Chapter one hundred and thirty four

Zain broke down, he had never felt this way before, he felt lost and broken he finally dragged himself and made his way home

Angel was fumming with anger at what she just witnessed now, she saw how Chris defended that maid of his, the way he even looked at her speaks volume

what could be going on she wondered, she knew Chris to be a perfect gentleman, he always treated people with kindness, but she heard he has changed drastically, especially after what happened between them

and he has been cold towards her too, but she blames it on the fact that he was still angry with her, but he was so sweet with that maid just now

there was no way something was going on between them, she was his maid for God's sake, the Chris she knew wouldn't stoop that low to go out with his maid, she resisted that thought

"he's just been a perfect gentleman" she convinced herself

she went back to her car and ask the driver to drive her back home