Chapter one hundred and eighty four

After they came back from having the bath, Chris carried her naked body and brought her to the bed, he used the towel to dab her skin dry

"Have you had something to eat?" he asked and she nodded a no

"Why, I told you always take good care of yourself all the time, I'm coming," he said to her, he went into his closet to pick out a trousers to wear and left the room

Jane was of the opinion that he was going to go bring food for her from the kitchen little did she know that he went to bring her clothes to wear

Chris came back and brought her a green gown and gave it to her to wear he complimented the gown with black heels and a black purse, Jane recognized the accessories they were the same cloth as the one that she and Grace had shopped for

So that means that he went into her room to get her clothes

"where are we going?" she asked

"We are going to eat out, I want to take you to a restaurant," he said and gave the clothes to her