"Don't come today. Not even tonight."

I told Rodney earlier.

I used the one day pass he gave me for the coffee before.

He laughed sarcastically at what I said.


Because he doesn’t really come home often ever since he got mad after going to Stonewell. He just come home to take a bath and change his clothes for work.

It’s my birthday today, but he didn’t greet me. I don’t know if he didn’t remember or he just didn’t care.

I will just assume he didn’t remember. And I will just think that he is not here with me today because I used the one day pass to keep him away.

Yes, I just wanted to pretend and lie to myself. Just for today.

That he isn’t here because I didn’t want him to be here.

What a fool I am. But even just for today, let me live in this lie. It is my birthday after all. So allow me to live in this illusion.

I could have used the pass to keep me beside me all day. But that would hurt me more. Because then I would know that he is with me only because I forced him to.

Rodney just shrugged his shoulder earlier and ignored me like he always did. As per usual, he took a bath and changed his clothes then left for office.

He didn’t even bother checking the food I cooked for breakfast which is already served at the table when he arrived in the morning.

In the end, I ate alone. I forced myself to eat everything even when they taste bitter in my mouth. Swallowing the food is hard, but I still did.

Breakfast. Lunch. And now I am eating dinner. Alone again.

I inhaled deeply, I shouldn’t wallow in self-pity. There are many things I could do to make myself happy.

After eating, I decided to go out. Since Rodney and I went to Stonewell, I just go out whenever I accompany Lola to her treatments. And that’s also the only time that Rodney and I act as a couple.

Dr. Sanchez said that chemotherapy can no longer cure Lola’s illness. He said the cancer cells are progressing rapidly. Right now, the only thing her medicines can do is to lessen the pain she’s going through.

I wanted to take care of her but she wouldn’t let me. She said I should focus on my marriage with Rodney, in making him love me. I didn’t want to insist because I didn’t want her to have any idea about the real status of my relationship with Rodney.

I washed the dishes and took a bath, and then prepared myself to go out. I’m going crazy.

There's this particular place where I celebrate my birthday every year. I'm not sure if it's wise to go there right now, but because I am too bored, I will take the risk.

I chose a floral skirt that reaches my ankle, then paired it with a simple white blouse topped with cardigan. I wore flats for my feet.

After that, I fixed my hair into a bun and put on my eyeglasses. When I looked at my reflection, the familiar stranger looked back at me and smiled in satisfaction.

I went out of the building and hailed a cab.

I reached the destination somewhere in Antipolo. I looked around and saw the familiar surrounding.

‘Freezing Point.’ I read the name of the bar silently.

I gulped for air. With one last exhale, I slowly walked to the entrance of the bar.

Mang Roy, the guard on duty, looked at me awkwardly. I nodded at his direction, avoiding eye contact.

“Ma’m, do you have companions inside?” he asked politely.

"I'm by myself," was my curt answer.

Still hesitating, he swept his hand-held scanner in front of me.

When cleared, he gestured to his partner to open the door and let me in.

The familiar scene welcomed me. The dark interior, the blinking mobile lights, the smoke, the screaming people, the clinking glasses and the loud music.

I stayed away from my usual place, in case Dave would be there.

Instead, I chose a dark corner where I can see the usual place that Dave and I always take.

Herman, one of the oldest waiter in the bar, passed by. I called him and ordered my drinks.

"Give me a shot of all your combination here."

Ever so slightly, his eyebrow raised, obviously puzzled by my order. But he remained silent and wrote my order on his pad.

“Bring me mojos and cheese sticks, too. That’s all.”

After confirming my order, he walked away and I was left alone, looking around.

At the exact time, I saw Dave’s familiar figure entering the bar. He went directly to our favorite spot.

I missed him.

He’s been my friend ever since I was young. He was my knight in shining armor. My pillar of salt. My all-time here. We were bestfriends, inseparable buddies.”

Our lives practically revolved around each other.

All the while, I thought we were going to end up together. That we were meant to spend the rest of our lives with each other. I never allowed anyone else in my heart, because I thought that every love I have should be for Dave.

Only now did I realize how far from being in love I was with Dave before. So very different from what I am feeling for Rodney now.

I wanted to laugh at myself when I realized how childish I was before, mistakenly thinking that the platonic love and plain affection I have for Dave is tantamount to being in love.

Now I know better. I love Dave. But I'm not in love with him.

I am expecting to see Cheska with him today, but he came alone. I smiled to myself. Now I can think fondly of the girl to whom my bestfriend entrusted his heart. I hated her before because I thought he robbed me of Dave.

I shook my head. Come to think of it, Dave cared for me so much, he wouldn't risk bringing his girlfriend along, in fear of hurting me on my birthday. He didn't have any idea of how much my heart changed ever since we last met.

A couple approached Dave. The woman seems to want to sit on my spot.

My heartbeat faltered when I recognized the couple who are talking to Dave right now. And then, like a lightning bolt, pain struck me.

Rodney and Shelley.

Of course, they are together. I knew that must be the case, but why does it still hurt to see them together? I am used to seeing them together even before, but why am I still allowing the sight to bring me pain. I bit my lip when I felt the sting of tears in my eyes.

Dave did not let Shelley to occupy my spot. Even when I am far away and I cannot really hear them, I can imagine what they are saying.

Dave: Not to be rude, Miss, but this seat is reserved for a special woman tonight.

Shelley: So you think I'm not special? Don't you know who I am?!

Dave: Aw, sorry Miss. This day every year, this seat is automatically reserved for her because it's her birthday chair. *smiles*

Shelley: Sounds stupid to me. Get out of my way.

Rodney: Babe, let's respect the reservation. We can always look for another chair.

I saw Nate, the bar’s manager, approaching them, explaining. Then I saw Rodney ushering Shelley away from Dave and Nate and towards a table somewhere.

Dave and Nate clapped each other on the shoulder when they were left alone.

I missed Dave and I want to hug him so much. But when Rodney walked away, my eyes automatically followed him, forgetting all about Dave.

"Alone Miss?"

I flinched when I heard the voice of a stranger in front of me. I looked at his face. He is smiling.

"You mind if I sit here?" he pointed at the couch in front of me.

"Go ahead," I answered and turned to look at Rodney again but I cannot find him anymore. I sighed.

"What are you doing here?"

I looked at the stranger again.

"I'm sorry?"

"You don't look like you belong to this place," he gestured at my clothes.

"Look, stranger. I just want to be alone. It's okay if you sit there, but please let me be."

He grinned.

“You’re a little ill-tempered.”

"Excuse me?!" I snapped, annoyed at him.

He laughed and stood up to transfer to the sofa beside me.

"I like you," he said.

"I don't like you. Can you move away? You are invading my personal space without my permission."

“You’re exactly my type. Looking innocent, but fierce.”

I jerked when he tried to touch my arm. I stood up quickly and transferred to the seat where he was sitting before.

“Wow. Actually, I am just trying to introduce myself. I know you are alone, I heard you at the entrance earlier. And I am alone, too, so I thought we can, like, talk to each other?” he said.

I did not answer. Exactly at that moment, the waiter came to serve my order. I picked up one and one-shot it.

"Okay. Sorry, I was rude. I have no intention to scare you or piss you off. I'm Zandro."

He offered his hand. I just looked at it until he pulled it back and run his fingers through his hair.

The guy look rather good, with a bedimpled smile and a thick, wavy hair that gives him a sexy look. His deep set eyes gives a piercing gaze. By standard, he is someone who can easily melt a woman's heart. Looking back, he is my definition of Prince Charming.

"I really find you attractive," he added. "Sorry if I was brusque earlier. Admittedly, I thought it's an effective way to get a woman's attention."

"Not to this woman," I retorted.

"Yeah, I realized that."

He smiled sheepishly and I found him adorable.

I relaxed a bit.

It's my birthday, but I can't be with Rodney. I can't be with Dave either.

But there's a person I can at least talk to right now.

Zandro called the waiter and ordered his own drink.

“Do you have other orders? We can add it, it’s on me,” he offered.

"No, I'm okay with this."

He chuckled. "I don't mean drinks, because you seem to have ordered everything in their menu already. Will you be okay after finishing that?"

"Watch me."

“Do you know it’s easier to get drunk when you are drinking different kind of alcoholic drinks?”

"I know."

He shook his head but left me to my own devises.

Zandro proved to be a funny guy. He has so many antics that I found myself enjoying his company.

I didn’t realize that it was getting late and I already finished all the drinks I ordered.

I looked at Dave, he was still sitting there. Nate is also sitting on my spot, talking to Dave.

Then I tried to look for Rodney again but I still cannot locate him. I am starting to get dizzy.

“Hey,” I called the waiter. “I want your birthday bliss!” I shouted so that he can hear me through the noise.

“B-Birthday bliss, Mam?” the waiter asked back.

“You must be drunk. What birthday bliss are you talking about?” Zandro interfered.

"You call Nate! Call Nate!" I told the waiter again.

"Lady, I think you're drunk."

Zandro approached me and held me.

"No! I want the birthday bliss! I swear they have a birthday bliss here!"

"Is it your birthday, today?"

“Who are you?! Why are you talking to me?!” I screamed at him. "Waiter! Who's this guy? Who's this??!"

I stood up and pointed at Zandro while screaming loudly. Why wouldn’t I scream, the sound system is challenging me.

“M-Ma’m.. you are with him since earlier,” the waiter pointed out while scratching his head.

“Nooo! I am not with him! I don’t even know him! Who let him into my table?! Who??”

"Enough, lady. You're drunk. Just go back to your seat until you feel better."

"Don’t touch me!"

He did not let go of me, instead he pulled me to the sofa.

"I told you to let go of me!"


"Tss. Can you stop? You’re getting all the attention now," the handsome guy who is holding my arm said.


I shook my head violently. Did I just hear Rodney?


His words suddenly cleared my head.

"R-Rodney..?" I glanced at Shelley who is standing beside him and glaring at me.

"W-What are you doing here..?"

"Babe, let her be!"

"Hey! Let her go!" Rodney ignored Shelley, and turned to Zandro instead.

"Mind your own business, Dude," Zandro answered.

“Didn’t you hear her said to let her go?”

“She was just drunk. Do not butt in here.”

I suddenly felt nervous. Zandro’s aura looked grim, as if he is ready to pick a fight with Rodney at any given notice.

Rodney's expression is equally grim. I just want to disappear.

He held my right arm. Zandro tighten his grip on the other.

“Let’s go!” Rodney tried to pry me away from Zandro but the other guy didn’t budge.

“I told you not to interfere with us, or it will get ugly. Let her go, she’s my find,” Zandro smirked.

"Your find?" Rodney smirked back. "Either you let her go on your own or I will make you."

"Tch! Is it hard for you to understand? This one’s mine, find someone else!"

“Bastard! Yours?! You are calling my wife yours?!” Rodney’s veins almost popped in anger.

"Wow, now she's your wife? Then who’s that woman clinging on you earlier? Your mistress? Oohhh! Now I understand why your ‘wife’ is getting drunk here."

Rodney stopped on track and looked at me. I looked down.

“Since you are with someone else, why don’t you just let me and your ‘wife’ have fun tonight? I will make her happy since it’s her birthday. What do you, think, brother?” Zandro pushed on when Rodney couldn’t answer.

I screamed when Rodney suddenly punched Zandro in the face.

"Watch your words, bastard!"

Zandro slumped on the sofa and Rodney was about to give him another punch when Zandro kicked him. Rodney was pushed back and Zandro stood up and attacked him. They exchanged punches and kicks and destroyed whatever is in their path. Until the bouncers came and managed to pull them apart.

Nate came over to check what was happening.

"My date was just ordering a particular birthday bliss from the waiter, and she started to be irritated when the waiter can't seem to understand her order," Zandro explained.

I felt embarrassed because I actually instigated the commotion.

“Sir, that’s because we don’t have that drink-” the waiter tried to explain but Nate raised his hand to keep him from talking.

Zandro spoke again. “Then this guy just came in here to meddle,” he pointed at Rodney.

"I told you she's my wife!"

Nate turned to me. He stared for a while so I looked down.

"Mam, you were ordering a.. birthday bliss?"

"C-Can we just settle this? It was my fault, Zandro was right. But Zandro.. I’m sorry, Rodney was also telling the truth. I'm his wife."

Zandro’s jaw fell, and I saw disappointment in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. It's really my fault. I'm sorry for dragging you into this."

I was about to approach him and touch his arm when Rodney pulled me back.

"Stay beside me!" he barked.

Zandro’s jaw clenched and gave Rodney a dirty look.

I swallowed. There was hatred in his eyes. ‘Why?’

"I will just settle the bill," Rodney turned to Nate. "I will pay for all the damages and my wife’s bill."

Zandro left, but bid me goodbye before going, not caring about Rodney’s furious look.

Nate asked us to wait until they were able to compute the damages. He left temporarily.

Rodney and I were left alone.

"What are you doing here?"


"Were you stalking me?!" he asked irritably.

"Huh? Of course not! I didn’t even know you would be here."

“Why did you drink that much? Did you think you won’t get drunk? And on top of getting wasted, you are with a person you hardly know! What if that guy is a murderer? Or a rapist? What then?!”

“He looked kind enough,” I reasoned.

"Are you stupid??"

‘Great! This is a great night.’

"Where's Shelley?"

He looked confused at my question.

"She left. She saw some press people, and didn’t want to be implicated, so she left first since she brought her own car, too. So.. uh.. Did I ruin your birthday?"

I smiled bitterly and did not answer him. I looked around and saw Nate talking to Dave. They glanced towards us a few times. Then I saw Dave stand up and started to walk towards me.


"Where's your wallet?" I asked Rodney. He creased his forehead at the urgency in my voice.


He pulled out his wallet. I snatched it and took some bills from it. I called the waiter and gave him the money which I think will be enough to cover for my bill and for the damage.

“Here’s our payment. Keep the change.”

Then I pulled Rodney and started to run towards the exit.

"Hey! Why are we in a hurry?"

It’s dark and there are many people crowding the way to the exit, but I pushed through while pulling Rodney behind me.

I looked back and saw that Dave and Nate are really heading towards us. Dave looked alarmed when he saw me and Rodney heading to the exit, he started chasing after us.


I heard him. I heard him calling me. But I kept on pulling Rodney along while ignoring the call.

We were both panting when we got out of the bar but I did not stop. We run at full speed until Rodney stopped me by the arm.

"What? We have to hurry!"

"My car is the other way!"

We changed direction and went for his car. Why is his car so far away? Shit. I can hear Dave and Nate calling behind us.

They are almost upon us, and when the catch up, I cannot escape anymore. There’s no guise that can ever fool Dave.

With one swift move, I pushed Rodney against the wall and grabbed his head, pressing my lips against his.

"What the-!"

I silenced him by thrusting my tongue inside his parted lips.

He froze in shock for a while.

Then I heard him groan as his body started responding to me.

Our bodies are pressed tightly against each other while my arms are clinging on his nape.

For a while, he did nothing.

Until, slowly, I felt his lips moving against mine. His hands moved towards my waist and pulled me closer, pressing me closer against his body.

A gasp escaped my lips as he slowly caressed my back, matching the rhythm by which his lips are kissing mine.

I started the kiss, so how on earth did he become the one who’s directing its course?

So unlike our first kiss, where our lips just pressed against each other for a while.

So unlike our wedding kiss, where he was just forced to do it.

Right now, it's pure sweetness. I felt like I am not standing on any ground. The noise disappeared. I cannot see, or feel anything, except for his embrace and his lips.

I don’t remember where I am, and why I am here.

I just know that he is here with me.

I lost count of the time, of the heartbeats, of my pulses.

I lost all my senses, alright.

"Nate, that can't be her."

I froze when I heard Dave.

And the magic spell was broken.

Rodney lifted his gaze over my head.

"Can't you give a couple some privacy?" he snapped at them.

"Oh, sorry dude."

I heard their retreating steps.

And I felt the cold, evening breeze again.

Welcome back, senses.

Or rather, it's my senses that welcomed me back to Earth.

“What else are you waiting for?” Rodney shouted at me. He’s already sitting at the driver’s seat, waiting for me.

I bit on my lip and quietly walked to his car.