, is Maliketh....and I heard someone here had intention to fix my family.....Who is this being who has such power?"

You raise your hand slightly. "Y-you're looking at her..."

"I am?" Maliketh says as he looks down at you.


"Well....little girl...I don't know what to say....I thank you though...."

"No problem...I wouldn't have been able to do this alone. I've had help...."

"Nonetheless young child....i am still impressed..." Maliketh says as he walks past you, and into the Castle. Miquella runs past Maliketh, not acknowledging him and runs towards you, he looks at you with fear and shakes your arm.

"Something is wrong with Lewis!!!" Miquella says with concern. "His body has changed!"

You look to see a person walking out the Castle, this time taking the form of Melina. She walks down the stairs and tries to comfort Miquella to no avail.

"It's okay Miquella...it's just me....Lewis..." The person says in a very much feminine voice. Which makes you gasp.

"LEWIS???" You say. "Why do you look like a girl now?"

"Beats me...." Lewis says. "I was just standing around, watching Miquella speak to Godwyn, and then my body changed...."

"Okay...see he's fine, Miquella...his appearance just changed..." You say, which seems to calm Miquella down. He walks up to the new, Girly, Lewis and grabs her hand.

"Okay....I guess I can adapt to this sudden change." Miquella says. "I've already adapted to so many other changes, this shouldn't be different.."

You chuckle slightly at the funny scene.


Later that night, you're trying to fall asleep in your bed. A sleeping Maliketh on the floor next to your bed, snoring loudly. (Yeah, you asked him not to sleep in your room, but he likes your room more than the other ones, so he stayed.)

You hear movement outside of your window. You look at your window to find a large creature, with blue eyes illuminating the being's form slightly whilst staring right into your soul. you jump at the sight, but don't scream, out of fear of waking Maliketh. The creature smiles, it's teeth shining in the moonlight as it stares. You stare back, refusing to break eye contact with the creature, as if you were in some staring contest.. the creature's smile grows wide before it turns slowly and leaves. You shudder at the sight, and try to go back to sleep, but you're petrified....you can't sleep...who was that?


That night, Morgott was pacing back and forth. His eyes once again, blue as sapphire. "I can't keep waiting for FACADE to listen...." Morgott says to himself in frustration. "You know what?...forget it....I'm tired of being peaceful...if I have to kill FACADE...I will. Afterall, I could just...wipe her memory and she wouldn't know who FACADE is.....yes.....genius...."