Chapter one hundred and eighty five

Jane and Christopher walked into the restaurant hand in hand smiling to their ears, Chris already preserved a table for them while on their way here

They got to their table and took their seat, one of the waitress came in to take their orders

"good evening Mr and Mrs Smith" she greeted as she read out the name on the card out

"good evening" Jane was the one that responded

"what would you like to have? she asked her as she gave them both the menu

Jane gave her order and the waitress took the list with her

"And you sir?" she asked

"I will have whatever my wife is having," he said and the waitress left

"Really?" she asked

"Really what?" he replied to her

"Mr and Mrs Smith, I will have whatever my wife is having?" she asked as she laughed softly

"don't you want to be my wife don't you like that?" Chris asked her as he took her hands into his and kissed it

"well the idea does excite me, I would love that but," she said

"But what?" he asked her