Chapter one hundred and thirty two

Angel's expression changed instantly but she quickly recovered

"that doesn't matter anymore, he's probably just still mad at me, once he confirms that Jane is his he will love me endlessly and we will get married" Angel said proudly

"but he and his family doesn't have to know, as long as you do your part" Angel said

Patrica knew she didn't have a way around this situation she has no choice than to adhere if not this bitch would expose her, she still needs to stay around to carry out her plan

"fine but if this backfires count me out" Patrica said

"as long as you do a good job" she said with a smile

Patricia didn't reply her she just stormed out of the cafe

Angel called her driver to come pick her up, she had him take Jane home before she came into the cafe

Jane and Grace had so much fun shopping for so many clothes, Grace made sure Jane had lots of clothes, bags, shoes and accessories even though she insisted many times

she also shopped for Christopher as well