Chapter one hundred and thirty three

Zain still refused to let Jane go, people were already gathering around them to watch the scene

Slyvia, Tasha and some of the team members were also there, it was lunch time and most people were already going for their break

Angel was already in her car about to go how but she saw Jane with the Zain, she recognized her in an instant, she wondered what she was doing there

she asked her driver to stop so she could watch the show

"Zain just stop this now people are already gathering, I need to leave now" she said, she was already late, she was supposed to be preparing Chris's food right now

"please Jane, just come with me so we can talk, I really can't stand you avoiding me like this, I can't live without you please understand, if I let you go now I don't know if I will ever be able to see you again" Zain said trying to make her see reason

he really loves her, he has not been the same ever since she left the neighborhood, he thinks about her everyday