"Shares of stocks of Sebastian Holdings, Inc. nosedived following reports that the Chairman of the holding firm of Sebastian Group of Companies has been in hiatus for months now. Holders and traders of shares of the Company bee-lined for the exit as rumors of possible shift in management circulated the business community."

"In an interview, an unnamed financial analyst aired the stock traders' concern that a management shift might turn their shareholdings at a loss, considering that the company's performance is influenced heavily by the confidence in Sebastian leadership."

"It can be recalled that the Company's performance teetered in 2008 when the late Bernardo Sebastian were hospitalized and later died. Emerald Sebastian, the group's current chairman and SHI's single major stockholder, caused the Company's amazing recovery in the stock market by issuing fresh IPOs amid skepticism."

"Considered a prodigy within the business community, Sebastian remained elusive to the media and even to fellow business figures. Stock priced dropped 20% since opening today, even though the CEO reassured that the group's operation remains stable and that the chairwoman is keeping in touch despite physical absence.."

I looked at Rodney. Worry is clearly showing on his face while listening to the business news anchor of a regional channel of a global news company.

He reached for his phone.

"Ney.." I reached for his hand. “Do you own shares there?”

He nodded, so I smiled at him. "Stock sale. It's time to buy!"

He looked at me incredulously.

"What are you saying? Didn’t you hear the news, the stock price is slipping. Should I wait for it to plummet lower before I sell?"

"I know." I grinned widely. "And what do we do when price go down? Don’t we grab the opportunity to buy good stocks?"

He hesitated. "I'm not sure if that's the right decision. I have to hear what my financial adviser has to say." He raised his phone once again. I stopped his hand again.

"Hold on a while longer. I assure you, when the dust settles, the SHI shares will be in an upswing again."

"She has a point," Lola chimed in. "You don't just join the mad rush. You should know that already."

"But then, it's your decision," I said and shrugged.

Rodney dialed on his phone and called his financial manager.

"Did you see the SHI stocks? Good. I want you to sell the other non-performing shares in my portfolio. Free up at least twenty million and use that to buy SHI stocks. Yes, we'll hold onto it for a while."

Smiling, he turned to me afterwards.


"Well.. I decided to gamble."

"That's basically what stock trading is all about, after all."

"If this goes well, I'll treat you wherever you like."

"Hmm.. Even in Maldives?" I asked.

"Yes, even in Maldives."


I gave him high-five while Lola looks on, laughing.


In the afternoon, Shelley came over again. And this time, Lola is very much awake.

Tension is tangible in the air. Not so much for myself, but more for Rodney. He bears all the burden in his shoulder, trying to protect us all.

"Shelley.." he looked pale when he opened the door to her.

"Hi Rodney," Shelley greeted him sweetly. She even cling to his arm possessively.

Even before Rodney can introduce Shelley, Lola’s facial expression already turned sour as she glared at the hands clinging on her grandson’s arm. It seems she intentionally makes her disgust and disapproval known.

Rodney and Shelley approached Lola and then introductions ensued. He told Lola that Shelley is his friend.

"It's nice to meet you, Lola," Shelley’s smiled looked strained to me. It’s like she is forcing herself to sound cheerful.

“Don’t call me Lola. I only have two grand kids, and they are Rodney and MIRA.”

I almost cringed at the emphasis. I saw Shelley’s fingers digging against Rodney’s tensed muscles.

"Lola, where did your manners go?" Rodney tried to keep it light to disperse the tension.

"Shut up, Rodney. And don't act chummy with that girl in front of your own girlfriend. Where did YOUR manners go?" the old lady replied sternly. "And you, lady, you should know how to act properly. Don't come here acting as if you own Rodney, even if you are friends. You have no consideration for what his girlfriend will feel."

Shelley glanced at me, her face undoubtedly burning with embarrassment and fury as her eyes gave me a furious glare. I’m having a headache.

“Lola, please do not be like that,” Rodney tried to appeal.

Lola suddenly stood up. "I want to go home now."

Rodney run his hands through his hair in frustration, obviously torn.

“I will bring Lola home first,” he told Shelley after a while.

“Ah.. Ney.. I will bring Lola home. I think Shelley has something urgent to talk to you about,” I volunteered.

“That’s a good idea, Mira. I still want to enjoy our time bonding,” Lola agreed.

It took a while before Rodney spoke.

“Do you know how to drive, Mi?”

“Of course! But I don’t have a car, so please lend me yours,” I answered and extended my palm in front of him.

“Okay, you can use the Audi. Thank you, Mi,” he gave me his spare key.

"No problem," I smiled.

I helped Lola gather her things from her room. We were about to leave when she seemed to have remembered something, so she turned back to Shelley.

"Young lady, I'm old but I'm still sharp. I know you want Rodney, but you can't have him. I'll see to it that Rodney and Mira will be married before this month ends."

"Lola, you're being too much!" Rodney’s voice rose. He even stood up in anger.

I quickly went over to Lola and gave Rodney a disapproving look. Surprisingly, he lowered his voice again.

"I'm sorry, Lola." He said in a conciliatory tone and turned to me. "Please take care of her, Mi."

I gave him a thumbs up. "Trust me."

"I do."

I smiled at him reassuringly.

I ushered Lola outside the unit and we headed to the basement where Rodney’s car is parked. I recognized it as soon as I see it because this is the car that he usually use whenever he picks up Shelley from her fashion shows.

“Mira, are you sure you know how to drive? I can drive, you know,” Lola said when we are seated.

I giggled. “Lola, didn’t you know? There’s already a new law here. Senior citizens can no longer drive.”

“Shut up, even when I am abroad, I still keep myself updated with local news. I know you’re making it up.”

I laughed more. “I thought I can get that one past you. Anyway, don’t worry, Lola. I’ve just practiced driving last week, so everything I learned is still fresh in my memory.”

"What?? Do you even have a license??"

"Lola, you’re cute."

“Damn child. Are you making fun of me?”

“Do you want to drop by a clinic first, Lola?”


“I’ll have your blood pressure checked. You look like you’re having hyper tension.”

She shook her head.

“You’re just trying to distract me with this silly conversation.”

“Oh no, Lola. I am trying to entertain myself. We don’t want me to fall asleep while driving, do we?”

She remained silent and stared at me. I don’t know what goes through her mind as she looks on. I swallowed secretly.

“Lola, can you tell me a story?”

“What story do you want me to tell you?”

“Any story will do. You’re love life for instance. Or your neighbor’s lovelife. Or your pet cat’s or dog’s lovelife.”

“Why does it have to be ‘lovelife’, though?”

“Oh, if you don’t like that, then any neighborhood gossips, like who was the mistress of who? Who got impregnated by who? Or-”

She cut me with “Fine fine! I will tell you story!”

I grinned. She fixed her position and turned to while leaning sideways on the backrest.

“When I was still a teenager, we have an old couple neighbor. I always talk to them, then.”

“Wow Lola, you were a gossip-monger even then??”

“Shut up, show some respect to this old lady!” she snapped at me.

I laughed and let her continue.

“The guy’s original girlfriend was his wife’s younger sister.”

“In short, the old couple was not originally the lovers??”

“Yes. What happened is that, every time the younger sister and the guy go on a secret date, the older sister is always acting the chaperone.”

“So they were unofficial in the eyes of the parents?”

“Why are you always cutting me off? How will I finish the story?” she snapped at me again.

“Ow, sorry Lola, you may continue.”

“Okay, then one time, the parents caught the three. And they thought that the older sister is the one dating the guy. So they had them get married.”

“What?? That’s it? They just agreed to the wedding? How about the younger sister?”

“Yes they got married. And the younger sister was not able to do anything. It was her fault, too. If she really loved him, why didn’t she fight for him? Why didn’t she speak up?”

“Then, why didn’t the guy speak up, too? Or the older sister?” I argued.

"Now, that's the question. Why, indeed?"

“Maybe they were scared?”

“Or maybe they have hidden feelings for each other?” Lola mused.

“But if the guy likes the older sister, why didn’t he court her instead?”

“Well, what if he met the younger sister first? What if he just fell in love with the older sister during his secret dates with the younger one?”

“Even so, if he really fell in love with the older sister, he would have had the courage to tell her when he realized. Even if it meant having to hurt the younger one,” I pointed out.

“If he really loved the younger one, he would have had the courage to tell their parents that he’s dating her,” Lola countered.

I fell silent. “You got a point there, Lola. So what happened after? Did they separate afterwards, or what?”

“Nope, they remained married. They built their family, got kids, got grand kids. Even if we say, they didn’t love each other from the start, they eventually learned to after some time together. It didn’t matter anymore in what circumstance they got married. What mattered is that they became family who loves one another truthfully after some time.”

I nodded in agreement.

“And that is the point of my story.”

"What point?" I glanced at her briefly before turning back my attention to the road in front of me.

"That you and Rodney, you can really fall in love with each other, even if you are just playing a charade now."

Lola and I almost bumped our head on the dashboard when I accidentally stepped on the break. Fortunately, there is no car behind us.

I started the engine again and looked for an emergency bay to temporarily park it.

Once parked, I turned to Lola. Her expression is serious and I cannot see her emotions.

"You think I don't know? Like I told that woman earlier, I'm old but I'm still sharp."

I looked down on my lap and bit my lip.

"Lola.. I'm sorry. Please, don’t get mad at Rodney. He just really loves Shelley."

“And Shelley just loves herself.”

I looked at her. “She also loves your grandson.”

She smiled sadly and shook her head. “No she didn’t. While you, Mira, I know you love him.”

My face turned red. Was I too obvious?

"It's not that you are too obvious. It's just that I'm very keen," Lola smiled proudly, satisfied with herself.

"Lola, are you mad at me?"

“No, Mira. And I honestly want you to marry my grandson as soon as possible. Within this month.”

“But Lola, we cannot do that. Rodney and I are not real lovers. He doesn’t love me. He loves Shelley.”

“Yes we can do that, Mira. He must marry you.”

Lola’s eyes glimmered with unshed tears as she looked somewhere distant. I groped for words but found none.

"Mira.." she called in a shaking voice.


"I have a colon cancer. Stage four."

She almost just whispered it but it sounded so loud in my ears. I couldn’t speak and just gaped at her.

So this is why she had that sad aura since yesterday.

I'm going to lose her soon? No!

Before I can say anything, my tears gushed out of my eyes.

“Now you understand why I want you to marry him? I want to leave this world knowing that I left him with a person who really loves him. He has no other family left. I don’t want him to suffer that girl.”

“Lola, is there no other way or cure?” I asked in a faltering voice.

“I’ve been to different countries, and still couldn’t find any cure. The cancer cells metastasized already. Several organs are affected now, it has invaded my body already. My body isn’t responding to any treatment or medicine. I am dying. And I’m dying soon. Please Mira. Marry my grandson.”

“B-But.. How will I even do that?”

"Even if you have to play unfair, make him marry you. Dr. Sanchez can help us convince him to marry you."

I hesitated and sighed. I don’t know why I wanted to give in to her request. Is this still right?

"This is my dying wish, Mira. I know you are concerned for me, and I can feel it. I know you want to give me a peaceful passage. Please.. grant me this one wish. This is all I ask of you."

I bit my lips again as I felt my tears rolling down my cheeks again.

‘I'm sorry, Rodney.’