Chapter eighty three

Chris face sank as the realization dawned on him,

"you can keep the bag in my room" he said and walked to the dinning area

"hey son you are back already, how was work?" Maria asked

"it was fine mom" Chris replied and sat down

"hello Dad, Grace how are you?" he greeted

"hello son, hope you are good?" Williams replied him but Grace ignored him, she was very mad at him for how he treated Jane, Chris didn't notice it, he was too immersed in his own thoughts

"where's that maid of yours?" Maria asked

"uhmmm well she's not here, I mean" Chris stammered he was finding it hard to say something, he still can't believe that she was no longer working for him

"she's not feeling so well, so I gave her permission to take the day off, she will be here tomorrow" Grace said

"oh yeah that's true I gave her my permission" Chris added, he didn't know why he agreed to Grace's lie but he just said it anyways