I woke up feeling a warm breath fanning my face. I felt Rodney near me, so I pretended I am still asleep.

"This is just a bad dream, right, Mira?" I heard him sigh.

“Tomorrow when I wake up, you'll smile at me the way you used to, sweet and innocent. That woman earlier, she’s not real, right, Mira? She can't be real.. I don't want to hate you. I don't want to hate you, Mira."

Rodney’s voice is sad, and I felt my tears pooling inside my eyelids. I know it will roll down any minute and he should not see it.

I pretended to I involuntarily move as I sleep. I turned to the other side.

I heard him drew his breath sharply. And I instantly realized why when I felt the cold air hitting my bare back. I realized that I am still wearing the gown and the skin on my back is exposed.

Now I am torn between hiding my tears and hiding my skin. But I decided to just keep on pretending to sleep and waited for Rodney’s next action.

He did not move for a while, so I held my breath.

"Damn you, woman," he hissed.

He gently put his arms on me and lifted me up. I felt the warmth of his arms around me.

And then I heard loud heart beats. I am not sure if it was mine or his. What I am sure of is that I am getting drunk in his smell.

I wanted the room to be a mile away. I wanted him to hold me like this forever.

To my dismay, I felt my back slowly being descended on the soft bed. Once he succeeded placing me down, he pulled the comforter under me, but with it, my gown went, too.

He gasped and stopped. He muttered a chain of curses. I wanted to open my eyes but couldn’t bring myself to. Am I anticipating his next move?

I felt his face moved in front of mine and his breath on my face. Is he going to kiss me now?

Then there's a loud banging on the door.

Rodney moved away and then I felt a blanket on top of me. When I tried to peek through one eye, I saw his retreating back.

He left the room door ajar as he left for the front door.

"Who's there?" he called.

I heard the opening of the door and a male voice in a hushed tone. After a while, I heard Shelley’s voice.

“I knew that woman and your grandmother will play their tricks again! Where is that girl! I wanna see her!”

The doors of the other rooms banged as if someone is making a violent search in each of them.

Finally, I heard footsteps towards this room.

"Why is she sleeping in your room? Babe, don’t tell me.. Don’t tell me.." Shelley couldn’t bring herself to say the next words.

"No," Rodney answered firmly.

"Babe.." Shelley plead. "Promise me you won't fall for her. Promise me that."

"You don’t have to tell me that, Babe. Because it will never happen," he assured her.

‘I know. I know Rodney. And damn, it hurts like hell.’

"I see you managed to convince the building admin to open my unit," I heard Rodney commented.

“Of course. Can anyone say no to this beautiful face? This time around, I'm the one who came and fetch you from your captivity."

Rodney chuckled. "Ok my knight in shining armor, give me few minutes to put on my clothes and we're leaving this damned place."

Shelley giggled.

I cried.

The house is enveloped in silence when they left me there alone.

So I cried more.

This is our first night as husband and wife. And he left me for the woman that he really loves.

And I will pretend that it doesn’t affect me.

I will pretend it doesn’t hurt me.

Because I cannot insist my right as the wife. I’ve got his name, but Shelley has his heart. I am the wife, but really, I am the third party here.

I didn’t know when I finally fell asleep again. I woke up in the morning disoriented and with a headache. It took me a while to realize that I am in Rodney’s room.

I do not know how things will unfold from this point on. I do not know what our set-up will be, I will think about it later.

Right now, I am more aware of this emptiness. The quiet room is screaming reality at me. Rodney doesn't want to be with me.

Ugh, I am being dramatic so early in the morning. I heaved a sigh and tried to smile.

I felt my stomach growl so I stood up to clean myself and prepare something to eat.

I forgot that I haven’t changed clothes last night until I felt the gown pooling on my feet. I didn’t bother putting it back since I know I am alone here, anyway. I just folded the gown and put it on the bed, then went to Rodney’s closet, wearing only my thin lace bikini.

I carefully looked for a suitable shirt and short.

I turned around violently when I heard someone gasp and my eyes grew wide.

There standing in the doorway is my husband, staring at me with a shock look in his face.

I was paralyzed.

He couldn’t move either.

When we both realized what our eyes are seeing, we both panicked.

I wanted to dive on the bed to grab my gown but that is so much nearer to where he is. I just embraced myself.

He abruptly turned around and hit the door jamb. Hard.

I grimaced.

"Shit!" he cursed and knelt in paid as he held his forehead.

I forgot about how I look and ran towards him.


One look at his face and I saw the blood oozing from his forehead.

"Oh my-!" I gasped.

"Please, Mira, put on some clothes first!" he snapped while keeping his face away from my direction.

I looked down and yelped.

"O-Okay.. Hold on."

I stood up quickly and reached for my gown.

"Don't tell me you're going to wear that gown again?!"

"Eh.. Because I don’t have any other clothes.."

Holding his bleeding forehead, he walked to his closet.

I followed promptly to assist him because he looks like he’ll fall any time.

He rummaged through his closet, ignoring the ones that fell out of the shelf. After a while, he extended his arm holding a shirt and a cargo short while looking the other way.

I did not complain even though they look really big for me. I went to the bathroom and quickly put the clothes on. I went out holding the shorts by the waist because it will slip off if I don’t.

Rodney is holding a towel on his forehead now. I can see that his hands are still stained with blood.

“Here,” he threw a belt in my direction. I put it on and moved towards him.

He turned around and went out of the room.

“Come with me.”

I followed him even though I am just wearing a pair of bathroom slippers.

“Rodney, let me take a look at your wound first. Let’s put a gauze on it.”

“Okay,” he sat on the sofa while I went to get the first aid kit. I cleaned his wound and put on a gauze bandage.

“Seems okay now, you may clean your hands,” I pointed at his bloody hands.

His wound is a little deep and I almost didn’t want to look at it because I am afraid of wounds and blood.

When Rodney is done cleaning, he reached for the car key and told me to follow him. I did not ask where we are going because he looks serious.

“Let me drive,” I extended my open hand in front of him when we reached his car.

"I can do it."

"Ney, you’re still dizzy from the impact. I can drive."

"Stop calling me Ney!" he snapped.

"Ney, Ney, Ney, Ney!" I taunted.

"Shut up! You’re so noisy."


Irritated, he turned to me as if he wanted to wring my neck. I just made face at him and snatched the car key.

I was right. Rodney is still dizzy even though he didn’t want to admit it. When he walked to the passenger side, he kept on leaning to the car for support.

"We’re going to Stonewell," he mentioned a mall nearby.

“What are we gonna do there?”

“Just drive!” he snapped at me again.

Instead of following him, I turned the car in one corner.

"Hey! Stonewell is straight ahead!"

"I know."

"Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you away. We're going to elope," I grinned at him.

"Not funny."

"Not joking."

"I'm dizzy, Mira! Stop playing your game!"

"Stop shouting, Ney. Blood is oozing from your wound."

I saw him trying to calm himself even though he’s fuming mad.

I parked in front of a clinic.

“I don’t need a check-up. I’m fine.”

"Yes you look okay. But I still want you checked. You might have a concussion inside that we do not know about. We better be sure. Get out."

"Are you trying to bully me inside my own car?" he narrowed his eyes at me.

I looked at him and smirked.

"Do you want me to bully you before you get out?"

You want to challenge me? Game on.

"Tss. Even if I am dizzy, I am still stronger than you, Mira."

"Too naïve, Ney. Women have a lot more powerful weapon than physical strength."

He returned my smirk.

"Oh? Let me see that weapon, then."

I smiled mischievously and leaned in.

"Suddenly, I want to kiss you," I chewed on my lip and stared at his.

Damned lips. I really want to kiss him.

Rodney’s adam’s apple rolled and he almost hit himself again when he hastily went out of the car.

He glared at me when I laughed triumphantly at him. But deep inside me, I was dismayed. I should have just grabbed him and kissed him hard.

Now I feel thirsty.

I counted to ten before going out of the car and smiling at him sweetly. Then I entered the clinic ahead of him.

Rodney followed me and let the doctor check him. Thankfully, he said there was nothing to worry about. But the doctor sewed the wound because it was deep.

After the clinic, we headed to Stonewell.

“What are we going to do here?” I asked him for the nth time but he keeps answering vaguely. He kept on snapping at me.

Maybe he is still annoyed because I managed to force him to go to the clinic earlier.

“Ney, can you wait for me?” I almost run to catch up to him. He’s been walking in big strides so I look like a kid running behind him. It’s embarrassing because people look at us weirdly.

On top of that, I am wearing an oversized shirt and an oversized cargo shorts and without a bra on. I am trying to move carefully to prevent the fabric from touching my breast.

Rodney took pity on me and slowed down so that I can catch up to him. We headed for the department store.

Lingerie section.

At first, I felt embarrassed to choose my undergarments in front of him. He also avoided looking at the items.

But when I took a long time choosing, he started to meddle with my choices.

"What's keeping you so long?" he asked me irritably. "Aren’t they all just the same? Just pick anything."

“But they are all beautiful. I don’t know which one to choose,” I chewed on my lips.

“Ma’m, maybe Sir can help you in choosing,” the sales lady suggested.

I looked shyly at Rodney.

He looked at the panties in front of him. As if embarrassed, he cleared his throat. Then, without saying anything, he pointed at the black bikini.

"I'll take that," I told the sales clerk.

But it seems Rodney is not done choosing. Before I knew it, he already got all the designs I was contemplating on earlier.

“Wait, that’s too much.”

It’s almost a dozen. And they are kinda expensive.

"Sir, brassiere for Mam?"

Wow, now they are asking him. They did not consult me anymore. Hello?

They spread different designs in front of Rodney. He stared at the items as if he is contemplating.

I felt my face burning in embarrassment. Why does he have to choose for me? For him to do that, he needs to imagine me wearing them, right?

I automatically embraced myself.

Rodney glanced at me and raised an eyebrow.

“Why are you blushing?” he smirked.

“I am not!” I denied vehemently.

He smiled mischievously and looked at me as if his eyes have x-ray.

I glared at him and took one item and inspected it.

"34B of this style and color," I heard Rodney told the sales lady.

My lips parted to speak but Rodney just raised his brow at me again.

“Was I wrong in my estimation?” he challenged.

I swallowed and shook my head.

“Y-You’re good at making a guess,” I said and looked away.

He smirked.

"The memory is still fresh."

I hit him with the item that I am holding.

"Shut up!"

"You willingly gave me the view, remember?"

"You..!" I groped for words and failed. "Idiot savant!" I hollered and walked away.

After a while, I saw him following me, carrying the paper bag of our purchase. We went to buy other clothes, too.

Since I am still irritated with him, and he is rich anyway, I went to choose items from signature clothes. I did not let him choose for me anymore. And I was not talking to him until we are done shopping.

“Let’s eat first,” he said after.

“I don’t want to eat!” I snapped. I am busy thinking of a way to turn the table.

"We didn't have dinner last night and we haven't had breakfast. It’s already lunch time!" he insisted.

I just pouted and let him pull me. I sighed. His touch felt good in my skin. I wanted to hug his waist and let the world know that he is my husband.

Because it is lunch time already, people are lining up at the restaurants.

“Let’s just look for a restaurant outside the mall,” he suggested.

"I know a place. It’s near here," I answered.

"Okay. Your call."

Oh, are we back to how we used to be? I smiled at the thought. Think positive!

I drove the car again. We went to a Thai Restaurant in a residential area not far from the mall.

“You order, I will change first,” I told him when we found a table. He nodded.

I went to the restroom and changed clothes. When I came back, he was already annoyed.

“What took you so long? The food’s been served before you.”

“Why? Were you waiting for me to be served?” I asked and winked.

He gaped at me. “The nerve!” he hit me with an empty plastic bottle of milk tea.

I grinned and sat beside him.

“Stay away! Sit on the other side!” he pushed me lightly.

"I miss you, too, hubby."

He looks funny when he is so annoyed. I cracked up, but he tried to ignore me.

I decided to just follow his wish so I stood up.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“You told me to move to the other seat.”

“Didn’t you disagree with that?”

“Didn’t you dislike sitting beside me?”

“I didn’t say that!”

My face brightened up and smiled widely at him.

“I didn’t say that so how did you find out?” he continued.

I pouted and moved to the other seat quietly.

We ate without talking.

“Ney?” I called him after a while.

“Why?” he grumbled without looking at me. I almost hit him with the crab shell.

I am turning into a war-freak person.

"What's the probability of you falling in love with me?"

"Zero," he answered quickly.


"What's the probability of you liking me..again?"


I want to stick this fork in him. I calmed myself and smiled sweetly.


He raised his eyes irritably to look at me but stopped when he saw me smiling. He didn’t know how to react.

“What’s the chance that I can seduce you?” I smiled seductively.

His jaw clenched. “None, okay? None!”

"Liars go to hell," I teased more. “Why can’t you answer the doctor properly earlier? Please remind me why you hit your head again?”

He slammed his glass loudly on the table and reached for his wallet. He left money for the bill and went out of the restaurant.

I took my time finishing my food before I followed him.

Huh! I’m holding the car key, Sir!

I was humming when I went where the car is. He was leaning on the passenger side and waiting for me.

I know he wanted to speak his mind but he just didn’t want to talk to me so he just closed his lips and rode the car.

I turned the radio on while grinning.

When we reached the condo building, I was still smiling when I parked the car, while Rodney’s face still looks sour.

I recalled the scenes earlier at the Doctor’s clinic:


"What happened to you, hijo?” the aged doctor asked him. I didn’t know if he just wants gossip or it is part of his job.

Rodney and I exchanged glances. He quickly looked away.

“I hit the door,” he said. I can see his face slowly turning crimson.

He’s amusing and cute like that.

“Oh, why did you hit the door? Were you chasing each other like kids that you would be hitting the door?”

Confirmed, Doc just wants gossip.

Rodney looked at me as if he’s blaming me. I just raised a brow at him.

“Uhhuuu! Maybe you’re were really chasing each other like newly weds,” the doctor added.

“Ah.. Doc, are you done stitching it?” Rodney evaded the topic. I covered my lips to stop myself from giggling.

“There, it’s done,” the doctor declared. “Now you may continue your honeymoon.”




My husband just hit my head. Oh, did I say husband?

“Why?? You’re becoming violent!” I snapped at my handsome passenger, even though he has a stitch on his forehead.

“What are you grinning for?”

“I’m grinning because you were funny back there. You were blushing profusely.”

“Stop laughing because that was your fault!”

“Why is that my fault?? You’re the one who just barged inside the room!”

“And whose room was that?”

“Who carried me there?” I pointed out. He went silent.

He spoke after a while. “Even so, you should have been more careful. Do not undress just anywhere!”

“I didn’t know you were there! You left last night, right?!” I shouted back.

Rodney cleared his throat. “Y-You were not asleep last night?”

“Oh.. I just.. I woke up briefly when I heard Shelley’s voice,” I panicked a bit. How would I explain that I just pretended to be asleep as he carried me to the room?

He sighed. “I came back right after. I just brought her home.”

It was my turn to fall silent. I really thought he left me.

“Why are you explaining? Am I asking for one? I know what I am and who she is in your life. I don’t care what you do together, as long as it will not affect our deal!”

With a dark expression, he looked at me. “Well, it’s nice to hear that from you. I didn’t need to make you understand anymore!”

He violently opened the door of the car and went out, then slammed the door close. He walked around to the driver’s side and stood there. I waited for him to help me out of the car but he didn’t budge.

“What else are you waiting for? Get your things and get out of my car!”

I went out of the car and grabbed the bags. He went inside the driver’s side and turned the engine on, then drove away as if someone is chasing him. I exhaled.

‘That's right, Rodney. Direct all your anger to ME. Let me suffer alone.’