Chapter eighty one

"he went ahead and told Mr Christopher that we were in a relationship, that's he has silly idea of me, he thinks Zain is one of the reason why I don't want to move to the mansion and work from there" Jane explained

"oh no, why would Zain say something like that to the boss, but still you can be in a relationship with whoever you want it's none of his business it's still not enough reason for him to call you names" Mrs Whitney interjected

"yes I know, he thinks I'm in a relationship with different people" she added

"he should have asked you first" Mrs Whitney said

"exactly that's why I left the work, why should I work for someone that doesn't trust me and thinks so dirty of me, he's so arrogant and cold, but it's just I need the job so badly, if I stop working now how are we going to manage our bills, not even now that Chris has started school" she said and resumes crying