"Shelley, can I ask something?"

“What is it? Hurry it up, I am not in the mood to talk,” she answered in an irritated tone. I rolled my eyes inwardly but still smiled at her, the way she usually see me.

“Why did you introduce me as your friend?”

I have been working for Shelley for only a week, and today is the first time she brought me along to her work, where she introduced me as her friend even though I do not think she considers me as such.

She stared at me for a while before she answered.

“Simply because I want them to know that I have a friend and to belie their gossips that I have a bad attitude.

How convenient is that?

I nodded my head, understanding her logic, even though I do not agree with it.

“I already answered you. Now scram,” she waved her hand as if dismissing an insect away.

I subtly shook my head. If I'm not a very confident woman, I will feel so demoralized.



"Mi, hello? Are you still with me?"

I looked at Rodney in surprise.

We are in a supermarket in the ground floor of Rodney’s condominium building, buying some ingredients. Earlier, while I was looking at the tv, I realized what Lola meant when she said I have to keep my promise before she entered her room.

I need to cook for her!

So I used Rodney’s smart tv to research what I can cook.

Like me, Lola likes Filipino foods, so I memorized the recipe of the dish I decided to cook. I chose something relatively easy to cook with my current cooking prowess. Which is basically, almost none.

I wrote down the ingredients and checked the refrigerator for inventory.

Alas! Rodney’s and Shelley’s refrigerators look the same. They contain nothing but instant food!

Before it’s too late, I decided to go to the market and buy ingredients. I almost bumped with Rodney when I was going out of his unit.

“Where are you going?”

“I will go to the supermarket downstairs to buy ingredients.”

“Now you know how to cook?” he asked skeptically.

“Ehh..” I bit my lip. “No, but I just realized earlier that what Lola meant last night about the promise is that I should cook for her when she comes visit. This is your fault.” I teased.

He hit his forehead with his palm.

“That’s right! But how? What will you cook tomorrow?”

I gave him the list I made and he came with me to the supermarket. Fortunately, the supermarket is still open at this time.

While looking for the ingredients, we were talking about various things. And then we came to the topic of the incident earlier.

“I know it is not my place to ask you this, but can you forgive your friend for her accusations earlier? Please let it go just this once. We both know that her case of insecurity is really bad.”

Well, she is the epitome of insecurity.

"I am glad that she found a friend like you," he added.

I forced a smile to what he said when I remembered what Shelley told me before about introducing me as her friend.

"Hey!" he bumped me with his arm.


“Are you sleepy? You seem distracted,” he flicked his fingers in front of me.

“Of course not! I just recalled something.”

When we completed all that’s in our list, we headed for the payment counter. But on our way there, we passed by the fruit section. I stopped Rodney by the arm.

That mere skin contact sent sparks in me, but I kept my poker face.

“Wait. Let’s grab a kilogram of mango while’s we’re at it.”

He agreed and joined me near the fruit stall while pushing our cart.

It feels romantic to buy supplies like this, especially when sales assistants keep on giving me envious stares. But of course I am not supposed to feel that.

‘Butterflies, go away!’ I whispered to myself.

“Are you saying something?” Rodney asked.


"You’re whispering something."

“Oh never mind that. I was just talking to myself,” I shrugged.

“You don’t want to talk to me anymore, so you’re just talking to yourself?” he made puppy eyes while pouting like a boy. I almost laughed at his face.

“That’s not it!” I said dismissively and looked away from his lips.

“Then what is it?”

“Nothing! I was just debating myself about which ones to choose among these mangoes.”

I picked one and looked at it closely.

“Hmm.. Would this be sweet? It looks yummy.”

He took the one I am holding and inspected it. He brought it near his nose and smelled it before turning to me.

“You know, not everything that looks yummy would be yummy. It’s the same as with people. You cannot judge them by outside appearance.”

I made face at him. “You preach so much. The answer should be simply yes or no. Or you don’t know.”


“There. Easy right?”

“You’re answering back huh!”

“Of course not! Did you have a question?”

“Ugh. You’re incorrigible.”

I smirked at him smugly.

“You’re easy to annoy,” I commented. “But anyway, seriously now. How would I know if this is sweet?”

“You’ll taste it, of course!”

I glared at him as I suppress smiling. “And you say I am the one who’s incorrigible?”

“Well, that’s making you smile though.”

“No way, it doesn’t!” I denied.

“Don’t try to suppress it. It’s not bad to smile.”

I smiled broadly. He’s cute, it’s hard to pretend I do not find him funny.

"Tss. Whatever."

“Okay, here’s how you know more or less if the mango is sweet. Look at this part of the fruit,” he pointed at the part that used to be connected to the tree. “When this part has a little dip, it means the fruit has been harvested when it was at its prime. So when it ripens, it will be sweet. And besides,” he reached for another one and brought it near my nose. “Can you smell it?”

“Smells good! It really smells sweet!” I exclaimed.

“Exactly! This one, try to smell this other one,” he gave me the one I picked earlier.

I smelled it but there is not much sweet fragrance.

“Do you get it now?” he asked.

"Aye, Aye, Sir!" I made a mock salute at him.

Together, we chose the fruits and had them wrapped by the sales assistant.

“Miss, you’re so lucky with your boss. He’s handsome and kind,” the sales assistant whispered to me while wrapping them.

Boss? Boss?!

I looked at my reflection on the glass wall nearby. I cannot blame the lady if she thought I was his house help.

I quietly took the bag where she put the mangoes and loaded it to our cart.

“What did she say?” Rodney asked when we were heading to the payment counter.


“That sales lady. She was saying something to you but I just didn’t catch it.”

I hit his arm. “You’re a gossip.”

“No, it is just that you looked self conscious afterwards.”

“Of course not!”

“Really? Then why did you suddenly make the wall a mirror?”

Why is this guy so observant?

“She just said that I was lucky because my boss is not just handsome, but also kind,” I answered smiling.

His brows furrowed.

“Is she out of her mind?!”

"Hey, hey! Relax. What are you so upset about?"

He did not answer. Instead, he pulled me back to where the sales lady is.

“Miss, do not insult my girlfriend,” he said through gritted teeth. I gasped.

"Ney.." I tried to stop him.


"Yes, she's my girlfriend and not my maid! Keep that in your mind!"

The lady looked scared and just nodded her head.

"Yes Sir. Yes Sir. Sorry Sir."

She even bowed several times.

"Don't say sorry to me. I want you to apologize to my girlfriend!"

The few customers who are also making their late purchases started looking our way. I also saw one who looks like a store supervisor heading our way.

The sales lady frantically told me she’s sorry.

"I-It's.. Ah.. You're forgiven."

Actually, I am the one who wanted to say sorry to her. Although she’s a little meddlesome earlier, I really cannot blame her because looking at myself, I would understand why she would think that way. And I never imagined Rodney will be upset by it. So even though I want to be happy for his concern, I am feeling pity for the sales lady who might even lose her job because of this trivial incident.

I turned to Ney.

"Ney, please, let’s not make this a big deal. I'm okay. It's okay. Please, let's just leave it at that."

He looked like he recovered and his brows ceased creasing. Then he sighed.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I think I over-reacted."

"Sir, is there a problem here?" the supervisor who approached us asked.

"No, no, no. It's nothing," I answered quickly. I smiled at him. "It's just something petty. We're okay."

I pulled Rodney to the cashier.

“You! Why would you do that? She might lose her job because of me,” I told him when we got back to his unit, trying to make him feel guilty. I just wanted to share the burden of guilt.

“Well, aren’t you upset? It’s irritating that she would say that!”

“Now they thought I am your girlfriend. What if you bring Shelley there later?”

“Shelley never goes to places like that,” he stated.

“Well, that’s true,” I shrugged and stood up.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to cook.”

“It’s late!”

“I need to cook the embutido now, because I still need to steam that. It is time consuming.”

An amused smile formed in his lips.

"You're serious about this? You know we can just order from your favorite restaurant, Romici," he teased because he now knows that it is what I have been doing in Shelley’s house. I made face.

"For Lola, I can do this!"

He shook his head and joined me.

“I will help you. I know how to cook embutido.”

“Really? Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I even listed down the recipe.”

“Did you even ask me beforehand? And besides, you could have just downloaded a recipe application in your phone so that you don’t need to write it down.”

“Here?” I raised my old, trusted basic phone.

We laughed in unison.

“You could have just used my Ipad. It’s inside my room.”

“Hello?? It isn’t right to just barged into someone else’s room and just touch you things. Besides, I don’t even know which one is your room,” I pointed out.

“OUR room, in the meantime.”

I covered my face that blushed automatically at what he said.

“But you know, seriously,” he said after a while. “We may just order food tomorrow.”

“Didn’t you hear what Lola said? She wanted to try my cooking. And besides, I’m really okay with this.”

He sighed. “You’ll be forced to learn how to cook now.”

“Ney, I was not born knowing everything. But I live knowing that I can always learn. If I just want to. Let me make Lola my inspiration in making a friendly relationship with the kitchen. I am happy learning how to cook for her.”

A warm smile spread on his lips.

I winked at him. "That was touching, right! Be careful," I teased.

"Why should I be careful?"

"You just might fall for me! LOL."

"You’re crazy," He shook his head while smiling.

I spread our ingredients for embutido on the table. Rodney placed the other items in a separate counter. The rest, he put inside the refrigerator. When he was done, he came back to me.

“So, what should I do first?” I asked.

“I thought you have a cheat sheet?”

“Isn’t it easier to just consult the talking cheat sheet?”

“Okay, first you have to wash everything. First and foremost, your hands.”

"Naturalmente!" I exclaimed.

“Then why aren’t you doing it yet?”

“There, there. I am doing it now. You’re so..”

“I’m so what?” he raised his brow.

“So.. So ugly!”

“Liars go to hell,” he smirked.

“It’s okay, you sure will be coming with me there.”

He hit my head with the roll of aluminum foil.

“Just move, it’s getting late.”

“Yes Sir!”

He grinned.

I went to the sink and washed my hands thoroughly. Rodney joined me and washed his hands, too. Then we washed the carrots and red and green bell peppers.

After that, we each took a pair of knife and chopping board.

“You cut the bell peppers, I will cut the carrots,” he said. I followed his instruction and started cutting the bell peppers.

“That’s too thick,” he took it from me and made a sample. “Just this size.”

“Okay Sir!” I made a salute again.

We proceeded cutting the ingredients.

“What course were you taking before you stopped going to school?” he asked out of nowhere.

My hands stopped.

I cleared my throat and, "Business Management."

"Hmm.. You have a background in business course, that’s why you were familiar with financial topics."

I smiled awkwardly. “Y-Yes.”

“Do you want to continue your education?”

I shook my head. “No need. I am good.”

“I can help you finish your course,” he offered.

“Thank you for the offer Rodney. But I am fine.”

"C'mon. I can give you scholarship through my company. Then, work for me later."


“You don’t have to answer now. Think about it first.”

I just nodded to end the conversation.

“By the way,” he said. “Let us go see my ophthalmologist friend some other day.”

"Okay.." I mentally noted to buy a reading glass tomorrow.

"You're puzzling."

"W-Why?" I asked.

"Sometimes, you're very bold and outspoken. Sometimes you're too timid that it gives me an impression that you're just consciously stopping yourself from saying something."

"Whatever are you saying?" I asked in a confused face.

He waved his hand in the air in front of him. “Nothing, just a stupid thought."

I didn’t comment on that. ‘Less talk, less mistake.’

"What’s the next step?" I asked after we finished cutting all the ingredients.

"You mix your ingredients."

He took the ground pork which I washed and strained earlier. He transferred it in a big mixing bowl.

Then he handed to me a paid of plastic gloves which I quickly put on.

"Now put your carrots, onions, bell pepper, raisin and pickle relish. Also pour in your tomato sauce," he instructed while also removing the shell of the eggs that he put to a boil before earlier.

I followed his instruction and mixed them.

"Add your grated cheese and bread crumbs. Mix them thoroughly. It should be well blended."

I didn’t know that this is hard. Or maybe I am just not used to it. My arm felt stiff after a few minutes of mixing the ingredients.

I raised my left arm to wipe my face with the sleeve of my shirt as my sweat starts to blur my eyes.

"Here," he held my chin and turned my face to him. Using a hankie that seemed to materialize from nowhere, he wiped my face with it.

"Come to think of it.." he said afterwards. He turned my face several ways while staring at me. "You really are beautiful."

My heart seemed to have jumped and choked me, I cannot speak.

"And you look even lovelier when you blush."

"I hate you!" I glared at him and tried harder to control the loud thunder in my chest. Why am I even blushing??

I exhaled sharply when he let go of my face and went back to his previous place. I didn’t even realize that I was holding my breath until now.

When I continued mixing the ingredients, he poured four raw eggs into the bowl. Then he sprinkled finely ground black pepper and salt.

After mixing everything, Rodney taught me how to wrap them in a foil. He also put on a plastic gloves and helped me until we finished wrapping everything.

"I will take care of it from here, Ney. You should go to sleep, I will stay to steam it for an hour."

"No, I will wait for you. I couldn’t sleep knowing you are not yet taking your rest."

I shrugged my shoulders and arranged the embutido in a steamer. Then I sat down to wait.


I jumped out of bed when I heard my phone alarm.


It’s five in the morning! I hastily left the bed and looked for Rodney. I saw him resting on a couch near the bed.

The I stopped at a realization.

‘How did I get here?’

Could it be..?

I looked at Rodney again. Could it be that he carried me here?

I approached his sleeping form. My plan was to fix his blanket that slipped to the floor but when I got near him, I found myself staring at his face.

The guy is really handsome. Shelley is so fortunate.

If we met in a different situation, place or time, I wouldn’t hesitate telling him that I like him. I like him so much.

Involuntarily, my hand reached for his face. But Rodney moved so I frantically pulled my hand back and retreated when his eyes flew open.


"Ahm.. Ehh.. Uhh.."

I scratched my head. Why am I so silly?

News flash! The lady prodigy is groping for words.

Rodney sat up.

“No, go back to sleep. I- I was just going to fix your blanket,” I explained.

He looked at his watch.

“It’s five in the morning.”

“Yeah, sorry. I fell asleep. You stay here, I will just check the embutido and then I will cook breakfast.”

“The embutido is in the fridge already. I took it out from the steamer last night. You looked so tired, so I cannot bring myself to wake you up.”

“Y-You carried me here?” I stammered.

“No, of course it’s Lola who carried you here!”

I hit his head.

“Smart-ass so early in the morning. Who’s teaching you that?”

“You of course!” he answered and smirked.

“You’re crazy. Why would you blame me for that? That must be an inborn trait.”

I stood up but stopped when he held my arm.

“You’re not going to greet me good morning?”

I scratched my nape.

"Good morning, Ney!" I greeted with mock sweetness and even curtsied in front of him.

“Look at you, where are you learning that?”

“Which one? Greeting good morning? I learned it in the school, of course!”

"Silly girl."

He also stood up and headed to the bathroom. I, on the other hand, went out of the room and into the kitchen. There is another bathroom there, which I used to clean myself.

When I went back to the kitchen, Rodney is already there. He helped me prepare ingredients and gave me instructions while cooking.


I jumped backwards when the oil started flying in different directions when I poured the chicken in the pan. I even dropped the spatula I was using.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

Rodney swiftly caught it.

“I’ll saute it. Move back a little farther, we don’t want the oil get to ruin your flawless skin,” he teased.

“No, it’s okay. I can do it.”

“No, stay back.”

He placed himself between me and the pan.

"Okay Sir," I conceded.

I hid behind him but tiptoed to look over his shoulder to watch what he’s doing.

“You should make sure that you drained the water well before you put your ingredients in the pan. And do not panic. You do not throw the ingredients in,” he joked.

I hit his back for it.

It was almost seven in the morning when we finished cooking. We proceeded to prepare the table. We were almost done when Lola came out of her room and joined us in the dining table.

"Good morning, La!" I greeted.

"Good morning. Hmm.. this smells.. I smell chicken adobo, my appetite’s getting whet. And wow, you know this soup, too?" Lola is referring to the corn soup I prepared. I cooked it with moringa leaves.

I simply smiled. Again, less talk, less mistake.

“Hmm.. something is missing,” Lola thought for a while. “Oh, coffee?”

Rodney and I looked at each other.

"Okay, Lola. Coffee coming up!" he volunteered.

“No, I don’t like your coffee, it tastes expired. I want to try Mira’s coffee,” Lola looked at me like a kid asking for a toy. “Will you make me coffee, Mira?”

How can I say NO to that?

"Lola, Mira’s already tired. She prepared our breakfast," Rodney insisted.

Lola pouted.

“All right. I will make do with your expired coffee.”

“No, I am fine, Rodney. I will prepare coffee for us, Lola. Don’t worry.”

‘Oh well, what have I gotten myself into?’

Thankfully, Rodney also has the same coffee maker that Shelley has in her home. I can do that much.

"Oh, by the way, I brought ground coffee from local farmers. You use that, hija. It tastes so good and smells heavenly. Can you please get it from my things in my room?"

I secretly panicked and sent an SOS look at Rodney. I think I’m going to have a migraine.

Aahhh! Promise I will really learn cooking and preparation of coffee and refreshments after this!

“Alright, Lola,” I agreed.

I was about to go to the room to toke the packet of ground coffee when an idea came to mind. I know just the right person to call!

Inside Lola’s room, I took my phone from my pocket.

Calling Ms. Lucero..

"Hello, good morning. Listen, can you tell me how you make coffee?"

The person from the other side seemed confused so I repeated my question. I listened afterwards.

"Ok, got it. Thank you." I took the ground coffee and was about to go out when Rodney entered the room.


I raised my hand to stop him. “I can do this much.”

“You don’t know how to prepare coffee from scratch right?”

“Don’t you trust me, Ney?” I narrowed my eyes at him. “Don’t you know who I am? I am Mira, I can do this!” I told him and playfully pointed at myself.

He shook his head in amusement. “Fine, since you said it. Let me taste your coffee, too!”

"Tss. You might even fall in love with my coffee," I bragged.

“What a proud one! Let’s see. If it is really good, I will give you one-day pass. You can make me your slave for a day.”

"Deal," I grinned at him widely and offered a handshake.

Huh! I am surely making this one good!