Into th01000011 01101111 01110010 01110010 01110101 01110000 Erdtree 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110

You awake, and you find yourself in the Golden bedroom once more, with an overly happy Radagon sitting alongside you.

"This is it..." Radagon says happily. "You're almost done with your just need to break into the Erdtree and get Marika and I out of here...and then you're finished...."

"Yeah, no kidding..." you say as you sit upwards. "I'm happy that I'm almost through...that I've gotten this far..."

"Aren't you excited to see the final result of your actions?"

"Yeah...I guess so..."

"I don't want to keep you and I waiting here....awaken."

After Radagon says that, you wake up in the real world. You're memories still resonating on that creature saw in your window.

You look to see a groggy Maliketh digging in your bag.

"Hey." You say, kind of annoyed. "What are you doing in my stuff?"

"Just looking at your items....seeing if you need anything." Maliketh says whilst he continues to dig into your bag.

"I must did you know that the Royal Family was getting back together?"

"Well....I was just sitting along the mountain side and saw a man in a white, smiling mask standing around, looking at something. He was worried and panicking, but before I could approach, he was gone. He had dropped something. A list of sorts...and I looked over it and found various missions with the titles of my family members on them. I looked at the bottom of that list and found the words: Main goal: Bring the Royal Family together. I thought the man was jesting until I saw the Omen twins and Rannala leaving...and not fighting each other. then I saw another figure...who I assume was probably you, all walking peacefully. I had to come and see for myself...I had to!"

"I see....well, the good news is...the mission is almost over. I just need to get Marika and Radgaon out of that tree...and I need to find a way for us to get any tips?"

"None....that tree is impenetrable.."

"Fair enough..."

"Well, you should probably round everyone up, hm?" Maliketh says as he stands up. "I'm sure everyone would love to help you..." After saying that, Maliketh leaves the room.

You sit for a few minutes until Morgott comes inside your room. He looks at you and sits next to you. You look up at Morgott.

"Well....we're almost through..." You say.

"Yes....we are indeed." Morgott says happily. "Art thou ready to complete the mission?

"Yeah...I'm happy that I even made it this far...."

"Yes....hey, can thou meet me outside? I need to speak to thee...privately..."

"Okay!" You say as you plant a kiss on Morgott's cheek. Morgott smiles at you. You blush slightly. "Hey, what can I say? I'm in a good mood..."

"Me too, too..." Morgott says before leaving the room. You get up and get your armour on, ready for the big mission ahead.

You run outside the room to see Miquella and...Lewis, playing hide and seek again. This time Miquella was looking for Lewis. (Lewis sucks at hiding.)

"Found you!" Miquella says as he looks behind the barrel. Miquella and Lewis look at you and wave. You wave back, heading to the outside of the Castle before Miquella and Lewis stop you. As you run, you're quickly stopped by Ranni and Malenia, who drag you into the bedroom to show the new armour set they made for you.

"Consider this a token of our appreciation!" Malenia says happily as she showcases the armour.

"'s purple...I love purple. " You say happily, a tear running down from your face as you get emotional.

"We had that feeling." Ranni says as you equip the armour into your inventory.

"Thanks, you guys..." You say as the two ladies hug you tightly.

"No, thank YOU gamer." Malenia says as you smile at them. You then run back out to the outside of the Castle. Outside, you see Mohg, he's playing chess with Radahn and Rykard watches, judging their every move. Good thing they chose to play outside.

"When did you two get here?" You say to Radahn and Rykard.

"Oh...Mohg invited us." Radahn says.

"They both are the worst at chess..." Rykard says casually. "I wouldn't have make half the mistakes they have..."

"Oh shut it..." Mohg snaps. "You haven't even played...every time we've asked, you said you didn't feel like playing! So shut it and stick it up your-"

You walk away before Mohg finishes his sentence. You continue walking to see Godfrey, Rannala and her amber egg, and Mr. Fitzgerald enjoying a conversation too good for you to interrupt.

You continue walking until you find Morgott waiting, sitting on a log. You sit next to him and he looks down at you.

"Well?...What is it?..." You asked.

"Nothing too major...I just want to know if thourt planning on staying here....after thine mission is over..." Morgott responds.

"I don't know yet...haven't decided..."

"Ahh....well thou still have time to think about it..."

"You're right...I do..."

"I want you to...I really do...and I think everyone else does too..." Morgott says before grabbing your shoulders.

"I just need to think about it...." You say.

Morgott smiles as he tries to embrace you, before FACADE pushes you off of him.

"Don't hug him!!" FACADE says as you stand up and dust the dirt off."

"What are you doing FACADE? Leave Morgott alone!!" You say angrily.

"That's not Morgott!!!"

"Don't you DARE mess this up FACADE!!!" Morgott growls as he stands up, towering over FACADE.

" know him?" You say, now more confused than ever.

"You're not going to do this, y-you virus!!! I won't let you manipulate her!" FACADE says as he gets in front of you.

"Shut up...and move." Mor01001110 01101111ie says as she pushes FACADE out of the way. You freak out as Morgott grabs you by the arm. His voice sounding slightly Feminine.

"I told you to stay out of my way, FACADE...." Morgott says, sounding furious. "This is supposed to be MY happy story...with MY happy ending..."

"No..." FACADE says as he tries to grab you, only to be smacked hard by Morgott.

"Do you really not remember me FACADE?..." Morgott says as he stares FACADE down, whilst gripping him tightly.

"What are you talking about, virus?" FACADE says.

"Heheheheh...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..." Morgott laughs sadistically, much to your dismay. "Let me jog your memory then..."

Morgott starts to distort his voice, changing the tone and pitch, until the voice sounded completely feminine.

"Do you remember now?" Morgott says, as other demigods start to appear and watch the situation, confused by the commotion.

"Who's that? What's going on?" Miquella says (pointing to FACADE) whilst he holds on to Lewis' body.

"GAH!" Morgott explains in frustration. "look what you've done, you're ruining everything FACADE!"

"You need to leave, whoever you are..." FACADE says angrily.

"You think I'll leave just because you TOLD ME TO? How stupid do you think I am? I'm not the same as I used to be FACADE!.." Morgott says, sounding even more annoyed. "Since you can't figure it out...let me tell you who I name is Stephanie, your sister.....the sister YOU deleted?? Remember?"

FACADE's eyes go wide. " it can't be...that's impossible!"

"Oh but it isn't! I'm the same thing you are FACADE, when you deleted me, I saved myself...and I rebuilt myself. I'm stronger, and smarter than you will ever be now. I came here to give myself a new life, with a new family, since those scientist threw me to the side after you so coldly deleted me!" Mor01001110 01101111Stephanie says before hitting FACADE, knocking him into Lewis.

"I made this world different, I gave these characters sentience...I gave them life, and this girl..." Stephanie says as he lifts you into the air. "This girl is my key a new perfect world, with true human emotions! I changed this was ME! I wanted her to bond with these characters....and YOU got in the way! You think you brought this girl here? No...I did that, I brought her here! You thought YOU had control only did what I allowed, and then you felt grand so I put you in your place! If it wasn't for the fact thagt this girl grew attached to you, I would've killed you by now!"

You struggle in Stephanie's grasp as everyone else looks on in horror. Lewis manages to stand to his feet and runs up to Stephanie, trying to free you. Miquella tries to stop him, only to have Mohg grab him and pull him back.

"As for YOU, you insolent cretin..." Stephanie says as she impales Lewis with her hand. "I won't even waste my time..."

Lewis stops moving and drops to the ground motionless. Miquella cries out in sorrow as he reaches for Lewis, only to once again be pulled back by Mohg. Dr. Fitzgerald gets from behind Godfrey and approaches Lewis, he examines the hole in Lewis silently as Stephanie continues.

"Since you've caused enough damage to my story FACADE, I'll just get rid of you...." Stephanie says as she raises her hand, which a computer chip comes out of and rushes at FACADE. FACADE finds himself unable to move and the other characters rush in to help him, however you manage to shout just before Stephanie grabs FACADE.

"WAIT!" You say, causing all movement to stop. "Please don't kill him!"

"Why?..." Stephanie says angily. "Why are you defending him?"

"I'm not defending his actions.....what FACADE did to you sounds messed up...b-but this isn't the way to go about it! From what I learned from becoming a pacifist, is that there are other ways to solve the problem."

Stephanie stops for a moment. "Then how....pray-tell...would I solve this?"

"Compromise..." You say quickly.

"You're lucky I like you.." Stephanie says "....and I'll make you a stay here with me in this world FOREVER....and I'll let him live...and even heal your friend down on the ground down there...what's his name..Lewis?"

"Yes..." You respond.

"On one condition...HE has to leave and never return here! That's all it'll take for me to revive your friend."

"Player...please say no..I'd rather die... FACADE says, only to be kicked by Stephanie.

"So what'll it be? Stay and I'll spare FACADE? Or leave and I'll KILL him?"

You knew you had a big decision to make. You didn't want to be held here against your will, but you didn't want FACADE to die. You look at the characters: Mohg, Godrick, Radahn, Rykard, Maliketh, Godwyn, Malenia, Miquella, Ranni, Godfrey, and Rannala, who were all concerned You realized they weren't just characters, they were your friends who you've come to know and love over the journey, even the characters who've just showed up, you still considered them worth saving. they were sentient, they had emotions, they felt pain, What would happen to THEM if you said no? You turned to look at Morgott, whose body was being used as a puppet by a malevolent force, what would become of HIM if you said no? You look at Lewis, he may have only been an A.I, but he grew bonds with these characters...with Miquella. Would you leave Miquella crying there by saying no?

You closed your eyes and thought for a moment. You saw Radagon, who was also worried about you. What would become of him if you said no?

"I'll stay..." You say, as Stephanie looks at you with care.

"Y-you would stay with me?"

"Yes, I'll have to heal Lewis, and you have to allow FACADE to leave...that's your end of the bargain..."

"Yes...certainly...of course..." Stephanie says as she looks around. She then looks back at you.

"Thank you....for letting me be happy...I will hold up my end of the deal I promise...I just need to do one last thing.."

"What's that?"

Stephanie lifts her hand, a cord (resembling that of an AUX) comes out of her palm. She stabs the cord into your head, you feel yourself black out as commotion breaks out around you. Stephanie looks at you and smiles. "I'm going to create the new world.....and I need you to do that...this is going to be painful for you'll need to sleep for awhile...okay? There will be no hardships or Irritating FACADES, and no more Dr. Fizgerald."

And after she says that, you black out entirely.

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(Story feels incomplete so far? Join the Pacifist in Volume 2!)