Chapter eighty two

Jane was so pissed after seeing Zain, she didn't believe he could have the nerve to come see her after what he had done

"are you okay child?" Mrs Whitney asked her

"yes I'm fine has he left?" she asked

Mrs Whitney nodded "don't bother yourself with such things, now let's eat, I made your favourite meal" Mrs Whitney said, she went into the kitchen and brought out all the food that she had made

Jane didn't feel like eating so much, she was still very sad about everything that happened this morning

"come on Jane try to eat something" Mrs Whitney urged her

"I really don't feel like eating anything besides you should stop cooking so much, I no longer have work and we need to watch how we eat" Jane said

"that's not for you to worry about, now eat your food and stop complaining too much

"mummy please eat something" Chris pouted his mouth

"if you don't eat something, I won't eat too" Chris added

"me too" Mrs Whitney agreed